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Marvel Legends Mr. Sinister - Who Did It Better? Hasbro Or Toy Biz


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Today I do a comparison of the classic Marvel Legends Mr. Sinister figure from Toy Biz and the new modern Hasbro version.

Check out images for both figures below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your own thoughts on which figure you think wins the day below in the COMMENTS SECTION.































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The paint is better on the Hasbro but this time I like the Toy biz a little better. Just my opinion, but the face is a little clownish to me. Was going to pass on this one anyway. Way too many cool figures coming out, so little funds.

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Toy Biz all day every day. If Hasbro wants me to buy their figures then they need to make more characters that have never been done before. I picked up Silver Samurai and the Korg/Grandmaster 2-pack last night. They're all fantastic, but I won't spend money on characters I already have from Toy Biz or previous Hasbro versions of.

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Toybiz version definitely holds up after so many years, this again proves  that Toybiz really knew what they were doing. However, Hasbro version looks cleaner and more cartoon accurate. Most importantly unlike Toybiz one Hasbro version has correct cape and wrist swivel. I honestly cannot decide which version is truly better. So far I don’t see reason for upgrade, I do lean towards more stoic Toybiz face though, at this point anyway. 

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I have both as well, but I actually haven't seen them side by side (my ToyBiz one is way in the back of the cabinet). Have to say the Hasbro one is by far the more superior.

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Loved the video. In the end it all comes down to personal preference. I started collecting Marvel Legends just a couple years ago, so I have no attachment to the Toybiz ones, and I prefer the proportions that Hasbro gives to their figures, but I can see why people would prefer the Toybiz figures. To each their own. Got this guy in pre-order, just waiting for him to be shipped. 

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I only own the Toy-biz version so I am going on the pictures only.

I don't like the wrists on the TB version, but I like everything else about it. The wrists really should rotate, but he looks like a really bad dude. It has a realistic appearance. I like the size of the figure compared to the rest. He's tall and imposing.

Going off of the pictures, the Hasbro version has one clear advantage, at least to me, and that is accuracy to the early appearances. Sinister had that weird make-up look in his early appearances. I don't prefer that personally, but I like that they went that direction because I like the vintage accuracy. I don't really like his cape.

For me, the TB  version is great and doesn't need a replacement but I'm glad for everyone who gets him and likes him.

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3 hours ago, Benn said:

There's no question here for me. Hasbro seems better in every conceivable way. The other one, as usual for Toy Biz, suffers from a deeply weird headsculpt, more like a caricature than a faithful portrait.

Yeah, I guess you are right that it is a little weird. I still prefer it. It looks creepy and evil, dare I say sinister? :ph34r:

The black lips are too weird for me on the Hasbro one. And what's with the different blues on his outfit. Is that how he looked?

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This is one of those times where Hasbro just nails it out of the park on an already stellar figure and one of my all time favorites from toybiz. Says alot about the new figure if it can dethrone such a great figure but this new one really makes features on the old one stand out as bad. beautiful piece of plastic. 

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