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Marvel Legends Fan-Channel Exclusive Modern Moon Knight Figure Revealed


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Sweet! Although this appears to be just a re-release of the one from the MCU Vulture Build-A-Wings wave, I'm grateful for it. For some reason I passed on it back then and have regretted that since I didn't get the Walgreens version either. I'm still using the Toy Biz variant in my display. I'll pick this one up this time and likely cancel my preorder for the MCU version.

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Ah.. I was wondering what the “modern” MK was since I’ve had this guy for years. Cool that they are re-releasing a figure that has  reached stupid level of pricing now. 

Also glad that since I already have him I can skip

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On 10/10/2022 at 9:27 PM, Satam said:

Yet another example where the pictures on the outside of the new plastic-free packaging appear to not match the figure inside. This is getting ridiculous.


they are the exact same. pins and all. If you mean the legs, you can make out those sculpted pieces on them.

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On 10/10/2022 at 5:19 PM, tarot said:

they are the exact same. pins and all. If you mean the legs, you can make out those sculpted pieces on them.

Yeah, I meant the scalloped bits on the lower legs. I couldn't see them at all before on the figure standing next to the packaging. I think they're barely visible and mostly disappear into the white of the cape and the background. I guess I'm starting to get so used to seeing Hasbro release figures across all lines where there are sometimes major differences between what's in the box and what's on the box, that I assumed this was the case again. 

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I'm actually shocked they are releasing the exact same figure as before, I always thought that Hasbro never re-released a figure exactly the same? they said thet before, so I guess that changed, because this is just the Homecoming wave Moon Knight again, but I guess we already saw them re-release Lady Loki, so I shouldn't be that startled, but this being a higher price point without a BAF piece, I think a ton will be bummed, but I guess also this figure goes for crazy prices on the aftermarket so a lot of folks will be happy to get this. I already have this, so I'm coool.


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feels like it would have been smarter to release this around the time of the MK series airing but whatever, easy pass, cool for folks who missed the 1st time around, i guess. Altho no BAF piece and more expensive this time around

  Re-use seems to be the name of the game more than ever nowadays so I expect to see more straight up re-released figures like this in upcoming months.  Feels like this is another way they are taking a note from how the Black series does things


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Is this actually the exact same Modern Moon Knight they released before? I don't have one handy for comparison, but I do believe it was pretty hard to find. Maybe with the more recent exposure to Moon Knight and the difficulty to find the last one they just thought this was the time to get a little more capital out of the character. The only difference I see here is that he actually has a staff this time. I think the last one just came with the same old DD sticks that can be kinda put together to kinda make a very short staff. Not worth having to buy all over again. Good on those who didn't get it the first time.

Guess they saved so much plastic with the windowless packaging they could justify giving him an actual staff this time. I guess the system works after all.

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On 10/10/2022 at 5:04 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:

I'm actually shocked they are releasing the exact same figure as before, I always thought that Hasbro never re-released a figure exactly the same? they said thet before, so I guess that changed

They re-released Lady Loki, Quasar, Zemo, the upcoming Terrax is the exact same BAF they released before, and you could probably toss Rogue in there too (although maybe not because i think there was at least a slight change in paint?), so yeah, they don't have a policy against re-releasing figures. In this case, Moon Knight is hard to find if you missed it the first time, so maybe not such a bad thing. Would be even better if they kept the original retail price.

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On 10/11/2022 at 11:55 AM, Atlantis said:

They re-released Lady Loki, Quasar, Zemo, the upcoming Terrax is the exact same BAF they released before, and you could probably toss Rogue in there too (although maybe not because i think there was at least a slight change in paint?), so yeah, they don't have a policy against re-releasing figures. In this case, Moon Knight is hard to find if you missed it the first time, so maybe not such a bad thing. Would be even better if they kept the original retail price.

Quasar and Zemo weren't re-released. They just stopped being Walgreens exclusives, which has happened with a lot of other Walgreens exclusives in the past, as well as a few Walmart and Amazon exclusives. I take your point, though.

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On 10/11/2022 at 11:55 AM, Atlantis said:

They re-released Lady Loki, Quasar, Zemo, the upcoming Terrax is the exact same BAF they released before, and you could probably toss Rogue in there too (although maybe not because i think there was at least a slight change in paint?), so yeah, they don't have a policy against re-releasing figures. In this case, Moon Knight is hard to find if you missed it the first time, so maybe not such a bad thing. Would be even better if they kept the original retail price.

Lady Loki and Terrax are definite exact re-releases, except doesn't Lady Loki come with like extra hands? Poor Terrax even comes with the ancient Balljoint hips (they really could have fixed that one). Zemo and Quasar are not re-releases though, just the Exclusivity for Walgreens expired.

But I guess here we are in the age of Straight up re-releases with an Accessory or 2, I remember when Hasbro said that they don't do straight up re-releases, they always add something new, new deco, new head... well guess they changed that song and dance, but hey maybe they will give us a Man-Thing, Dreadknight, Hela, Blastaar and Radioactive Man, I wouldn't scoff at that, while they are at it, give us Ms. Marvel (Carol) with a new head and Professor X again.

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On 10/12/2022 at 4:31 AM, Lord_Scareglow said:

Lady Loki and Terrax are definite exact re-releases, except doesn't Lady Loki come with like extra hands? Poor Terrax even comes with the ancient Balljoint hips (they really could have fixed that one). Zemo and Quasar are not re-releases though, just the Exclusivity for Walgreens expired.

But I guess here we are in the age of Straight up re-releases with an Accessory or 2, I remember when Hasbro said that they don't do straight up re-releases, they always add something new, new deco, new head... well guess they changed that song and dance, but hey maybe they will give us a Man-Thing, Dreadknight, Hela, Blastaar and Radioactive Man, I wouldn't scoff at that, while they are at it, give us Ms. Marvel (Carol) with a new head and Professor X again.

Well they do basically repacks in their other lines, so why not Marvel Legends.

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If they're going to re-release this one, then they should do the classic Moon Knight as well.  It should have been on a larger buck but I know a LOT of people missed that one and its way expensive now on the aftermarket. Its one of the better jobs they've done (except for the height). Nice mix of white, pearl, and hints of silver on a fully articulated model. 

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Hmm didn’t realize this was hard to find because I remember him warming pegs in my area. Another easy skip for me anyways. Just hoping they’ll do a classic MK using the base of Vulcan — maybe throw some black shading on there or something because all white just looks kinda dull imo. How about a classic WCA 2pack of Moon Knight and Tigra 😍

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On 10/12/2022 at 6:24 PM, MODADDYDODOK said:

"Hmm didn’t realize this was hard to find because I remember him warming pegs in my area..."

Peg warming can be so weird though, right? In some areas a figure will sell out and never be seen again, in other regions it collects dust. I remember way back in the DCU Classic days, Robin was there for a second but Power Girl lingered FORever. Thought for sure she'd vanish in an instant. Out here, Moon Knight was a blink-and-you'll-miss-him figure. In fact I think he was the last exclusive that ever showed up here. Wild.

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On 10/13/2022 at 12:25 AM, Atlantis said:

Peg warming can be so weird though, right? In some areas a figure will sell out and never be seen again, in other regions it collects dust. I remember way back in the DCU Classic days, Robin was there for a second but Power Girl lingered FORever. Thought for sure she'd vanish in an instant. Out here, Moon Knight was a blink-and-you'll-miss-him figure. In fact I think he was the last exclusive that ever showed up here. Wild.

Yeah, it can indeed. I never saw the Spider-Man figures from that wave but all the comic figures lingered for a while.

My city only ever saw 1 case of the walgreens Moon Knight that was divided among the 4 stores here and took about 3 weeks before there was just one left which is when I decided to go get him. Those were the last new wg figures I ever saw as well.

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