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On 1/11/2022 at 10:14 PM, MODADDYDODOK said:

In that way, I’m kinda glad they haven’t put out a whole lot of females yet bc watching many of them get put on the Kate Bishop mold has not been fun to me ha.


True....it seems to be their default female figure, and really makes no sense. So what I'd like to see from Marvel Legends in 2022 is the team breaking out of that mindset and making some variation in their female figs. They did a really great job with that She-Hulk...thats a great jumping off point for the likes of Thundra, Valkyrie....and they've been doing a really great job with the faces. I hope they keep it up. 

On 1/11/2022 at 11:14 PM, MODADDYDODOK said:

In that way, I’m kinda glad they haven’t put out a whole lot of females yet bc watching many of them get put on the Kate Bishop mold has not been fun to me ha.


I know what you mean. I cringe everytime I see a Kate Bishop mold figure that's warped at the knee smh.


From the line, I want to see more variation in bucks/molds. I know this is something they're working on (super articulated Sunfire mold, Vulcan mold) and I'd like it to continue, and that's for both male AND female figs. I see no reason why a female fig can't have calf rotation, nor why a figure like the Thing can't have bicep swivel. And while I don't expect them to make a different buck for every possible height, I'd like to see better scaling. For example, the Vision is supposed to be 6'3"; they put him on the Sunfire mold. Stand him or Moon Knight next to Iron Man, and they look like teens in comparison. 

The Longshot thread was ended, but there were some good observations there. So yes, I'd like to see more characters that haven't gotten a figure yet (shout out to @Hogun!); I don't want to wait another 10-16 years between figures. I'd love to see teams completed. 

Hasbro Pulse could be a great venue for box sets and anything they might be skittish about for retail. Pulse also sells out way too fast; like to see that improved for 2022. 

Lastly, Accuracy. There must be more attention to getting details accurate. Dormammu's eyes/mouth, Quicksilver's head, Dr. Strange's insignia, Tigra's color, using the same female buck over and over...just a few examples where baffling errors were made that should never have made it to production. 


TBH most of the points in the Longshot thread about character selection made sense. It sucks when a character I like take a long time to get made but that's just the statistical reality in most cases.

Now something I would like to see Hasbro do better at is more wall crawling hands with the Spider figures. Gamerverse Miles Morales having so many alternate hands was a great idea, and I feel even when budget doesn't allow for that many the Spiders should at least have the wall scaling ones as the alternate in the package.


Me and my friends. Less donkey-designs for Wolverine. More pinless joints and movie X-Men characters that have not been released. I am looking at you, Cyclops, Iceman and Colossus. Heck, if Hasbro was so desperate for Wolverine. Just throw in a Wolverine head and claws with a black suit Cyclops and there you have it.


-A better focus on quality control, and plastic quality. Frozen joints seem to be getting more and more common, and the durability and weight of the plastic has been decreasing on all Hasbro products for the past decade or so. I'm fine paying more for the same thing due to inflation, but I'm not fine with paying more for consistently lowering quality.

-More accessories. Again, if you raise prices, don't give us less. Also, as has been mentioned in this thread, occasionally sculpt some new accessories that accurately depict characters' powers. 

-At least one MCU "army builder." It's weird that, after all of these years, we haven't gotten a Chitauri, Iron Legion, Ultron drone, or Outrider. These are figures that would take some new tooling, but some people would buy a bunch of them.

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