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A Second Marvel Legends Squadron Supreme 2-Pack Coming In 2023?!?


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On 5/23/2023 at 8:06 PM, Ironspider428 said:

I don't know that they would release another Mystique so close to the VHS one but that was cell shaded so maybe?

I see no reason why they wouldn't, or why anyone could think that's something they wouldn't do. After all they just released two Mojos and two Longshots back-to-back. So another Mystique is no mystery. If they did, I would just hope they put her on a more appropriate buck; spare us the starved sickly limb look!

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On 5/23/2023 at 10:27 PM, Benn said:

I have no advance knowledge, but I choose to believe it’s a Mystique and Destiny two-pack, because I want Destiny badly enough to pay the additional Mystique tax.

I think that's a pretty good guess. We do need a Mysti with better legs. The only other figures I can remember that people might have missed out on is maybe something like the Thunderbolts Luke Cage which I think was only available in the SDCC exclusive many years ago. So many people were trying to chase that down. Also the Satana from the that set or the Gamora from the very first Guardians set but I don't think that will happen. Although it is an exclusive so you never know. It would be the ideal way of getting one of those two out to people who missed out. But if I had to take any guess other than @Benn's prediction I would say maybe a modern Luke Cage on the improved large model which I think was first used for the Unworthy Thor and a much improved Iron Fist on anything but the skinny body. This is one of the few times wherer the Sunfire model would do quite well. Or the Vulcan.

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The upcoming second Hasbro Marvel Legends Squadron Supreme 2-pack that will feature figures of Nighthawk and Blur will be available tomorrow June 27th at 10 am PT/1 pm EST at places like our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth. The figures each come with alternate hands and Nighthawk comes with 3 Hawkrangs with a suggested retail price of $49.99.


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I'm almost considering picking this up for parts. I'm trying to build a custom Toxin on the Vulcan body and Nighthawk FINALLY gives us some all black lower legs and arms for that mold. Now I have to decide do I want to pick up Vulcan, Corsair, Black Panther and Nighthawk to minimize the amount of painting I have to do or do I just wait until Hasbro someday gives us a Mulligan Toxin. Choices choices choices. 

Also was there supposed to be another Target exclusive this week? This Thursday is the last one of June.

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I do like these Squadron sets. Not my preference for looks but for this version they are all sharp figures so far. Be curios how they handle getting  Power Princess to us, whether it be in a 2 pack or single.

On a related note, I was hesitant at first to get the first set since Hyperion was a minor character and although I hated the body he was on, I did t need two Hypes in my collection.  But I'm weak so I grabbed the set and was blown away by how much better the new Hyperion is. So my mild buyers remorse turned into one of my favorite releases from this year

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On 6/27/2023 at 12:01 AM, ransomz said:

Are they really called "Hawkrangs"? Because that seems a little too on the nose. Also. any rumors about Power Princess yet? I don't see any reason to buy the first 2 sets if she's not coming.

On the nose? Dude Marvel makes it no secret that this is a Justice League homage. Not that DC hasn't done it themselves. It's a bit of friendly rivalry.

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On 6/26/2023 at 7:06 PM, tarot said:

On the nose? Dude Marvel makes it no secret that this is a Justice League homage. Not that DC hasn't done it themselves. It's a bit of friendly rivalry.

The first time I really put it together that the Squadron was a JLA homage was in an ad for the 80s 12 issue maxi series. The ad in question had the team all in silhouettes so you couldn't make out the SS members. The blacked out forms, I'm sure by design, looked pretty much exactly like the key members of the Justice League. 

My teenage mind actually entertained the idea that Marvel was somehow going to publish a JLA story haha. 

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I actually had totally forgotten about this 2 pack, I had fun re-looking at this and remembering I want it, nice to get Blur, and happy to get another Nighthawk that is a totally different person, it also looks far better. I might have just missed this going up for order had nobody reminded me Ha!


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On 6/26/2023 at 8:47 PM, McHogan said:

The first time I really put it together that the Squadron was a JLA homage was in an ad for the 80s 12 issue maxi series. The ad in question had the team all in silhouettes so you couldn't make out the SS members. The blacked out forms, I'm sure by design, looked pretty much exactly like the key members of the Justice League. 

I knew of the Squadron Supreme and I knew it was based on the JLA but didn't know the specifics but just now reading about it it seems most people in the industry refer to SS as Pastiche rather than Homage. Where Homage imitates to pay honor to something Pastiche is usually done as parody. That's probably splitting hairs but even though I wasn't familiar with the specifics it always seemed to me that the SS was done more as straight in your face copies of the JLA to kind of minimalize it's significance and making SS like a running joke. Maybe that's just my take but it seems like most pros in the business see them as intentional cheap imitations. That's just what I got from reading about it's origins. Pastiche is used quite a bit more often than the word Homage in each character's description.

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Strict definition of pastiche leans more towards homage than parody; the Squadron Sinister's first appearance was definitely a group of vicious super-powered types so I wouldn't term it parody (same goes for Supreme). In any event though, its good to see them in 6" action figure form. I prefer the original Whizzer's yellow and blue outfit, and would love to see the Nighthawk from 2003 Supreme Power. I've heard there are no plans to bring in Zarda/Power Princess, which I'd like to see too. Passing on this set however. 

Still a good starting point for Yellowjacket...

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