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Beast Kingdom proudly presents the latest EAA based on the once famous, yet egotistical surgeon turned magical avenger and sole protector of the Time Stone, Doctor Strange. Take flight with the distinct Egg Attack Action styling and use the levitating cloak and 26 points of articulation to soar high in the sky, all the while stocking up on magical weapons including the sacred sword of Vishanti and the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak!

Exclusive to the EAA-072, channel the extra-dimensional energy to multiply the doctor's arms in the Image of Ikonn. Create mystic shields for protection or spells using the included divine medallion: The Eye of Agamotto. With a host of new accessories, the Doctor Strange action figure offers collectors new and exciting ways to show off the Master of Mystic Arts, so add the this EAA-072 to your Avengers collection now. You can pre-order this figure now at BigBadToyStore.com.















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