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Marvel Legends The Astonishing Ant-Man Action Figure Video Review And Images


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MCUcollector24 takes a look at the new Marvel Legends The Astonishing Ant-Man Action Figure from Hasbro.  This figure is sold as a Target Exclusive in the United States.

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Not quite correct when he says the "vintage" Ant-Man figure was the original, classic Hank Pym. That figure is just a repainted O'Grady; Pym's helmet never looked like that. This one is the classic (if you don't count the non-jagged boots), and looks great. Too bad the helmet isn't removable like Toybiz's was, but still. Like he says, even though its not pinless, they at least painted the pins so I don't have an issue with it. He's also right about the paint on the lips! 

Man, that helmet just screams 1950s-1960s sci fi. Now that they're doing Magneto's helmet, I wonder if Ant-Man's is far behind....

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I thought the Retro figure was good enough but wow this new version is a huge upgrade... 

I got street dated today when I asked a Target employee to get one from the back. Bummer, would have been nice to get this figure into my collection but if the recent Yondu Exclusive is any indication Ant-Man would be hard to acquire.  Unless of course they aren't on shelves on the day they are supposed to be and have to ask another employee to go get them. Last time this happened was with Marvel's Katy and I wasn't allowed to buy two hahaha....by the end they couldn't give those Marvel's Katys away...

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I really like this one, such an improvement over the wonky scrawny body of the last one, which I passed on, because it just didn't do it for me, but I wanted a Hank Pym Ant-Man in the collection, since I don't have one (well I guess the super tiny one from Blue Wasp kinda counts), although this is supposed to be Scott, it's easily Hank, so this is a for sure pick up for me, if TRU ever stocks it.

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