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Marvel Legends Age Of Apocalypse Wave 2 - Who Do We Want To See In It?


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It's been a while since I've read the series but I really don't remember Psylocke there.

I hope they include a baby (Charles?) with Rogue and a hooded cape (which can also be used for Blink). Rogue was sporting one for the Alpha cover, and of course the 5" Toybiz "Most Wanted" Wave Blink had one. Can they also include an AOA Blink head with another character a la the Magneto helmet with Shadowcat? Joe Mad's AOA Blink just had a way cooler hairstyle.

Legion obviously wasn't in the series but I would love to get him in figure form. What other characters from this alternate universe can also be used in our 616 shelves?

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Psylocke wasn't in the original story, but she was in the return to Age of Apocalypse they did something like 10 years later. I wouldn't bet money on Legion being in this wave. He may have caused the story, but he didn't appear in it, and I think he'd be a wasted slot, since he could appear in any standard X-Men wave. I realize most of wave 1 was characters that could've appeared in standard waves, and really there's nothing stopping Hasbro from including further Age of Apocalypse characters in standard waves either, but Legion's inclusion here would definitely feel like he was stealing a spot from another character less likely to get a figure elsewhere. As much as I'd like to see characters from Amazing X-Men, I think they're likely to stop at the full cast of Astonishing plus peppered-in major players from other titles (Beast, Colossus, Cyclops, etc.).

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I love the AOA storyline. For me you just have to have Sabertooth who I feel can easily be the baf of the wave, Magneto and Cyclops. From there Id be happy if I saw Banshee with his costume design, Iceman, Quick Silver and Storm. Was never a big fan of Rogues design in this storyline but I could see them making her and Gambit. I would figure either Colossus or Nemesis would be the baf if Sabertooth wasn't. Any way it goes getting these character designs are great in my opinion.  

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2 hours ago, Benn said:

Psylocke wasn't in the original story, but she was in the return to Age of Apocalypse they did something like 10 years later. I wouldn't bet money on Legion being in this wave. He may have caused the story, but he didn't appear in it, and I think he'd be a wasted slot, since he could appear in any standard X-Men wave. I realize most of wave 1 was characters that could've appeared in standard waves, and really there's nothing stopping Hasbro from including further Age of Apocalypse characters in standard waves either, but Legion's inclusion here would definitely feel like he was stealing a spot from another character less likely to get a figure elsewhere. As much as I'd like to see characters from Amazing X-Men, I think they're likely to stop at the full cast of Astonishing plus peppered-in major players from other titles (Beast, Colossus, Cyclops, etc.).

To free up slots from the wave, I wouldn't mind if they pulled another Famous Couples two-pack where they paired Rogue and Gambit a la what Toybiz did with their 5" line (though they were never a couple in the series lol...again it's been a while since I've read this but I don't think they ever got together, even in any anniversary releases?). Rogue was basically just a repainted White Queen from Generation X wave wearing an ill-fitted/oversized green shirt and Gambit on there might've been new.

But you're right, they can always put Legion in a regular wave. They really have a lot of others villains that haven't been made (personal wants like Callisto, Mastermind, a new Avalanche, a new Toad, a new Blob, any of the Nasty Boys, any of the Marauders, any of the Imperial Guard). I wish Dwight would get off his Reavers train.

As much as I'm loving the dedicated X-men waves (AOA 1 was ok, getting a second wave would make having those wave 1ers better; I'm enjoying hunting the HOX/POX wave), I kinda want a regular wave again. But as long as they don't force us to buy more any more Deadpool variants to get much-needed X-men characters I think that should be fine.

As for AOA we're more than likely getting a deluxe/higher price point figure a la AOA Apocalypse, so that would probably be "Nemesis."

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17 hours ago, Psychosomatic said:

Colossus and Sabertooth are the must haves for me! Iceman, Nightcrawler, Psylocke and Gambit after them!  Looking forward to seeing what we are getting here.

Psylocke wasn't in Age of Apocalypse or Ages of Apocalypse, even. Or Age of X for that matter. I don't know why she didn't make the cut, when a non-powered Brian Braddock and a half-bald Emma Frost did, but there you go.

Personally, I think she would have been a great inclusion in AOA (as a baddie) and I'd really, really loved to have seen Roger Cruz or Joe Madureira's dynamic AOA take on her supercool Marc Silvestri costume (the late-1980s cowl, cape and armour in purple and lilac). That, as a figure, would go down waaaaay better than Psylocke in the recent Amazon Exc. boxset with Nimrod & Fantomex.




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9 hours ago, enzosaurusrex said:

As for AOA we're more than likely getting a deluxe/higher price point figure a la AOA Apocalypse, so that would probably be "Nemesis."

It would definitely be great to have a deluxe and/or two-pack. I think Iceman would be the best pick for deluxe, though! Give him a real ice slide, some alternate giant hands like the 5" figure had, some palms-out hands for ice-sliding, some sort of ice blast, and an an alternate 616 head. Someone else mentioned it earlier in the thread, but it would make a hell of an apology figure for that awful lanky Juggernaut-wave Iceman that can barely stand its joints are so loose. My wave plus deluxe plus two-pack would probably look like:

Wave 2:

  • Cyclops
  • Forge
  • Havok
  • Magneto
  • Nightcrawler
  • Rogue
  • Sabretooth
  • BAF: Holocaust

Deluxe: Iceman

Two-pack: Colossus / Shadowcat

9 hours ago, enzosaurusrex said:

But you're right, they can always put Legion in a regular wave. They really have a lot of others villains that haven't been made (personal wants like Callisto, Mastermind, a new Avalanche, a new Toad, a new Blob, any of the Nasty Boys, any of the Marauders, any of the Imperial Guard). I wish Dwight would get off his Reavers train.

He hasn't even put much work into the Reavers train! We have Skullbuster (in basically a made-up look to reuse Deathlok's body), Lady Deathstrike, Reese's head, and pre-Reaver Pierce, but I would definitely take everyone on your list (with Imperial Guard being the least important for me), plus Destiny, Spiral, Phantazia, Harry Leland, Mojo, Exodus, and any Acolytes they can get us! Plus, more Reavers. 🙂

5 hours ago, Bluecomet said:

Still hoping for a leFile_057.thumb.jpeg.d6ac73c4116e8297a05c635bb4b1d33a.jpeggion action figure in this wave. He was in the Age Of Apocalypse comics, in X-men Omega (see photo).

Sure, he's in three or four panels of the story, but not during the actual Age of Apocalypse. That page is back in 616. Interestingly, that's not even the only time he's written himself out of existence.

2 hours ago, LandoTucker said:

Psylocke wasn't in Age of Apocalypse or Ages of Apocalypse, even. Or Age of X for that matter. I don't know why she didn't make the cut, when a non-powered Brian Braddock and a half-bald Emma Frost did, but there you go.

Personally, I think she would have been a great inclusion in AOA (as a baddie) and I'd really, really loved to have seen Roger Cruz or Joe Madureira's dynamic AOA take on her supercool Marc Silvestri costume (the late-1980s cowl, cape and armour in purple and lilac). That, as a figure, would go down waaaaay better than Psylocke in the recent Amazon Exc. boxset with Nimrod & Fantomex.




She was in Age of X! She was one of the force warriors. And they did put her in the follow-up story to Age of Apocalypse, so she eventually made it in, but in a form much closer to the 616 Kwannon-body ninja costume, for some reason. It would definitely have been interesting to see an updated 90s take on her Outback armour, which is my Legends holy grail. Nimrod three-pack Psylocke was great to have too, though. Uncanny X-Force is definitely one of the best X-Men runs ever written.

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17 hours ago, Lord_Scareglow said:

I honestly don't really care about a second wave, I love AOA, but I don't really care for having a lot of these figures, Shadowcat, Abyss and Nemesis are stand out's I'd like, but Rogues cool too.

I just want to mention that the Legends team did say some information at one point in regards to AOA, from what they said when they addressed it was that yes we'd see more AOA stuff, but not a full wave , but infact multipacks etc.

I don't know though sure they could have been just been throwing us of the scent and maybe there is a second full wave, but it seemed like that wasn't the case.

I'd be happy with multi-packs, if that is true. I wonder how many multi-packs would make sense. Would they do an AoA love triangle with Magneto-Rogue-Gambit? Colossus and Shadowcat? Are there a bunch that make sense?

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6 hours ago, Bluecomet said:

Still hoping for a leFile_057.thumb.jpeg.d6ac73c4116e8297a05c635bb4b1d33a.jpeggion action figure in this wave. He was in the Age Of Apocalypse comics, in X-men Omega (see photo).

Also he did kick-start the event. It was disappointing he didn't even get into one of the X-Men waves last year

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13 hours ago, enzosaurusrex said:

It's been a while since I've read the series but I really don't remember Psylocke there.

I hope they include a baby (Charles?) with Rogue and a hooded cape (which can also be used for Blink). Rogue was sporting one for the Alpha cover, and of course the 5" Toybiz "Most Wanted" Wave Blink had one. Can they also include an AOA Blink head with another character a la the Magneto helmet with Shadowcat? Joe Mad's AOA Blink just had a way cooler hairstyle.

Legion obviously wasn't in the series but I would love to get him in figure form. What other characters from this alternate universe can also be used in our 616 shelves?

I agree that a Joe Mad Blink head would be a nice add-in.

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9 minutes ago, Chunkylover said:

I'd be happy with multi-packs, if that is true. I wonder how many multi-packs would make sense. Would they do an AoA love triangle with Magneto-Rogue-Gambit? Colossus and Shadowcat? Are there a bunch that make sense?

You could get a couple including the ones you mentioned, also you could do one with Cyclops, Havok and Sinister

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7 hours ago, Benn said:

He hasn't even put much work into the Reavers train! We have Skullbuster (in basically a made-up look to reuse Deathlok's body), Lady Deathstrike, Reese's head, and pre-Reaver Pierce, but I would definitely take everyone on your list (with Imperial Guard being the least important for me), plus Destiny, Spiral, Phantazia, Harry Leland, Mojo, Exodus, and any Acolytes they can get us! Plus, more Reavers. 🙂


I'm calling it a train because we've already gotten those figures from that team and have gotten 0, zilch, nada from other teams! 😝

9 hours ago, LandoTucker said:

Psylocke wasn't in Age of Apocalypse or Ages of Apocalypse, even. Or Age of X for that matter. I don't know why she didn't make the cut, when a non-powered Brian Braddock and a half-bald Emma Frost did, but there you go.

I gotta admit, the first time I ever saw Blink in Mad's Astonishing in 95, I actually thought that was supposed to be Psylocke. I only learned of Clarice's 616 counterpart years later (***spoiler alert*** she got killed off in a pre-cursor story to Generation X!)

9 hours ago, CajunPirate said:

Fingers crossed for a Magneto / Rogue / Baby Charles 2-pack to be added later, as well as Sabertooth done like Apocalypse was.

They can just whitewash Baby Hulk from the Old Men Logan/Hawkeye 2-pack, and call it Baby Charles (even though he was a few years older than that). I don't need an accurate Baby Chuck, god knows how many kitbashed figures I have on my shelf.babycharles.jpg





Everyone's suggesting AOA Horsemen of the Apocalypse and I'm out here still hoping for The Animated Series Horsemen or the Horsemen that showed up in X-Factor.

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To be honest I think they will limit themselves to finish the Astonishing X-Men title main characters (Magneto, Rogue, Sabretooth and BAF Holocaust), maybe Cyclops, Sinister and Havok to Finish Factor-X Title, and Legion to have a 616 character. Any other character is just a weak guess.

We should stop asking for waves that didnt have good sales if we wanna see more tematic waves in the future (Infinity Gauntlet, WWH, etc)

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Sabretooth is a given and considering the crappy one we got from ToyBiz, I feel they'll put a lot into him this time.  Magneto and Rogue would be ideal, but I could see them doing a two of those two.  Saying that's what they do, then I would have:








BAF: Colossus

If they don't do the two pack of Magneto and Rogue, then remove Iceman and Havok

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I have 2 options for how I would like to see more AOA figures

Option 1 (If it was ultimately my chorice this is what I'd Like)
AOA Wave 2 (BAF Nemesis)
1) Sabretooth
2) Storm
3) Quicksilver
4) Cyclops
5) Havok
6) Mr. Sinister
7) Bishop

I didn't pick Magneto Rogue or Gambit cause If I could choose I would like a Love triangle 3 Pack (like Hasbro did with cyclops jean and wolverine) with these three figures

If the 3 Pack is out of the question then id interchange those 3 in the regular wave for Quicksilver, Bishop and Havok (Maybe we could get then a Deluxe figure Nemesis instead of it being a BAF and have Colossus be the BAF or viceversa) 

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16 hours ago, Legender said:

To be honest I think they will limit themselves to finish the Astonishing X-Men title main characters (Magneto, Rogue, Sabretooth and BAF Holocaust), maybe Cyclops, Sinister and Havok to Finish Factor-X Title, and Legion to have a 616 character. Any other character is just a weak guess.

We should stop asking for waves that didnt have good sales if we wanna see more tematic waves in the future (Infinity Gauntlet, WWH, etc)

Did the AoA wave not have good sales, or the suggestions for AoA wave 2, or the ones you put in parenthesis?

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16 hours ago, Legender said:

To be honest I think they will limit themselves to finish the Astonishing X-Men title main characters (Magneto, Rogue, Sabretooth and BAF Holocaust), maybe Cyclops, Sinister and Havok to Finish Factor-X Title, and Legion to have a 616 character. Any other character is just a weak guess.

We should stop asking for waves that didnt have good sales if we wanna see more tematic waves in the future (Infinity Gauntlet, WWH, etc)

I hadn't thought of them finishing the major players for certain titles. Sinister would work with both Factor X and X-Man Havok would work with both Factor X and Weapon X.

I really don't want Legion in this wave though. 

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2 hours ago, Chunkylover said:

Did the AoA wave not have good sales, or the suggestions for AoA wave 2, or the ones you put in parenthesis?

In my local stores the whole wave and the Deluxe are in ridiculous sale prices ... 5 bucks or so, for me it mean didnt sell well 

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On 3/10/2021 at 4:08 PM, Benn said:

It would definitely be great to have a deluxe and/or two-pack. I think Iceman would be the best pick for deluxe, though! Give him a real ice slide, some alternate giant hands like the 5" figure had, some palms-out hands for ice-sliding, some sort of ice blast, and an an alternate 616 head. Someone else mentioned it earlier in the thread, but it would make a hell of an apology figure for that awful lanky Juggernaut-wave Iceman that can barely stand its joints are so loose. My wave plus deluxe plus two-pack would probably look like:

Wave 2:

  • Cyclops
  • Forge
  • Havok
  • Magneto
  • Nightcrawler
  • Rogue
  • Sabretooth
  • BAF: Holocaust

Deluxe: Iceman

Two-pack: Colossus / Shadowcat

He hasn't even put much work into the Reavers train! We have Skullbuster (in basically a made-up look to reuse Deathlok's body), Lady Deathstrike, Reese's head, and pre-Reaver Pierce, but I would definitely take everyone on your list (with Imperial Guard being the least important for me), plus Destiny, Spiral, Phantazia, Harry Leland, Mojo, Exodus, and any Acolytes they can get us! Plus, more Reavers. 🙂

Sure, he's in three or four panels of the story, but not during the actual Age of Apocalypse. That page is back in 616. Interestingly, that's not even the only time he's written himself out of existence.

She was in Age of X! She was one of the force warriors. And they did put her in the follow-up story to Age of Apocalypse, so she eventually made it in, but in a form much closer to the 616 Kwannon-body ninja costume, for some reason. It would definitely have been interesting to see an updated 90s take on her Outback armour, which is my Legends holy grail. Nimrod three-pack  Psylocke was great to have too, though. Uncanny X-Force is definitely one of the best X-Men runs ever written.

Dude, I stand humble and happily corrected on both points. Just to check though: Return was the same arc as Ages of Apocalypse wasn't it? Like AOA 2? Chris Bachalo pencilled? My knowledge of RTTAOA is limited to one issue of the limited series I read in a comic store, about 10 years ago. Hated it.

And, you're right with Age of X too (liked that quite a bit), although her floating around the x-world with a bunch of other telepaths didn't really make her a standout character. Hence, kinda forgot she was in it.

I'd literally die for an 'Evolution of Psylocke' 3-pack (actually, left to me, I'd want a 6 pack, but I'm being kinda realistic'ish) (1). Alan Davis/New Mutants annual debut issue, frilly English maid costume, (2). Silvestri Fall of the Mutants/Inferno armour, and either Crimson Dawn, Kwannon or UXF. Can't think of any other x-character, male or female, with that many cool 'looks' but....never going to happen🤔

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2 hours ago, Chunkylover said:

Did the AoA wave not have good sales, or the suggestions for AoA wave 2, or the ones you put in parenthesis?

I don't know about sales overall but my local WM put them on clearance for $11 fairly quickly and had a bunch of them, picked up more than half the wave that way. I did think that Beast and Sunfire were both pretty great figures though and don't regret paying full price for them.

Unless they have a BAF as compelling as Sugarman i don't see myself getting into a 2nd wave of AoA (no offense to fans of the story & figures)  Also, i could be mistaken but weren't most of the characters in wave 1 ones that had crossed over to 616 at some point?  Can they pull that off again in a 2nd wave to help lure in collectors who aren't into AoA but like new characters for their 616 collection? Dunno.

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