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First In-Hand Images For The Hasbro Marvel Legends Iron Man Ursa Major Build-A-Figure Wave


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4 hours ago, McHogan said:

I had no idea that the stealth armor had such limited offensive weaponry. Bet Tony regretted that at this moment:



He did, it was supposed to be an in and out job, but they knew he was going to be after them, resulting in the fight.

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On 6/11/2021 at 6:35 AM, Reno said:

"...I really hope that there is never another wave with 3 versions of the same character in it ever again like they did with Tony in this one - or at least not a BAF wave.."

Hey I'm glad to get 3 sets of Iron Man armor in one wave! He's got enough suits for it. 

Now, its time for Iron Man NOW, the Promethium armor, and the Ultimate armor from the first series.

We'll probably never gonna see the Silver Centurion or the Stealth armor corrected. Shame.

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On 6/19/2021 at 12:30 AM, Gigantor said:

864732710_IronMan231.thumb.JPG.54755085d25b4091a492a5d87cc1229b.JPGThis armor next plz!

I sold my old hasbro one off in hopes of a redo with the new buck style theyve been doing with the armors. Same for modular, thankfully I was right on that one. 

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2 hours ago, RyanDaly said:

Yeah, but that Iron Man figure is extremely weak. Definitely needs an upgrade. As Tony Stark would say, complete overhaul. Systemic, hundred point restoration

I'd love to see a new mold for this suit. I'd probably put it beneath the Pentagon/Pre-Extremis Armor, Extremis remold, and Superior suit personally, but this one needs an upgrade badly. Hopefully Iron Man waves start becoming a regular thing.

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11 hours ago, RyanDaly said:

Yeah, but that Iron Man figure is extremely weak. Definitely needs an upgrade. As Tony Stark would say, complete overhaul. Systemic, hundred point restoration

Yeah, it needs a proper upgrade, same with the heroes Reborn armour

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That Holo Armor is about as big a piece of refuse as the Iron Skull or the Secret War Captain America. Totally senseless and completely unnecessary. That being said, this is the best wave in ages from ML. Lets hope to see a similar Captain America wave. The could do Nomad, maybe a modern Falcon, Comic Sharon Carter, perhaps a new WWII Cap, Diamondback, an updated Commander Rogers (old and young head sculpts), maybe get Vanguard or Perun or Vostok in there. They could even pull some weirdo, completely made up garbage straight outta their ayasses as an excuse to do another translucent figure like the aforementioned Holo Armor. Say, something like Cap in cloaked uniform or some BS like that. Best of all, a big honking BAF of The Slug. cf6e19fb6e0cbe09251f69cdf42b5682.thumb.jpg.a300ac4e4f73e5ebba6bbffd8201fd6f.jpgThink about it Hasbro. Guaranteed to outsell the Eternals wave by at least 500 percent. Bam! Pure gold, Hasbro.

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OHH man pics look really good! They seriously need Vanguard with Ursa and Darkstar and his overlapping symbols of the workers’ State. Dare we hope for another Iron Man wave this year or at least next year, that will have Vanguard, the Crimson Dynamo, Titanium Man and maybe Vostok?

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