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Marvel Legends 6" Marvel Comics 80th Anniversary Fan Channel Exclusives


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7 hours ago, abnuggler said:

So far the Big Time Spiderman is the only figure Im intrested in from the "new reveals" (the figures that werent shown back at Toyfair). Logan and antivenom are not really that intresting, we'll have to wait and see what new figures are revealed from now on.

What has me scratching my head is why they would do so many Wolverines outside of the X-Men line. Yes, I know they wanna capitalize on his popularity, but knowing that they will be doing at least 2 all comic based X-Waves per year for at least the next few years you'd think they'd be conserving the figures for the obligatory Wolverine-per-wave offering. Even with his numerous different looks they've already done DOFP in the Sentinel set, Logan in the Riders set, Cowboy Logan in Fan Channel, and FA Wolverine in a 2 pack, so unless they start to recycle those same figures there's only a few left that anyone would be moderately interested to be included in future X-Men waves. Then again, I suppose I could think of a handful right now, just off the top of my head. Let's see, there's AOA Wolverine, Savage Land (Fang) Wolverine, Black Ops Wolverine, Training Uniform Wolverine, Madripor Gangster Wolverine (suit & tie), Feral Wolverine, Ultimate Wolverine, Samurai Wolverine, New X-Men Wolverine (nice jackets, guys), Symbiote Wolverine, Hawaiian Shirt Wolverine (it's a thing, see X-Men vs The Avengers, 1987), Boxers Wolverine, X-Babies Wolvie, "Spilled soup on my shirt" Wolverine, Burger King drive thru Wolverine, "What if Wolverine was a pile of mashed potatoes" Wolverine, etc. etc...... Ya, never mind. Forget I said anything about it.

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an update to some previous rumours.


  • The Jean/Scott/Logan box set is being called a “Love Triangle” set. Still no word on which versions yet.
  • The Deadpool “suits” 2-pack is Deadpool (obviously) and…………..Hit-Monkey. I’m guessing a straight re-release of the BAF.
  • Camouflage Punisher will be a Fan Channel exclusive just like Agent Anti-Venom. (more the likely a repaint as well).
  • He has also said that there is an Ant-man and Wasp 2-pack but given the price, he believes it might be the Giant-man set he told me about before. This highly indicates that it might be Hank Pym’s Original Giant man and First Appearance Wasp.
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6 hours ago, Starlord67 said:

One can hope it's Jean in her animated series look. Cyclops with jacket and Tiger stripe Wolvie with a new headsculpt would be great!! BTW....thanks for sharing these

Hopefully Cyclops will also could with a Scott Summers head.

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On 5/3/2019 at 12:11 PM, JayC said:

Fan Channel Exclusive Marvel Legends 80th Anniversary Logan Marvel Legends figure which will be available for pre-order later this weekend on most major etailer websites that sell Marvel Legends.




Does the hat come off or come with 2 heads any body know? i need a good civilian body for my classic wolvie.

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On 6/18/2019 at 7:57 AM, JayC said:

So this week its looking like we aren't going to be seeing anything new as far as Fan Channel exclusives. I am hopeful Hasbro will be rolling out a SDCC exclusive sometime this week but we will have to wait and see.

Have you heard what will be the new pre-order this week then if it isn’t a fan channel exclusive?

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On 6/16/2019 at 1:34 AM, Atlantis said:

On the bright side, should be easier for you to find instead of some of the others which sell out so fast.

well... not really i live in israel and there arent any stores that sell them so the only way i could get it and any other marvel legends is via the internet so it doesnt really matter 

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3 hours ago, Jmacq1 said:

I'd much rather have a Punisher War Machine figure...but still...

(Probably coming to Walgreen's or Gamestop next year)

If the rumored list is true which so far it has been it will be released this year as a Fan Channel exclusive.

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