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Thor Ragnarok Surtur


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You might be wondering why we've posted this clip here today? Well it is a pretty funny scene from the 2017 Thor: Ragnarok movie and we thought you might need a good laugh to get you through the day.

Oh and while you are here, we just wanted to remind you that tomorrow (4/9) is Hasbro's Pulse Fan event which kicks off at 11am ET. Throughout the day they will be holding livestream panels for their brands that include Fortnite, Transformers, Power Rangers, G.I. Joe, Marvel Legends and Star Wars. Each panel live-stream should be around an hour long where they will be revealing new products, including those for Marvel Legends, and who knows what we might see during that? We of course will be bringing you live coverage of the event for Marvel here on MarvelousNews, so be sure to check back then.


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Speaking of Surtur, if the Infinity Saga set named THR3 stands indeed for Thor Ragnarok and it's not an indication that the Warriors Three are coming, then I really think it will include Surtur. I don't have any inside info, I'm not confirming anything here I just have the feeling and hoping too that we'll get Surtur.

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2 hours ago, JohnF said:

Speaking of Surtur, if the Infinity Saga set named THR3 stands indeed for Thor Ragnarok and it's not an indication that the Warriors Three are coming, then I really think it will include Surtur. I don't have any inside info, I'm not confirming anything here I just have the feeling and hoping too that we'll get Surtur.

Hmm thats an interesting theory.

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As for tomorrow, while Hasbro hasnt given official times for each panel we know there will be 6 panels tomorrow from 11am - 5pm ET with each panel being around 1 hour. I am speculating that the panels will go in the order they have listed them which would mean the following:

11am - Fortnite

12pm - Transformers

1pm - Power Rangers

2pm - GIJoe

3pm - Marvel Legends

4pm - Star Wars

If I learn anything different I will update, but if your only interested in Marvel for now I would say be around online at 3pm ET.

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