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Marvel Legends Collection Binary Action Figure Video Review And Images


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1987olds442Customs takes a look at the new Marvel Legends Collection Binary Action Figure from Hasbro Toys.  This figure is a Walgreens Exclusive.

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Despite this figure having IMO the wrong buck, it's still a really nice looking figure to me, I'm not huge on yelling about right or wrong bucks but if this is supposed to be Carol Danvers we can see that her other two figures have a totally different buck which is essentially silly in terms of consistency of depicting the same character, but we know these things can happen, but with there being a new Binary in the books this can make better sense being that version and not carol with that in mind it's a cool thing.

I do love this figure quite a bit just for the overall aesthetic of this look for Carol, it's awesome, could it have been a bit better yes, but do I think they will re-visit this any time ever..likely not, so at least I can be happy we got a Binary at all.

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Not being on the same mold as the last two was a mistake, I'm getting tired of tube leg lady. I'm going to pass. Hasbro really needs to start making female figures that look like actual women and before anyone says it, I either want my figures to accurately depict female super hero build or I would like them to accurately match the source material. If that means we have to sexualize female super heroes, oh well.

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On 3/15/2022 at 4:44 AM, EUPHORICVIKING said:

Not being on the same mold as the last two was a mistake, I'm getting tired of tube leg lady. I'm going to pass. Hasbro really needs to start making female figures that look like actual women and before anyone says it, I either want my figures to accurately depict female super hero build or I would like them to accurately match the source material. If that means we have to sexualize female super heroes, oh well.

Agreed. Its not about sexualizing the figure, its about making it accurate. Thor, Captain America, and Spider-Man are all on distinctly different molds because that's what's accurate to the characters. They aren't interchangeable and no one would think to see them that way, so Hasbro needs to apply the same line of thinking to their female figures. They're not all the same. 

The head is great, the paints are good (though not sculpting on the gloves and boots is a fail). Look at the huge gaps where the legs connect to the lower torso. Those gummy, spindly legs clearly don't belong on that mold. The great thing is that you get a lot more range of motion with that gap, the horrible thing is its looks like some amateur stuck two tubes in there and called it a day.

Its sloppy, lazy, and not worth the money. Sure, some will argue that in the 20 some years these Marvel figures have been being made, this is the first time we've had a Binary.  I would argue that they've had 20 years to get it right then. Bottom line is Hasbro will keep doing this as long as collectors keep paying, and I'm not paying for this. 

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I’m underwhelmed with this figure. It’s the ‘hair’. I get it’s comic accurate but in figure form, she looks silly AF

im fine with the different body buck used. To me, this is post Ms Marvel/ powers sucked out/ reborn with new cosmic powers Carol. She is bound to have some physical changes as well. I forget how she lost her Binary powers but maybe she got healthier once she was no longer a star or whatever and got her curves back in time to slip into her WarBird onesy. Just my inner comic nerd writing her story ..

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On 3/14/2022 at 11:52 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:

Despite this figure having IMO the wrong buck, it's still a really nice looking figure to me, I'm not huge on yelling about right or wrong bucks but if this is supposed to be Carol Danvers we can see that her other two figures have a totally different buck which is essentially silly in terms of consistency of depicting the same character, but we know these things can happen, but with there being a new Binary in the books this can make better sense being that version and not carol with that in mind it's a cool thing.

I do love this figure quite a bit just for the overall aesthetic of this look for Carol, it's awesome, could it have been a bit better yes, but do I think they will re-visit this any time ever..likely not, so at least I can be happy we got a Binary at all.

There’s someone else as Binary in the comics now? Good lord even D list characters get repackaged??

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On 3/15/2022 at 4:59 PM, McHogan said:

There’s someone else as Binary in the comics now? Good lord even D list characters get repackaged??


The Last of the Marvels,” the current saga heating up the pages of Kelly Thompson’s CAPTAIN MARVEL run will come to a cataclysmic end in next week’s CAPTAIN MARVEL #36. The story was packed with developments that will have a major impact on the Captain mythos including the return of Genis-Vell and the reemergence of Carol Danver’s powerful cosmic form known as Binary! But this Binary isn’t Carol Danvers at all… The mysterious origins and powers of this new version of Binary will be further explored in a new arc beginning in May’s CAPTAIN MARVEL #38



Carol’s disappearance has left the newly sentient Binary to fill in, but stepping into the shoes of one of Earth’s greatest heroes is no easy feat. As Binary finds herself plunged into a world she barely understands, the questions about exactly who and what Binary is grow deeper.



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On 3/15/2022 at 5:38 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:

Wow, it’s like you had that info ready to drop haha.. 

but great info thanks.. not sure why it surprised me,  I know comics have new characters step into old costumes all the time

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On 3/15/2022 at 5:43 PM, McHogan said:

Wow, it’s like you had that info ready to drop haha.. 

but great info thanks.. not sure why it surprised me,  I know comics have new characters step into old costumes all the time

Hahaha, I did come in quick on the swoop with the Info😆

but yeah seems like this Binary may be something more like Singularity? ...

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