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Iron Man Marvel Legends Retro Collection War Machine In-Hand Look


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These colors really pop and looks great but maaaaaan is Legends continuing to fall into the Marvel Universe 3.75” figure repaint trap. I think there were three color variants for that line.

while this card back doesn’t do it for me to convince me to buy I really like what Hasbro is doing with these Retro figures. I thought the West Coast Avengers figures were awesome and those DID hit me in the feels. 

Be interesting to see if this War Machine and the just announced Ghost Rider figures are just to the first in a retro wave for Iron Man and the GR anniversary 

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Love the cardback, it's looking really good, figure itself not really super impressive, not much to warrant buying if you already have the Deluxe War Machine , only thing I really like about this is the colored barrels on the shoulder mounts.

I really am just so happy we are getting a Retro Iron Man Card back, just waiting patiently on the first wave now.

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On 8/24/2022 at 12:31 AM, MODADDYDODOK said:

A good start for the IM cards. Perfect place for Dreadknight to get a rerelease.

They did some great color paints on that figure. I would like to see him updated though, because its stiff and has limited range of motion on the articulation. Also it needs a better cape. That head sculpt is virtually spot-on, though.

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So remind me, are Retro waves ONLY repaints? Could we see a Neo Classic redo in this wave? 

When the Modular figure was first shown I predicted ( like we ALL did) that he would be re-released in comic accurate colors. I wouldn’t hate it if he is in this wave too..though honestly if we DO get a repaint here, that first release prob never get out of storage again...

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On 8/24/2022 at 11:41 PM, Satam said:

Bombastic Bag-Man is coming on a Retro card, and he's not a repaint (no more than most figures and in some ways less), so no. Also who the hell knows? Sure? Maybe?

Haha yep, this was my conclusion as well. We are surely at Hasbro’s whim when it comes to new figures

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