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Build a Better Box Set


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one hero - Captain America, 1st appearance, triangular shield

one villain- Baron Blood OR U-Man

one female- Miss America OR Warrior Woman

ONE figure can be 100% brand new sculpt- Blazing Skull

One figure must be 100% redeco of an existing figure- Original Human Torch


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On 7/4/2021 at 4:49 AM, Atlantis said:

one hero - Captain America, 1st appearance, triangular shield

one villain- Baron Blood OR U-Man

one female- Miss America OR Warrior Woman

ONE figure can be 100% brand new sculpt- Blazing Skull

One figure must be 100% redeco of an existing figure- Original Human Torch


I'm all for this except instead of Blazing Skull I would go with Spitfire. They could easily use the Firestar that recently dropped. Baron Blood would be on the vulture body with a new headsculpt and wings. Warrior Woman could use the new She-Hulk body. Original Torch would be on the new Spidey buck with similar paint to the Toybiz Series 2 Torch. This would be an amazing box set.

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On 7/4/2021 at 4:40 AM, sentinelofliberty41 said:

I'm all for this except instead of Blazing Skull I would go with Spitfire. They could easily use the Firestar that recently dropped. Baron Blood would be on the vulture body with a new headsculpt and wings. Warrior Woman could use the new She-Hulk body. Original Torch would be on the new Spidey buck with similar paint to the Toybiz Series 2 Torch. This would be an amazing box set.

Very good! I wouldn't put the Original Torch on the new Spidey buck though because he's actually supposed to be taller, bigger than Johnny Storm. The walgreens Torch was just too big, but we know there's a re-do coming (they've already given us a more appropriate Johnny, so flamed on version can't be far behind). And yes if they went with Spitfire the Firestar would be an easy modification.  

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X-men Outback Set

HAVOK- New head sculpt on a good Bucky body


LONGSHOT- New Headsculpt Aim soldier body just reworked a bit

ROGUE- Moonstone and Scarlet Witch body bases...new head sculpt

GATEWAY- all new sculpt right here! 


Any of these could be substituted for a new Storm, Colossus, Dazzler(without her jacket) or Wolverine.

Come to think of it..this would make an excellent X-men Wave!! 

Oops....did I not read the guidelines close enough?

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