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Latest tease of upcoming Legends reveal


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Could also be Impossible Man or Molecule Man. Baron Blood? Might even be the Wizard. OR just another fake-out that turns out its not really a purple boot but a "trick of the light" and winds up some totally different character. 

Frankly this type of "clue"/ "hint" just annoys me. Stop playing these silly games and finish out the Inhumans. Give me my Starjammers, my Guardians of the Galaxy. Or maybe go back to the drawing board and re-do Silver Centurion, since Select has shown it could have been done correctly instead of the amateur hour show we got.

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On 6/28/2021 at 8:01 AM, Atlantis said:

Could also be Impossible Man or Molecule Man. Baron Blood? Might even be the Wizard. OR just another fake-out that turns out its not really a purple boot but a "trick of the light" and winds up some totally different character. 

Frankly this type of "clue" "hint" just annoys me. Stop playing these silly games and finish out the Inhumans. Give me my Starjammers, my Guardians of the Galaxy. Or maybe go back to the drawing board and re-do Silver Centurion, since Select has shown it could have been done correctly instead of the amateur hour show we got.

Same here, at least give us something less generic that a boot.

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On 6/28/2021 at 7:54 PM, LordVenger said:

Still. What is the point of doing a tease of something that we already know is coming. Kinda seems like trolling to me. 

it's not trolling. They never said it was a new figure and people (including myself) hyped it up. If anything we're at fault. You would think we would learnt after the Wolverine fiasco.

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On 6/28/2021 at 3:40 PM, SpiderS said:

I think maybe it's Fantastic four related, it can be Immortus but my bet would be either in Molecule man or Diablo, both of them would make sense for future wave of F4.

 spacer.png  spacer.png

Either of those would be welcome but we already know it's not for a new figure; it's the Age of Apocalypse Magneto.

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