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Fantastic Four Marvel Legends Firelord Video Review And Images


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I groaned seeing those comparison pics....he's like a kid compared to Thor and Hercules, but he's supposed to be at least 6'4". Putting him on the Sunfire mold just made no sense, considering they have taller molds available.

Wanted this figure forever. First concern was when/if. 

Then the threat of it being in some exclusive like a walgreens, or worse, that Galactus haslab.

Thankfully he's being released thru regular retail. Hooray! 

BUT....I guess they just had to throw that little jab in there to make it not quite "there". 

Otherwise its good. 


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On 9/5/2022 at 6:01 PM, Atlantis said:

I groaned seeing those comparison pics....he's like a kid compared to Thor and Hercules, but he's supposed to be at least 6'4". Putting him on the Sunfire mold just made no sense, considering they have taller molds available.

Wanted this figure forever. First concern was when/if. 

Then the threat of it being in some exclusive like a walgreens, or worse, that Galactus haslab.

Thankfully he's being released thru regular retail. Hooray! 

BUT....I guess they just had to throw that little jab in there to make it not quite "there". 

Otherwise its good. 


Put him on a flight stand - problem solved! 😉


Edited by Psychosomatic
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On 9/5/2022 at 10:08 PM, Psychosomatic said:

Put him on a flight stand - problem solved! 😉


Ha yup I’d have to go with that. It was unsettling to me the way Surfer and Vision (2 of my all time favs) weren’t sizing up to others on the shelf so I had to take them to the air to feel enough satisfaction to keep them around.
Though I did end up getting rid of them both after a while…. am holding onto hope that the ML team will do those characters justice one day💀
Won’t be holding my breath for a better Firelord though.

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On 9/6/2022 at 9:22 AM, MODADDYDODOK said:

Ha yup I’d have to go with that. It was unsettling to me the way Surfer and Vision (2 of my all time favs) weren’t sizing up to others on the shelf so I had to take them to the air to feel enough satisfaction to keep them around.
Though I did end up getting rid of them both after a while…. am holding onto hope that the ML team will do those characters justice one day💀
Won’t be holding my breath for a better Firelord though.

Yeah, I put my Silver Surfer on the base for the Marvel Select Silver Surfer and it looks fantastic!


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On 9/5/2022 at 10:08 PM, Psychosomatic said:

Put him on a flight stand - problem solved! 😉


Yeah, there's that too, I suppose. I prefer Hasbro go that extra inch and do the darn thing correctly for our almost $30, and much worse for many of our international brothers and sisters.

I've beaten my issues with the glaring inaccuracies of this figure to death at this point and I'm pretty much over it. If I had the precious space to fly a "good enough" figure in my display it would be one thing but I don't. As is my usual practice, I bought 2 (one for display, one to keep MIB) for the sheer understanding this may be the only one they ever do, but it's looking like they'll both end up staying in the box. I'm sure they'll be worth something to someone someday but I chalk this up as a pure swing 'n' miss. Until they actually do a correct version Firelord more or less does not exist in my ML universe.

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