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Best of Marvel Legends 2022.


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Hey, my fellow Plastic Addicts. It's that time of the year again. The time when we look back on the year and see what Hasbro has released for the year to decide what was the best figures and more of the year. As always, I will be doing this in parts, starting with the best wave's character selections, accessories, packaging design, Build-A-Figure and deluxe set. You have until Sunday 12am GMT to vote.

Note I know some figures are starting to be released but not everyone has gotten them. Basically, if I, who lives in Ireland and gets them before most people in the US/Canada, haven't gotten them, then they aren't include.

Also note that Galactus and his set will not be included as a) this was a crowdfunded set and not everyone could or have gotten it and b) it would win everything.

If you can't see the poll below, click on this link to vote - https://nearcompleteset.survey.fm/best-of-ml-2022

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  • Best Wave: Spider-man Retro wave 2 - A really good wave, with a lot of characters I wanted. Plus being a retro wave, meant I didn't have to get anyone I didn't want
  • Best accessories: Defender Strange Portal. Now if only there was a way of getting more.
  • Best Packaging: Ghost Rider Retro - even back in the ay, this really stood out.
  • Best BAF: Khonshu - So strange, shame the wave isn't that appealling to me
  • Best deluxe set: Retro Rhino - I would have gone with the Toy Biz Hulk but the Toy Biz line isn't mentioned at all - Still a great looking figure and easily fills a hole in my villain collection
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Best Wave : Controller Wave (IMO this was the only wave of the year I wanted the entire wave (minus IM), great figures we needed like Viper aka Madame Hydra (for Serpent Society/Hydra), US Agent, Quake/Maria (two figs in 1), Speedball (for New Warriors), Blue Marvel and Herald Thor, and a good BAF in Controller)

Best Accessory : Iron Man's Massive Proton Cannon (people have been asking for this forever, it had great detail and was as huge as a figure) first time Hasbro made an accessory really an exciting element

Best Packaging : Ghost Rider Retro card (yeah I'm biased I love GR, and this card is so awesome, sure some of the other options were more intricate like Mojo world, but the whole presence of this retro card is the winner for me)

Best BAF : Khonshu (this is hands down the best BAF of the year, just look at it and know why)

Best Deluxe : Mojo (if you have this figure you can see why this is the definition of deluxe, got a ton of nice elements)

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Hey, my fellow Plastic Addicts. The results are in for the FIRST part of the Best of Marvel Legends for 2022. For those that don't remember, last week we voted for what was the best wave for character selection, accessories, packaging design, Build-A-Figure and Deluxes set. There were some clear winners and one major last day upset. Thanks to all that voted (except for that guy who tried to spam the votes and made me use my own money to ensure restrictions and the result weren't lopsided. Way to ruin the fun a-hole.) Anyway onto the winner.

Best wave selection

X-men Retro wave 2 with 34%

The X-men Retro wave was the clear winner this time round with the second Place (the Spider-man retro wave 2) only having 14% of the votes.) The only wave that didn't get a vote was the Khonshu wave which is surprising as you will see below.

Best Accessories

Defender Strange Portal

For this the winner is the Defender Strange Portal. This was a very close vote as the Iron man Photon Cannon and Spiral's weapons were also close to winning. 

Best Package Design

Mojo World Box set - 35%

Winner of the best packaging design is the set that looks like a TV set with a remote and 2 VHS boxes, the Mojo World box set. The Second place, Venom Box set, was far behind with 17% and the loser of the vote was Iron man with no votes, which surprised me as I though everyone liked these. Maybe it was because we still don't have a full wave yet.

Best Build-A-Figure

Khonshu - 39%

The winner of the best BAF and the first MCU winner is Khonshu. This one really surprised me as I thought Bonebreaker would be the clear winner but that only got 26% of the vote. The loser of the vote was Controller with zero vote, which again surprised me as even Korg got a vote.

Best Deluxe

Retro Lizard 18%

Winning the Best Deluxe and having the biggest upset of the vote, we have the Deluxe Lizard. I say biggest upset because Mojo was winning the voting by a large margin until the last 3 days, when Lizard and Apocalypse began fighting for the spot. There was literally a vote between each with Lizard being in first, Mojo second and Apocalypse third. Unlike the rest, every set got a vote but the loser was the Defender Strange.

And that's the winners of the best Wave Character Selection, Accessories, Packaging Design, BAF and Deluxe. The next part of the voting will be up later but, in the meantime, let me know what you think. Remember these were voted for by you and if you didn't vote, tough.

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Hey, my fellow Plastic Addict. We move onto the next part of our voting by looking at the most controversial part of the line, the Exclusives. We have had a good few exclusives this year, more than any other year. Because of that, there are quite a few choices that will make it very hard to decide. As always I will be splitting this into Single, 2-packs and Multi-pack (3 or More) and Fan Channel singles.

Before you vote, I will remind people to vote for the FIGURES. NOT where the figure was available. If we were to vote for where the figure was available, none of these would be in contention for Figure of the year.

Click on here - https://nearcompleteset.survey.fm/best-of-ml-part-2-2022

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As for the Results, not surprised X-Men Retro wave got the Win, I almost chose that, but I had to choose Controller wave over it because of how many figures I wanted in it, and it's just overall goodness with having even a BAF I really wanted, over the Retro wave, even though everything was good there especially Spiral, but Wolverine was a bore and the fact Avalanche is kinda meh to me.

Glad Khonsu won the BAF because he is the best BAF of the year, which is funny I say that, since I don't plan on building him because of how many figures I don't want in that wave, but from the perspective of best new tooling, sculpting and overall likeness of a character to plastic form he's clearly the top dog, despite my fav BAF of the year being Controller, but he's just a re-paint of Thanos for the most part he doesn't deserve awards.

Only upset is Lizard, yeah he's awesome looking but from a "Deluxe" Standpoint he's not even one, so I feel like he could win another catagory he's not even deluxe just sold at the price point, whatever. The Rest of the wins seemed correct, although not really sure why people love that portal so much?

anyways here's my votes for the new Poll

Best Single Exclusive : Gorr  (I had to pick Gorr, this figure is awesome and It's a clear favorite of the year for me, amazing headsculpts and they did this figure right, always loved Gorr's comic look and they knocked this one out the park), but Honorable mentions go to Lizard and Dr. Strange which were up there for me.

Best 2 Pack : Knull & Venom (I'm biased as a Symbiote fan, Knull is imposing and better then I would have even hoped, plus that Venom is amazing, the wings are massive)

Best Multi Pack : Venom, Agony & Riot (yeah yeah again symbiotes, this pack was a high want for me needing Agony and Riot to complete the LFS, and that's the best Venom yet, so it's all a clear win)

Best Fan Channel single : 20th Cap (I love this figure, best Comic Cap yet, this figure is awesome from head to toe and with great accessories it's the Cap to have IMO)


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Best single exclusive: Lizard.  
took me a minute to choose between him, Zemo and retro IM.

Best 2-Pack:.  
went with Silk & Doc Ock bc that was the only one I was interested in & got.

Best Multipack:.  
Disregarding the price, I chose Mojoworld because the figures and the presentation were just really well done there.

Best Fan Channel:
Had to go with 20th Cap. I love it & out of bias I’d go on to say that he’s my figure of the year.

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  • Best Single Exclusive: Dr Strange - Great looking figure and love the accessories.
  • Best 2 Pack: Renew Your Vows - Having Spiderling would have been better, but still a set I've been waiting for ages
  • Best Multipack - Venom Box set, Not a great selection this year but the symbiote set does help complete the Life Foundation Symbiotes
  • Best Fan Channel single - 20th Hulk - Looks fantastic and I love the display base, we need more like this.
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Hey, my fellow Plastic Addicts. Last week, we started the voting for the second part of the Best of Marvel Legends 2022 with the Exclusive categories. We had a lot of votes with a few very tight results. So much so that I had to use my tie breaking privilege. But here are the results, as voted for by you. If you don't agree with the results, that's fine but this is what people voted for. Also remember that all of these figures will be part of the finals.

Best Single Exclusive

Walmart Exclusive - Classic Dr. Strange - 22%

This was the one that I had to use my tie breaking privilege for. Both this and Lizard were fighting for the lead for most of the voting with Animated Spider-man being third. I decided on Dr. Strange as we have gotten a BAF version of Lizard only recently, but we have been waiting on a Classic Strange for a while.

Best 2-pack Exclusive

King in Black - 44%

Taking the best 2-pack exclusive we have the Fan Channel Spider-man 60th anniversary King in Black 2-pack. This was the only part of the voting that had a clear winner with second place (Renew Your Vows) with only 31% of the votes.

Best Multipack Exclusive

Pulse Exclusive - Mojo World - 36%

One vote. That is all that separates the Mojo world box set, and the Amazon Venom box set. (I voted for KIB) Honestly this one could have gone either way as all the nominees gotten decent number of votes. Yes, even the Amazon Spider-man box set got quite a few votes.

Fan Channel Single Exclusive

20th Anniversary - Toad - 27%

This was another close vote and no I didn't have to use the tie breaker for it (I voted for Cap who was 24%). Now I know some will saw this is wrong but how many Caps have we had over the years? This has been requested a Toad remake for years that this is an excellent upgrade to the Toybiz and is really needed for any X-men collection,

And that is the winners of the Best Exclusives of 2022. Each of these figures will be added to the Finals but that won't be until we do our next two categories, Comic and MCU figure, one of which will be up to vote later. Let me know what you think of the winners in the comments below or on any of the social media sites. As always be respectful. If you don't like that winner that fine but know that people other than you did.

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Comic Categories. There was a ton of Comic figures this year. So much so, I don't think I got everyone. If I didn't please let me know in the comics below. As with the last 2 voting periods, this is broken up into categories:

  • Newcomer - a figure of a character that has never had a figure before (MCU representation of a character does not count)
  • Remake - a figure that was released previously by either Toybiz or Hasbro that has been updated with a new body or a full remake. (IE Moonstone as a new body and Mojo is a full remake)
  • New Costume - a figure that represents a new costume for a character that has been released previously
  • Re-release - a figure that is mostly a straight re-release of a previous figure. This may be a repaint and/or have a new head.
  • Villain - a figure based on a villain.
  • Female - best female figure of the year.
  • Spider-men - Best Spider-person figure that has been released this year. No villains included
  • X-men - Best X-men character (member and villains)

Click here - https://nearcompleteset.survey.fm/best-of-ml-part-3-2022

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Missed the first few, but looking over the results, some great stuff so far.  

  • Newcomer
    • Gorr: Yes he's far from perfect, but the character and book were so good, I can't help but be happy to have any version of this one.  
  • Remake
    • Lizard: Any figure that can dethrone a nearly perfect ToyBiz figure, one of the only ones left standing at this point, deserves all the love it can get.  This Lizard is so nearly perfect.  
  • New Costume
    • Baron Zemo (Classic): It's so crazy that we only just got this, but this one looks like it just stepped off the page.
  • Re-Release
    • Scarlet Witch (Retro): The perfect color combo elevating an already great figure.  
  • Villain
    • Shocker: This one needs some love, and other than the unpainted lines it really is great.
  • Female
    • Agony: Pretty much only because I haven't gotten Spiral yet and it's nice to get a new character related to Spider-Man and Venom.  
  • Spider-Man
    • Iron Spider: While flawed, this is probably my favorite costume other than the classic red and blue, so getting a figure as good as this one, even with it's flaws, is a major win.
  • X-Men
    • Toad: This figure got buried under the negativity surrounding the price, but in hand, it's one of the best of the year in terms of sculpt, paint, and articulation, not to mention the fact that we really needed a good Toad for the collection.  
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This was really damn hard, I just went with my gut and personal feels with this here, it was truly hard for a lot of these.

Best Newcomer : Gorr - like I've said a lot this figure is one of my favs of the year, great job on this one, and a character I have been wanting for a long time.

Best Remake : Dr. Strange - While there was a ton of good remakes this year, Dr. Strange is gotta be the winner, it took them waay to long to give us a new classic strange, and despite the emblem just being a few shades to light, this is actually perfect, I can overlook the emblem. We really needed a strange.

Best New Costume : Baron Zemo - always been a big Zemo fan, this is finally the best Zemo yet, and this is my most desired look for him, I have been waiting for this zemo and they did this right.

Best Re-Release : Captain America (20th) - what can I say this figure is just awesome, we all know it.

Best Villain : D'Spayre - yeah probably the only person who is going to vote for this guy, but this is one of my fav figures we got this year, it's D'spayre, I had always been wanting this guy, and still stunned we got him, he's a simple design but they did this right, we need the other fear lords,

Best Female : Spiral - spiral wins the beauty pageant

Best Spider Person : Silk - we had a ton of amazing spider peoples going on this year, RYV spidey is up there and retro symbiote suit, but Silk is still my fav, and this update was super.

Best X-Men : Spiral - spiral wins again, she's the 6 arm beauty queen.

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  • Newcomer - Maggott of course
  • Remake -  Spider Armour MK 1 - Red figure that I've wanted for ages and the amount of new stuff is amazing.
  • New Costume - Baron Zemo (Classic) - another one wanted for ages and doesn't disappoint.
  • Re-release -  Hulk 20th - Great headscuplts and I love the ground base.
  • Villain -  Rhino - While bit dated, he still looks great . Still don't get the trigger fingers
  • Female - Quake/Maria Hill - Two ladies in one and some army building potential 
  • Spider-men -  Spider Armour MK 1- see remake
  • X-men -  No Maggott listed for shame.
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Hey, my fellow Plastic Addicts. We are on our third week of the Best of Marvel Legends 2023 and this week we have our results of the best comic book-based figures survey from last week. I'm actually disappointed in you lot as we had less people voting this time than in the past two surveys. This usually brings in the most voting but, ah well, we do have the results so let's just get onto it. 

As a reminder, all of these will be added to the Finals.

Best Newcomer

The figure based on a new character that has never had a Comic Book figure before.

Gorr The Butcher - 28%

He may not have the right legs, but fans have decided that the killer of gods is the best Newcomer of the year with 28% of the votes. Second place holders, Knull and Maggot, only managed to get 13% with Third place holders, Firelord, Razorback and Vulcan, only got 9%.

Best Remake

Best figure of a previously released costume/character that has been updated with a new figure.

Classic Dr. Strange - 13%

Unlike the previous one, this was a very close race. Five figures were fighting for first place with Strange barely inching out the win. The other contenders were Amazing Fantasy Spider-man, Classic Lizard, Spiral, and Toad. 

Best New Costume

A figure that gives us a new costume of a character that has previously been released. 

Avengers Under Siege Baron Zemo - 30%

Another closely contested race with Baron Zemo winning the race. The other contender was the Herald of Galactus Thor with 25% but the third-place holders, Multiple Man and Winged Venom barely making 13% of the votes.

Best Re-release

A figure that was previously released with nearly the exact same design. New head and paint different are allowed.

20th Anniversary Captain America - 28%

Even though he didn't win the best Fan Channel Exclusive this year, 20th Anniversary Cap has won this, where many think he is the best Cap released yet. However, it wasn't an easy victory as Retro Card Beast only lost with 25% of the votes. Third Place Hulk was half of that with 13%. 

Best Villain

Best figure based on a villian.

Baron Zemo - 19%

Hienrich won again. People have been wanting this version of the character for years, but can he win the finals? He was closely followed by Knull (16%) and Gorr (13%).

Best Female Figure

Figures based on a female character.

Spiral - 50%

Sorry ladies. This wasn't even a contest. With half the votes, Ricochet Rita wins this year. I mean second place Quake/Maria Hill barely got 19% of the votes. That's less than half what Spiral got. Elektra and Silk only got 6% in Third place. Could Spiral win the year? 

Best Spider-person

Figure based on character with Spider-powers.

Renew Your Vows Spider-man - 34%

This year was the year of the Spider, so we had a lot of web warriors. But this year we have gotten what many consider the definitive Spider-man in the Renew Your Vows Spider-man. Black Suit and Iron Spider took second with a shared 16% and third place was Bag-man with 13%. Since I know some will ask Amazing Fantasy only 9%.

Best X-men

Best figure based on an X-men member or villain.

Spiral - 34%

Another overwhelming victory with Spiral taking this year best X-men figure. Dark Pheonix and Mojo managed to get 19% of the votes with Toad taking 9%.

And that is the best Comic Book figures of the year as voted for by you. Let me know what you think in the comments below or on any of the social sites. The next part of the voting will be up at a later point tonight where we will vote for the best MCU/Animated/Gamerverse figures.

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Hey, my fellow Plastic Addicts. We are now on the last of the semi-finals and this week, you good people can start voting for the Best MCU / Animated / Gamerverse figure of the year. This is pretty much the same as the comic figure but with a few less options. I decided to separate the Animated and Gamerverse options into their own poll as there were quite a few this year. Also, in case you are wondering, Okoye from the Wakanda Forever wave was the only remake from the MCU of the year, but it will not be included in the Finals. Well, not unless she wins in one of the categories below.

Some have gotten onto me about the Captcha. This is being done because some A-Hole keeps trying to spam vote. I know it’s the same person as they do it in a matter of a few minutes. It’s supposed to be an image captcha so if you don’t get an image reload the page. click on this link here – https://nearcompleteset.survey.fm/best-of-ml-2022-c27c


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