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YOUR Top 10 Most Wanted Obscure Marvel Legends


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The hasbro team may see their Legends staples in Spider-Man, The Avengers, X-Men and Iron Man (don't forget Wolverine) but its great when they do deep dives and make more obscure Marvel characters. When we someone like the Orb, it gives hope that more obscure figures could be coming. So who would you like to see? 

  1. Arkon (shield, quiver, translucent lightning bolts)
  2. Deadly Nightshade (classic costume)
  3. Equinox 
  4. Firebrand
  5. Killraven
  6. Mauler 
  7. Namora (Agents of Atlas suit; Savage She-Hulk mold)
  8. Red Rajah
  9. Red Wolf
  10. Swarm
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Always fun to speculate and make wish lists. Whenever these come up I've got to stay with my "Home Team" and list my obscure Avengers that have yet (and most likely wont) to be made:

1 Starfox

2 Stingray

3 Dr Druid

4 Triathlon

5 Justice

6 Living Lightning

7 Firebird

8 Moondragon

9 Two Gun Kid

10 Swordsman 

Honorable Mention: comic Mantis, Jack of Hearts, Silverclaw, Death Cry, Lionheart, D Man, and comic versions of Sersi and Gilgamesh, Crystal, and until it's official Rambeau Captain Marvel.

These lists get completed and I have the Vol.1 Avengers.

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On 11/25/2022 at 3:58 AM, McHogan said:

"...Honorable Mention: comic Mantis, Jack of Hearts.... Captain Marvel....."


Mantis is definitely one of my "must haves" as well. BUT she MUST be on the correct body buck.

Really, since we've seen Orb and they also recently announced the first appearance Star-Lord, it shows they can do these guys from the 70s....I just hope they actually DO them!

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Yes indeed, I love listing favs! Despite my critiques of late, they've been pretty good with getting out previous top pics I've had for the past few years. My top 10 now would be:

  1.  Air-Walker (exactly as he appeared in in FF #120)
  2. Annihilus (classic look)
  3. Kree Soldier Army builder set (classic retro spaceman look, blue-skinned and coming in least 3 ranks incl. the green Captain)
  4. Kurse
  5. Adam Warlock, Classic version 2 (Starlin Era)
  6. Nebula, Classic Look
  7. In-Betweener
  8. Champion, Elder of the Universe
  9. Moon Dragon, Classic Look
  10. The Runner, Elder of the Universe

Honorable Mentions, and all in their classic looks: Sif (Kirby era), Balder (Kirby era), Executioner, Beta-Ray Bill, Mantis, Gamorra, Starfox, Eternals (wiiiiicked box set!) and the Forgotten One/ Gilgamesh in Celestial Space armor. Ahh...and another thing I think would be pretty dope would be a normal-sized, army-builder Kree Accuser to go with Ronan.

While the chances I'm sure are preeeeetty slender, I would ask for a properly slender Malekith; why they roided him out still has me scratching my head, man (what comics were they reading? Or has he been working out since the 80s?😄)


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On 11/25/2022 at 4:05 PM, MODADDYDODOK said:

1  Human Torch (Jim Hammond)
2  Whizzer
3  White Tiger (Hector Ayala)
4  Red Raven
5  Yellowjacket (Rita DeMara)
6  Red Guardian (Tania Belinsky)
7  Bengal
8  Scourge of the Underworld
9  Porcupine
10 Ahab

Oh yeah, I missed a few to complete the Vol. 1 Avengers team

definitely need Hammond Torch, the Whizzer and DeMara YJ.

and throw in an updated Pym YJ as well

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While my number #1 remains armoured Psylocke from the Outback era of X-Men, most of my other top wants (now that Spiral and Chamber are on the way) are relatively obscure. Here's my top 10 weirdos.

Amelia Voght
Destiny (classic look, ideally with both young and old unmasked heads)
Frenzy (Age of X aftermath outfit)
Hellion (telekinetic hands version, if they could work out a cool way to implement it)
Pixie (in her typical training uniform)
Senyaka (Acolytes)
Tempo (preferably in all gold)

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On 11/25/2022 at 1:39 PM, Air-Walker said:

Yes indeed, I love listing favs! Despite my critiques of late, they've been pretty good with getting out previous top pics I've had for the past few years. My top 10 now would be:

  1.  Air-Walker (exactly as he appeared in in FF #120)


I wouldnt call Annihilus "obscure" but yea I want his classic look too.

Yeah thats something....I just realized, they haven't done Air-Walker yet. But for some reason I thought he was in the works. Where did I get that from?? Did anyone else hear that or have I just had too much egg nog....

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I certainly like where everyone’s heads are at on the matter. I tried leaning toward who I found to be more obscure as I got further down the list. Otherwise, I would’ve went with all Avengers &/or X-Men members from the Bronze Age 😁. I feel like the rate for classic, obscure heroes is so low.

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On 11/26/2022 at 3:19 AM, Atlantis said:

I wouldnt call Annihilus "obscure" but yea I want his classic look too.

Yeah thats something....I just realized, they haven't done Air-Walker yet. But for some reason I thought he was in the works. Where did I get that from?? Did anyone else hear that or have I just had too much egg nog....

I'm of the opinion that one cannot have too much egg nog during the festive season, but hey that's me! Well...man, I hope, HOPE Air-Walker is in the works! That's a figure that, if done right, I could quit ML and call myself happy forevermore! And yeah, I suppose Anni isn't really that obscure, but I'd thought his classic look would fall in that category since the way now is to make him more insectoid and less 'guy in a rubber' suit look, lol. Either way, he too is about my biggest hope for ML!

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On 11/26/2022 at 12:19 AM, MODADDYDODOK said:

😁. I feel like the rate for classic, obscure heroes is so low...."

Its frustrating because by concentrating on the "mainstays" they wind up making them stale and boring (Iron Man's an exception because he does have so many cool sets of armor...but hey're scraping the bottom of the barrel when they're down to Shirtless Wolverine). That's why its great when we get a Spymaster, Armadillo, Maverick, Shriek, etc. because they help break up the flow, and we'd never see them otherwise. I mean who saw first appearance Star-Lord coming? 

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On 11/25/2022 at 12:05 PM, MODADDYDODOK said:

1  Human Torch (Jim Hammond)
2  Whizzer
3  White Tiger (Hector Ayala)
4  Red Raven
5  Yellowjacket (Rita DeMara)
6  Red Guardian (Tania Belinsky)
7  Bengal
8  Scourge of the Underworld
9  Porcupine
10 Ahab

There are some good Golden Age picks on your list, and they're definitely obscure. I would love to see them do a Golden Age wave or box set. Its criminal that we've yet to see The Human Torch, Sub-Mariner or Captain America in their first appearance forms yet. 

I'd add to that, Blazing Skull, Destroyer, original Vision, and Armless Tiger Man.

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On 11/28/2022 at 10:37 AM, Atlantis said:

There are some good Golden Age picks on your list, and they're definitely obscure. I would love to see them do a Golden Age wave or box set. Its criminal that we've yet to see The Human Torch, Sub-Mariner or Captain America in their first appearance forms yet. 

I'd add to that, Blazing Skull, Destroyer, original Vision, and Armless Tiger Man.

Armless Tiger Man?! I had to look that one up. Gonna have to brush up on him. Definitely interested! 😄

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My list has some fairly obscure characters, though I know a lot of people are being updated these days. I hope it is still in the spirit of the thread to go with an obscure costume on a popular character. There is no particular order on these, except if I had to choose one, I’d like the Wraith man. 

John Wraith


Lady Mandarin armor Psylocke

Wolverine as Death




Crimson Commando


Silver Saber

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On 11/28/2022 at 5:02 PM, MODADDYDODOK said:

Armless Tiger Man?! I had to look that one up. Gonna have to brush up on him. Definitely interested! 😄

He was a murderous, soulless, hateful maniac who could have used his powers for good, but turned to the dark path of evil. Also he had a despicable sense of style. A yellow body suit. Ridiculous. Good riddance I say.

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  • 2 months later...

Not necessarily a definitive list, but I really want these in figure form, not a ton of hope these would ever happen minus a few.

1. Dweller In Darkness
2. Necra
3. Gargoyle
4. N'astirh
5. Nightwatch
6. Manphibian
7. Stegron
8. Mellencamp
9. Emplate
10. Chernobog


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  • The Basilisk
  • Swarm
  • NFL SuperPro
  • Stegron
  • Screaming Mimi
  • Forbush Man
  • The Mimic (original costume)
  • The Living Mummy
  • Gargoyle
  • Crystar

There are some I want that are kind of obscure, but not sure if they were obscure enough for this (Rocket Racer, ROM The Space Knight, Zzzaxx, Sgt. Fury, etc..). I also want The Hypno Hustler, but since he's going to be brought to life on the screen, I figure we'll get a figure of him, anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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