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Hasbro July 16, 2021 Marvel Legends Live-Stream Coverage - Haslab Galactus


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On 7/16/2021 at 1:36 PM, Cyke82 said:

And once again, Hasbro gives a #$## to collectors in South America... If anyone intends to back the project here, will first have to ask nicely to some friend that lives in US to receive it and then pay twice the price (that is already very expensive) for shipping costs and customs taxes 😕

I mean, if you notice that list they're all individual nations.  South America is a lot more than just one country, and each of them have their own import laws, I'd imagine.  I know there are reshipper companies in the US that ship to various different countries...may want to see if that's an option for your own.

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On 7/16/2021 at 11:09 AM, Jmacq1 said:

I mean, if you notice that list they're all individual nations.  South America is a lot more than just one country, and each of them have their own import laws, I'd imagine.  I know there are reshipper companies in the US that ship to various different countries...may want to see if that's an option for your own.

Exactly this.  Unfortunately, most people aren't smart so they just make Hasbro out to be the bad guy instead of actually investigating why they're not shipping this thing to Cambodia or Yugoslavia or whatever.  It's not as simple as just tossing it in a box and slapping a shipping label on it.  I feel bad for how much crap Hasbro has to deal with because of this.  And wish people would do a simple Google search before proclaiming themselves experts on e-commerce and import laws.  

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Looks absolutely amazing but way above what my funds can afford, nonetheless happy that ML line will have one big spot filled in most proper scale possible, while I can calm myself that someone will want to get rid of ToyBiz version maybe and maybe in the future we will get big and cheap rotocast version of this figure. 

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On 7/16/2021 at 9:25 AM, tarot said:

Sigh. Okay I'll be the one to say it and take the heat for it.

I highly doubt they will include silver surfer in this set. Not when they just didn't 2 versions of him recently.

Similar with terrax. Since they did him ready, I doubt they would do him again as part of this. He will get a deluxe later.

More then likely it will be firelord, nova or stardust.

There's no heat, you could absolutely be right. What I'm saying is that an IMPROVED Surfer (larger) with that same dazzling paint is gonna be a hard thing for guys like me to turn down.

Personally I'm hoping NO herald is included that won't be available elsewhere....but...

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It looks amazing. I love the alternate faces too - especially Death: it's a thing of beauty. And with a price tag to match. 

Despite a 100% complete Marvel Legends & Marvel Universe X-Men collection, I never went for the Sentinel, even after seeing - and coveting -  the Bastion and Female SenPrime (it was actually  those 6" figures, much more than the equally fantastic looking mega Sentinel that would have pushed me towards purchase/financial suicide) but in the end, common-sense won out. I don't think I'll regret that.

And I've got the 16" (?) massive Sentinel & Galactus anyhow ("I HUNGER!!!!" the latter says a lot). Both still work perfectly, and still look cool, but they're still in their original packaging. I just don't know what I'd do with way bigger versions. And can you imagine buying either of these and then the arm snaps off the very first time you move it? Brutal. Boy, that would sure improve your day....

Has the HasLab Sentinel actually been released yet, chaps? If not, this seems a lousy time to hawk another $400 action figure. Will that count as peg-warming?

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I did buy the Sentinel but only half heartedly. But GALACTUS !!! I’m in.. but do I sell the Sentinel to pay for big G?

Hmm..may need to sell off some of my collection to afford this sucka..wonder what the old MU versions of Sentinel and Galactus go for? 

This Haslab Galactus would look amazing stomping on those 3.75” MU heroes... 

also: I had to chuckle at the 5 Galactus limit.. clearly Hasbro is optimistic 

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On 7/16/2021 at 3:09 PM, Jmacq1 said:

I mean, if you notice that list they're all individual nations.  South America is a lot more than just one country, and each of them have their own import laws, I'd imagine.  I know there are reshipper companies in the US that ship to various different countries...may want to see if that's an option for your own.

Yeah man... I am brazilian, of course I know that hahah... I have seen a couple of these companies that offer this service and so far they are even more expensive than asking a friend to reship it via EMS or i-parcel... if you know some of them and would like to share here, I would gladly take a look on the prices and appreciate it very much 🙂

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Initially I was disappointed that they included electronic components like the LED lights in his head and chest; that's unnecessary in my opinion, and I would rather they ditch that gimmick and shed a few dollars from the overall cost.

However, I'm reserving judgement because I do feel strongly that one of the stretch goals will be an energy effect unlike anything we've seen before, and on a truly cosmic scale. I'm more sure than ever we're going to get some Kirby Crackle effect that interacts with the light-up components for a really spectacular effect.


Also, I don't think we're going to get tons of heralds with this thing. I think at the very most he comes with two additional 6" scale figures, just like the Sentinel, but I don't believe they'll be highly sought after characters like Firelord or Terrax. Instead, I can see them offering another retool of Doctor Doom that's based on the end of the original 1985 Secret Wars. Or what about civilian Alicia Masters, so crucial to the stories of Ben Grimm and the Silver Surfer?

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