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Body is just bit too lanky for Mephisto but yeah, this works. And that head is spot on! Great re-use of the Hood's cloak. 

Mephisto is another one of those often-demanded,never delivered figures from Hasbro Legends...they really need to see what the customizing community is doing!

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On 9/19/2021 at 1:06 PM, Atlantis said:

Body is just bit too lanky for Mephisto but yeah, this works. And that head is spot on! Great re-use of the Hood's cloak. 

Mephisto is another one of those often-demanded,never delivered figures from Hasbro Legends...they really need to see what the customizing community is doing!

I see it as a hard sell, given the name, look at that new guns policy, imagine sending to stores a figure called Mephisto...

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On 9/19/2021 at 12:39 PM, icematta said:

I see it as a hard sell, given the name, look at that new guns policy, imagine sending to stores a figure called Mephisto...

I can't go with this. Its an old, stale argument that just doesn't hold up. It reflects more on the fears of others, than actual policy. Until Hasbro specifically says they wont do it, then its on the table. Look no further than the Surtur thats available at stores like Target and others: for years on forums like this, collectors were convinced "devil" or "satan" like figures wouldn't be made, cause they "couldn't" go to retail stores. But Hasbro never ever said anything like this.

Well nothing says "devil" like a big fiery horned demon; if that's ok ( and why wouldnt it be) then the name "mephisto" wont matter. Surtur should have put to bed, once and for all, this notion.  Just because they haven't produced a particular figure yet doesn't mean its somehow forbidden.

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On 9/19/2021 at 4:01 PM, Atlantis said:

I can't go with this. Its an old, stale argument that just doesn't hold up. It reflects more on the fears of others, than actual policy. Until Hasbro specifically says they wont do it, then its on the table. Look no further than the Surtur thats available at stores like Target and others: for years on forums like this, collectors were convinced "devil" or "satan" like figures wouldn't be made, cause they "couldn't" go to retail stores. But Hasbro never ever said anything like this.

Well nothing says "devil" like a big fiery horned demon; if that's ok ( and why wouldnt it be) then the name "mephisto" wont matter. Surtur should have put to bed, once and for all, this notion.  Just because they haven't produced a particular figure yet doesn't mean its somehow forbidden.

You might be right, but just look at all the backfire that crayola got for using three languages in their colors, depends on how Hasbro takes that...

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On 9/19/2021 at 6:29 PM, icematta said:

"...More of a rumor, cuz we are seeing less and less real guns, and in the DC figures not even that..."

Rumor. Key word there. And bringing in what DC or whoever may be doing/not doing is not relevant to the topic. We're talking about Marvel and Hasbro.

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