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The Mexico Unboxing Toy Convention Is This Weekend And More Marvel Legends Reveals Should Be On Tap


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1 hour ago, JayC said:

Sorry time differences are messing with me. Star Wars is 3pm ET, Transformers 4pm ET and Marvel 5pm ET

Thanks for the update JayC. I was starting to get antsy that we hadn't seen anything yet. 

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19 minutes ago, joenubb said:

Thanks for the update JayC. I was starting to get antsy that we hadn't seen anything yet. 

The Star Wars panel just concluded and waiting for the Transformers one to begin. They had nothing new for SW though not surprising with how little they had at the bigger SDCC. I dont think we will see any new SW until Oct for Force Friday.

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47 minutes ago, JayC said:

The Star Wars panel just concluded and waiting for the Transformers one to begin. They had nothing new for SW though not surprising with how little they had at the bigger SDCC. I dont think we will see any new SW until Oct for Force Friday.

Agree. I kind of skipped through the Star Wars live panel in SWInsider.com and just finished watching the Transformers panel on Tformers.com. Looking forward to the Marvel panel!


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For the next Spider-Man wave we are getting comic versions of Vulture, Shang-Chi and PS4 game versions of the Velocity Suit Spider-Man and Spider-Armor Mark III.

New figures for the wave announced today are White Rabbit and Superior Octopus. Thats the rest of the wave for Spider-Man other than the Build-A-Figure which we will have to wait to find out about at a later date.





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15 minutes ago, tarot said:

Just to remind people, Spidey waves are usually 7 figure per wave. That means we might get a 7th figure, more then likely to be revealed at the UK, Italian or France. It won't be in Canada as they usually leave that for X-stuff, usually Canadian characters

except they said during the panel this was it other than the BAF.

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So with these 2 reveals I still will just be getting Shang Chi & Vulture from this wave & depends on who the BAF is, will determine if I get that as well. I may be in the minority but the last few Spiderman waves have lacked any real popular figures & instead we're getting some pretty super obscure characters & umpteenth different version of Spiderman. A classic Tarantula is long overdo for a re-do as the last one they made was a latin midget wrestler sporting the suit. Good for those of you that are fans of these characters but very underwhelming wave for me. 

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