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Marvel Select 7" WandaVision Scarlet Witch Figure Official Details And Images


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UPDATE#2: Our sponsor BigBadToyStore.com now has the figure up for pre-order and they list it with a bit cheaper price of $27.99.

UPDATE: Zach Oat from DST got back to me and let me know the figure will include both headsculpts as well as alternate hands and hex effects pieces.

He also confirmed this figure is NOT an Amazon exclusive and should soon be up for pre-order at any place that chooses to carry it.



We saw the figure the other day, but now we have official details and images to share with you for the new Marvel Select WandaVision 7" Scarlet Witch figure from Diamond Select Toys. The figure is currently available for pre-order at Amazon.com, but it's selling for $29.99, not the $19.99 that was originally listed for it. Amazon is listing the figure with a September 29 release date. The figure is said to features 16 points of articulation, as well as detailed sculpting and paint applications. The images appear to show two different headsculpts, but it's not clear if both headsculpts will actually be included. We've seen in the past where one headsculpt is used with the regular release version and a second will go for something like a Disney Store exclusive version. I will try reaching out to DST for clarification and update you all if or when I hear back. Check out the updated images below.




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Zach Oat from DST got back to me and let me know the figure will include both headsculpts as well as alternate hands and hex effects pieces.

He also confirmed this figure is NOT an Amazon exclusive and should soon be up for pre-order at any place that chooses to carry it.

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Marvel Select almost always had great promo pics of their prototype Marvel figures. However, upon actual release, it seemed (to me at least) that the actual figure looks nothing like their promotional pics (aka looks far worse). Look at their Captain Marvel figure, for example. I'll take the "wait and see" approach for anything Marvel Select.

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