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Top 25 Still Wanted/Needed Survey

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What are your Top 25 still wanted/needed ML characters?

My Top 25 still needed would include (all 1960's/1970's "vintage/classic" costumes unless otherwise indicated) these characters. Some of these would never be made (Falcon in his original green costume for example), but this is a wish list, not a realistic expectation list.

1. Nebulon
2. Mephisto
3. Wonderman (Original 1st Costume)
4. Mantis
5. Executioner/Skurge (Original costume)
6. Graviton (Original cape-less costume)
7. Living Laser (1970's costume - see Avengers #164)
8. Whizzer (Squadron Supreme)
9. Gabriel the Airwalker (Herald of Galactus)
10. Attuma
11. Swordsman
12. Falcon (Original green costume - see Capt. America #117)
13. Immortus
14. Sssthgar (Thor villain from Thor #212-213)
15. Mercurio the 4D Man (Thor villain from Thor #208, 214-216)
16. Adam Warlock (Original cape-less costume)
17. Karnilla the Norn Queen (in her traditional red robe costume)
18. The Wizard (from the Frightful Four)
19. Sandman (Green tech-looking 70's costume)
20. The Trapster (from the Frightful Four)
21. The Collector (classic costume)
22. Namor (in his 70's blue costume with yellow underarm fins)
23. Prester John (with Evil Eye accessory)
24. Darkoth the Death Demon (FF #142-144)
25. Brother Voodoo (original costume)


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