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Marvel Legends Fan-Channel Exclusive Modern Moon Knight Figure Revealed


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I remember when this version of MK came out (in the Half-a-Vulture wave, I think), people were so pissed. Believe me, as a professional complainer I really understand when people have complaints, but that was baffling to me at the time, cuz it just looked so damn good. Of course many people wanted the classic version, but this one was just cool and it was more modern. The best thing about this is the buck. It is both compatible with the Bucky Cap buck and the newer Vulcan buck so there really is no need to do another one, unless they feel there is an absolute need to put butterflies on him. But if that's the case the classic version does have butterflies, but as it's on that frustrating misused/overused Sunfire buck, it is completely out of scale, so I guess pick your poison. As far as I'm concerned this is a definitive Moon Knight. Of course, if they decide to redo the classic version on the Vulcan buck I would have no choice but to get it as well.

A little unsolicited advice, if you're a fan of Moon Knight, pick this up ASAP, because if recent history shows us anything it's that any future MK will have some element of that ridiculous non-Moon Knight character from that ridiculously terrible Moon Knightless non-superhero show from Disney+ plus woven into it forevermore.

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