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2 hours ago, Bluecomet said:

i wonder if the global crisis will delay all of this marvel legends releases....corona virus is pushing things back, NBA games just got cancelled indefinitely.

its a matter of when, not if, imo.   Something tells me that by the time those delays occur we'll all have bigger concerns.  But until such time might as well enjoy the usual action figure speculation and discussion. 

4 hours ago, Bluecomet said:

i wonder if the global crisis will delay all of this marvel legends releases....corona virus is pushing things back, NBA games just got cancelled indefinitely.

Yes you can expect delays.


3 more listings which appear to me more Fan Channel exclusives. One may be the previously rumored Mysterio.







marvel - spiderman - legends vintage tv 1 (6)








2 hours ago, bashpics99 said:

its a matter of when, not if, imo.   Something tells me that by the time those delays occur we'll all have bigger concerns.  But until such time might as well enjoy the usual action figure speculation and discussion. 

If it happens it will happen quickly. We likely will know something within 3 weeks. But the coronavirus seems like it is only a matter of time until you come in contact with it. Unless you plan on living in a bubble or they plan on quarantining the infected indefinitely, this will likely effect each and everyone of us. Maybe not as harshly as the news has made it seem, but it will eventually be part of you. 

3 hours ago, monron999 said:

I wouldn't mind another Sandman either, but they would have to shorten him up to be more in scale. He shouldn't stand taller than Colossus by any measure. Better yet, just retool the legs entirely. The ones he has now are way too long, the left one is absurdly longer than the right and they are every bit as flimsy and gummy as the Kate Bishop legs. They should do a deluxe set with a buncha arm attachments and maybe even sand base alternate legs like the Spider-Man 2 movie figure. I think even the creative team would agree that Sandy should be well in the running for a current redo.

As I have said before, I don't care about the Sandman's scale. Still some more accessories would be nice, either a sand base of even a sand version of Hydroman's leg effects. Also more sandweapons, you can never have enough weapons

1 hour ago, JayC said:

3 more listings which appear to me more Fan Channel exclusives. One may be the previously rumored Mysterio.


Mysterio? I though it was Electro

9 minutes ago, leokearon said:

Mysterio? I though it was Electro

I reckon these are standalone fan channel exclusive releases separate and apart from the vintage Spidey wave, similar to the recent black uniform Storm and grey Beast.

56 minutes ago, leokearon said:

Mysterio? I though it was Electro

Electro is part of the Retro wave, but there is a Fan Channel Mysterio rumored to be coming.

18 minutes ago, JayC said:

Electro is part of the Retro wave, but there is a Fan Channel Mysterio rumored to be coming.

Ah okay. 

On 3/11/2020 at 5:23 PM, JayC said:

We have another Marvel Legends listing from the Canadian distributor Everest Wholesale showing another Fan Channel exclusive. This one is listed as a Spider-Man Build-A-Figure redeco. While the specific character is not mentioned, this might be the Kingpin repaint we reported on a few weeks ago. Of course this has not been confirmed by Hasbro. Thanks to JTPrime for the heads up.

UPC: 5010993731718

I would love for this to be Kingpin, missed out on the BAF but will jump on this stand alone for sure. Wonder what the redeco will look like, need to see some pics!

7 hours ago, 80sboy4 said:

I would love for this to be Kingpin, missed out on the BAF but will jump on this stand alone for sure. Wonder what the redeco will look like, need to see some pics!

They will probably give him Purple pants

8 hours ago, 80sboy4 said:

I would love for this to be Kingpin, missed out on the BAF but will jump on this stand alone for sure. Wonder what the redeco will look like, need to see some pics!

While I do think it would good to see Kingpin baf as individual figure I do wish more for Rhino with new head sculpt, Kingpin is still little too recent imo. 


I hope they don't do anything funky with the Kingpin repaint. A simple black suit version should suffice. I gotta believe that's what Hasbro had in mind when they included just a Shadow King head sculpt with Prof. X Rolling With My Homies set. Whether you wanna use the black suit as your go-to Kingpin and the white suit for Shadow King, or vice versa, it would just be cool to have a little deviation between the two figures' bodies.

On 3/7/2020 at 7:53 AM, Benn said:

Someone on the Fwoosh is claiming to have inside knowledge, for instance...a Rogue/Pyro two-pack (presumably featuring the Rogue we already saw, although Rogue and Pyro is a weird combo unless maybe they're additional Fox movie figures).

I would like it to be comic figures. But a part of me wants it to be the X2 kids: Rogue/Iceman/Pyro.

On 3/7/2020 at 3:53 PM, Benn said:

 Someone on the Fwoosh is claiming to have inside knowledge, for instance, about a Storm/Thunderbird two-pack (presumably featuring the Storm we already saw), a Rogue/Pyro two-pack (presumably featuring the Rogue we already saw, although Rogue and Pyro is a weird combo unless maybe they're additional Fox movie figures), and a West Coast Avengers USAgent.

It could be a comic brotherhood pack with a First appearance Rogue

We've gotten word of some new Marvel Legends listings that have shown up on an overseas distributor website called SD Distributors. These listings have NOT been confirmed by Hasbro and since we have never heard of this distributor before, we recommend you treat these as strong rumors at this time. What is a bit odd about these listings is how specific they are. Generally with these types of things we see code names used.

First we have a listing of the Marvel Legends Spider-Man Retro wave. At Toy Fair Hasbro confirmed that three of the figures in this wave will include Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy and a new Spider-Man figure. We have seen indications from other sources that the remaining three figures in the wave will include Daredevil, Electro and Green Goblin which are the figures listed here. This site however gets even more specific and lists the Daredevil figure as the armored version.

Hasbro Fans presenta el nuevo surtido de 6 figuras de la colección Marvel Spider-man Legends Vintage. Se trata de figuras articuladas de 12 cm hechas en PVC. En esta ocasión se trata de 6 modelos de los personajes: Spider-man (x1), Electro (x1), Green Goblin (x1), Peter Parker (x1), Gwen Stacy (x1) y Armored Daredevil (x1). Además cada personaje incluye una cabeza alternativa.
EAN: 5010993715534
Date: 10/25/2020

Next up they have a listing for an Marvel Legends X-Men 2-Pack featuring the 1st Appearance Storm which was confirmed at Toy Fair along with a Thunderbird figure which has not been confirmed. Hasbro at Toy Fair did indicate Storm would be released with other figures and a 2-pack with Thunderbird makes sense. If true this set should be a Target exclusive here in the US.

Hasbro Fans presenta dentro de la colección Marvel Legens X-Men 20 Aniversario el pack de 2 figuras de Storm (Tormenta) & Thunderbird. Se trata de figuras hechas en PVC de unos 15 cm de alto con múltiples puntos de articulación.
EAN: 5010993722167
Date: 08/25/20

The final listing of note is another Marvel Legends X-Men 2-pack featuring the Modern Rogue figure Hasbro announced at Toy Fair along with a Pyro figure, which has not been confirmed by Hasbro.

Hasbro Fans presenta dentro de la colección Marvel Legens X-Men 20 Aniversario el pack de 2 figuras de Pyro & Rogue tal y como aparece en las películas de "X-Men". Se trata de figuras hechas en PVC de unos 15 cm de alto con múltiples puntos de articulación.
EAN: 5010993722129
Date: 08/25/20

Again it should be noted that these have not been confirmed by Hasbro nor have we confirmed the new information listed here with any additional sources at this time, so do consider these RUMORS until further details become available.

I am disappointed in the FA Storm Thunderbird two pack. I would have preferred a three pack instead with Banshee thrown in completing that set but I guess I will be passing on this. Sigh......


I'm happy that the FA Storm, which is sorely needed, doesn't come packed with ANOTHER Wolverine, since I had to buy 2 extras to get Jean Grey and that awesome comic Hulk. And I REALLY hope that the Pyro rumor is true, since we haven't had a new one in like, a decade.


Yes! Finally an updated Pyro, my toybiz one just doesn’t fit in well with the other updates. Hopefully they give me some neat fire effects. Wishfully hoping he gets two headsculpts? An angry and smiling one? Maybe this means Hasbro will give us more Brotherhood mutants! We need an avalanche and a toad so badly!!! Cmon Hasbro another two pack right there! Also please give us a Nice and beautiful lady Deathstrike?!?!

On 3/14/2020 at 3:44 AM, leokearon said:

It could be a comic brotherhood pack with a First appearance Rogue

This is what I'm hoping for as well. I would love a first appearance Rogue. It would be perfect for a Brotherhood or even post-Giant size team. Would also love the outback Rogue and green t-shirt and white belt look. 





I see people saying that because they have the 20th anniversary on them they must be movie figures BUT!! they could be just mixing the line like they did with the 80th line.

Also there was a Rogue and Pyro 2-pack back in the 5inch days. Maybe they are paying homage to that just changing the costume of Rogue.


I for one am delighted for the Thunderbird. We have Banshee. Yes he NEEDS an update but if it mean a new character, then it would be great for me.


OK, I can't be the only person noticing how odd that upper torso/chest piece looks on the first appearance Storm, right? She's my all-time most wanted Legends figure...and that just looks awful and disproportionate.

I'm hoping that's not the final piece. It looks more like it belongs on an Aunt May figure. It's way too thin. If it is final, how difficult is it to swap that piece?



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