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Harrison Ford Will Be Introduced As President Ross In Captain America: New World Order According To Kevin Feige

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In a recent interview Kevin Feige EW, he revealed that when Harrison Ford is introduced as Thaddeus Ross in the upcoming Captain America: New World Order movie, he will be President of the United States. He also confirmed Deadpool 3 will be the first rated R MCU movie and that the writing has begun on the script for the 4th Tom Holland Spider-Man movie. Finally he stated that things were back on track with Mahershala Ali's Blade movie after they had to get a new director with Yann Demange.


On 2/15/2023 at 6:30 AM, leokearon said:

So a group terrorist will try to hijack Air Force One and Ross will turn into the Rulk and save the day.

Yep. "Got off my plane." But In a much bigger voice.


Still blows my mind a bit that Harrison is joining the MCU. 

Not that he needs the money since he now is a part of 3 of the biggest Sci-Fi/ Adventure  franchises in History. 

Anyway, loved William Hurt as General Ross  (Sam Elliot did a fine job too) but I really can't wait to see Harrison take over. 



I really hope they make Ross Red Hulk soon, I gotta say I'm really interested in seeing Harrison Ford Mocapped as a Hulk, as much as I loved Hurt (RIP) and loved Elliot, Ford is the best replacement I think of, plus if they just get him Hulked out, he can literally sit in a chair for years and just move his face, he won't have to worry about getting hurt doing stunts.

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