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Marvel Legends Savage Rogue Custom Figure By Phoenix Force Creations

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This weeks Marvelous Custom was done by Phoenix Force Creations who has made custom Marvel Legends Savage Land Rogue figure. Check out more of their work on Instagram. Here is how they describe the making of this figure:

Base parts: Spinneret body, Rogue (Juggy wave) head.

Mods: The body details were sculpted using Apoxie Sculpt putty. The hair, feathers,headband tails, belt bag, necklace, knife sheath were sculpted using Procreate putty.

Paints: the skin tones were airbrushed while the outfit details, hair and face were paintbrushes using Armored Komodo acrylics.

Add on: retooled spear from Masterverse Savage He-Man

Check out the image(s) of their customs below and be sure to let us know what you think in the COMMENTS SECTION below!

If you would like to submit a custom of your own creation to be featured in an upcoming MARVELOUS CUSTOM segment you can post your work on our FORUMS.

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Amazing. Simply amazing. Yeah, I follow him on IG. Phenomenal artist! Jeez, imagine if Hasbro's face sculpts and paint were THIS good. They're getting there, true enough, but this would be insane!


Man if they could make the actual one look half this good it would be awesome! Sadly they'll probably change the body mold and they'll probably try to do some kind of 60's era swimwear get up. I think maybe the rock that they used as a teaser in the last streaming event might be teasing Savage Land Rogue. A lot of art shows her kind of with one leg propped up on a small boulder. If they do it as a Deluxe they could probably include a few rocks and some foliage to make it more like a display. Just a thought. But seriously where else does a boulder play into it?

On 5/12/2024 at 8:39 PM, MRT said:

Gorgeous work! Is that really the Juggernaut wave rogue head? Didn't that head's eyes a bit far apart?

Shows you how it's mostly the paint apps and not the sculpts that are the issue with a lot of the figures.

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