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Marvel Legends Speedball (Classic) (Marvel's Controller Build-A-Figure) Video Review And Images


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Dan Who? Reviews takes a look at the new Marvel Legends Speedball (Classic) (Marvel's Controller Build-A-Figure) from Hasbro.  This figure is available for pre-order from our sponsor Big Bad Toy Store.

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Speedball here is just as I'd have imagined he'd be in Legends form, the buck suits him, the classic colors are great, the way they actually put the eyes behind the clear lenses of the goggles is a really nice touch, I've been hoping we;d see a Speedball at some point for our New Warriors team and I'm happy with how they did him, he's a pretty goofy looking guy and they captured his comic likeless pretty right, the Deco on the boots, gloves and belt are very well done, I'm stoked to get this guy finally, only thing is they could have at least given us a little sumpthin extra, a alt head, alt hands..some magic ball effects to go around his feet whatever anything..he's so bare bones, Now can we get Namorita and Justice?

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I'm looking forward to Speedball. While the comic was goofy and seemed either a 60s homage or just juvenile writing,  the character has always been a favorite. No need to bring up Marvel's attempt to make him edgy during his Pennance era. Boo

That Team pic is fun. We really need to finish the classic New Warriors. Would love a red and gold Nova. 

Who would have thought Night Thrasher would be so pricey these days? I own him but recall him going on clearance in my hunt area.

Such a bummer that Hasbro takes so long to complete classic teams.  


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