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R.I.P. Bucky Cap


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Today, at Pulse Con, Hasbro announced that a new body mold (starting with Vulcan) will be replacing the Bucky Cap mold. The BC is probably the most prolific of all of the Marvel Legends body molds.

With that being said, what were/are the greatest figures released on that mold? What are the worst?

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It's a great mold, I'll be sad to see it go, mainly for the consistency that it provided for Cyclops and DD over the years. I'm hoping the Vulcan mold is similarly proportioned so that new Cyclops and Daredevil iterations will fit as seamlessly as possible with the older ones.  

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On 10/24/2021 at 1:47 PM, greenlucario said:

It's a great mold, I'll be sad to see it go, mainly for the consistency that it provided for Cyclops and DD over the years. I'm hoping the Vulcan mold is similarly proportioned so that new Cyclops and Daredevil iterations will fit as Oseamlessly as possible with the older ones.  

Oh boy, thats the reason for Hasbro to change mold, to start again and again with the same characters so the bussines never ends 🤷‍♂️

Daredevil needs an update though, I'm keen to replace my DD from Hobgoblin Wave, but definetly keep the yellow costume as is it.

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It has been a great buck. Really became the time when Legends looked more anatomical and less toyish. 

But all good things come to an end and Hasbro has done wonderful things with updating their molds. Maybe slowly but their figures have never looked better. 

Im sure this new standard body will be just as great. I’m not looking at updating many in my collection as I love the DDs we’ve gotten but of course I wouldn’t say no to a improved version.

Just hope Hasbro  keeps the consistency with new versions of characters they’ve done. I’d hate to see a Jean Grey body morphing situation with any other character

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On 10/24/2021 at 10:21 PM, tarot said:

According to Dan we will see th bucky cap mold for a while. Its not completely gone yet.

Yeah I was going to say I hope most of you peeps don't think the replacement means that we won't still see at least a grip of figures for the next two years still using the Bucky Cap mold, they won't just outright replace it, eventually it should get fully phased out but that will take time, the whole reason they are even getting rid of it is probably because the old tools are getting run down, you can only use the same tools for so long.

anyways I have no hate for ol bucky cap mold, it was the mold that lead the way, we can't say it didn't play a very important part in the evolution of legends, we should be giving that mold it's flowers, it works for tons of characters.

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It thought the Bucky Cap mold was magnificent. I felt it was a fine mold and for it's structural limitations it was quite poseable, so much so that I think DD figure once won Best Poseable through an ACBA vote, if I'm not mistaken.

The two best characters I relate the Bucky Cap mold with are Daredevil and Cyclops. It's that muscular, yet lean mold that both those characters, who are in tip top condition, are known for. Of course it also worked for other characters like Spymaster and Deadpool. The tiny feet thing was an issue. I just don't understand how they couldn't just retool some larger feet to put on that body mold. Hell, I did it myself on a couple of customs.

Alas, it was a long time coming. It was the last of the crop of bucks that marked the resurgence of the ML line, right before Infinite kicked off. I'm happy to see that there's a new mold with butterfly's to use in the 6'0 to 6'4 height range. I was getting pretty sick of seeing that Sunfire mold being used for a 5'10, 170 lb scrawny Pyro and then for the 6'4, 230 lb broad chested Silver Surfer just cuz it had the articulation they wanted the figure to have for certain poses. Now maybe they'll do a proper Iron Fist in his Classic Green with Popped Collar.

I hope the old BC isn't gone for good, because it's always good to see a few different molds for similar sized characters, and not all characters really need butterfly joints. Of course, DD and Black Panther do, but maybe not Cyclops and Blizzard so much.

RIP indeed, BC Mold. You served ML well for so many years.

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On 10/25/2021 at 5:13 PM, MODADDYDODOK said:

I never hated the mold, but I’ve gotten soooo sick of those tiny feet 🙄. Being able to swap those out on some of my figures has made a lot of difference imo.





Yo, I love those effects for Blizzard! Where'd you get those?

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On 10/25/2021 at 8:43 PM, GrtWhiteCustoms said:

If they would just improve the feet I'd be content with this buck continuing. It has never bothered me. 

Yeah that's the biggest downside small feet, which sometimes doesn't support the buck 

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On 10/25/2021 at 11:01 PM, monron999 said:

Really? My original Daredevil from the Hobgoblin wave has been standing on a shelf on one leg in a spinning back kick pose for literally years.

Some of the figures I have have loose torsos and they sometimes take a tumble with other figures 

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On 10/24/2021 at 2:57 PM, Legender said:

Oh boy, thats the reason for Hasbro to change mold, to start again and again with the same characters so the bussines never ends 🤷‍♂️

Daredevil needs an update though, I'm keen to replace my DD from Hobgoblin Wave, but definetly keep the yellow costume as is it.

With the new butterfly joints, sign me up for a new red costume.  

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