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Hasbro Marvel Legends Live-Stream September 2021 Coverage


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On 9/13/2021 at 5:11 PM, watanabefan said:

Of note, some of the characters featured in the Series II cards that seem like they could be some of the hints.



Baron Strucker




Human Torch (Jim Hammond)


Namorita and Justice




Mephisto is Series 1 and Strucker had a Marvel legends figure as a Variant.

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On 9/13/2021 at 12:27 PM, tarot said:

As for Dan's Deluxe retro tease, it's most like Rhino right?

Since they've already re-released Monster Venom, l can't think of anybody else they would want to release like that as opposed to going BAF route. The alternative is it's somebody with large, complex accessories that need more package space. Could be another Doc Ock like the cartoon or the white suit with new and improved tentacles. 

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I know the popular legless guesses are Bushmaster and Bonebreaker (my personal choice) but what if they throw us a super curve and go with Bochs, the original pilot of the Box robot? I know its not likely but if they were really trying to surprise us a Marrina, Bochs, Box box (that's a lot of boxes) set would probably make a big splash.

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That Loki figure was a waste of a spot.  They could have placed the alt head in the Lady Loki package, and given us a new figure like Firebrand or Dr. Spectrum- very simple figures that wouldn't require any retooling, just some good paint apps. Or, they could have given us Tarantula or White Tiger, if they're skimming that Spider-Man theme.  Or how about El Aguila?

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On 9/13/2021 at 12:54 PM, Atlantis said:

That Loki figure was a waste of a spot.  They could have placed the alt head in the Lady Loki package, and

As with any re-released figure l'm sure they're factoring in the likelihood that some collectors might have missed him the first time around. And with Loki's popularity at an all-time high, it makes sense to make him readily accessible to the fans. Not everyone has been collecting these figures for decades. I'm usually excited when they redo or re-release a Spider-Man 2099 or Scarlet Spider or Hobgoblin because I didn't get the versions that came out five years ago.

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On 9/13/2021 at 5:29 PM, leokearon said:

Mojo has legs



Techincally he doesn't. That is a platform which he controls.

But yeah given Dwight want to get the Reavers out and their tease years ago when Skullbuster was release Bonebreaker is the most likely candidate. Might be the Baf of the X-men wave that JayC has been teasing.

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That Hobgoblin sucks!!! ......Massive, epic Fail Hasbro! (even more than Grumpy-Old Man Guardian). No scales, no classic style face?? Seriously? Their reasoning for it doesn't make sense at all either, because why then give Green Goblin scales when the animated version didn't have them?? And yes....I expect now that Secondary market prices for the Space Venom version are going to Skyrocket. (Fluffin, Frickin, frackin %*#@)! 

Any how.....sigh... the rest of that wave is great. I'm actually good with Loki and glad I'd held out on buying the regular version. They still could have given him some Evil-Magic conjuring hands though. Fawk, I'm still annoyed about Hobgoblin. 

Oh, and is the Excalibur set Pulse only?


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Some nice reveals here. As a Galactus Haslab backer, I am extremely happy to officially hear we will be getting more heralds next year... I hope they are some of the classics, like Air-walker and Firelord. Although technically, The Destroyer was also a herald and we have never gotten Thor's villians in a Thor themed comics based wave, so maybe he will be released as a Deluxe figure with 'cosmic' effects, so he would fill my Thor shelf or Galactus' Heralds shelf.  I love the new classic Hammerhead, classic Shocker and a classic Falcon was also needed. As far as the oversized Spider-man Retro card figure goes, it seems the Rhino is really the most likely choice. Perhaps they will give us his late 80's early 90's look with all the added armor plates. Then again, maybe all those asking for a original, classic Rhino may get a new mold based on the old ToyBiz Fearsome Foes box set Rhino.  And while I don't know what packaging form it would come in (Deluxe release, BAF, etc.), I have had a feeling we will get a classic Spider-Slayer robot with JJJ's face in the screen area... I just feel some of the the stilt-man parts lend themselves to this figure. But not necessarily predicting a 2022 release. The legless figure has me most curious. My first thought was the classic Korvac with his torso in his flying hover machine thing. But I also wonder if they may make use of the Cannonball blast effect again and give us a classic Nova (Rich Rider) once Walgreens finally has the full figure version in the stores this year. Most literal legless characters that come to mind are large BAF types, and I really doubt we will be getting the likes of: Shaper of Worlds, Supreme Intelligence, etc.  On the more obscure side, maybe The Spot would be a possibility. He could be just the upper torso packaged with some 'spots' of different sizes that have a peg on them where the torso could affix to, so it looks like he is coming out of them. I for one would love that figure.  At the other end of the legless size spectrum are tiny disembodied head characters like Silvermane's head or those two moloid head characters in glass domes from the Future Foundation. Also very unlikely, just brainstorming here folks. And as for the two never released figures, I am all over a Baron Strucker and a Mephisto... bring on the bad guys!

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Hmm, I see Strucker and Mephisto were not in that card wave, bummer. I will have to look up most all of those other characters, not really familiar with them. I forgot about the legless Ultron and Vapor too... would LOVE to get a U-Foes team. After all these years, Hulk villians are still pretty under-represented in the Legends line.

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