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Marvel Legends Series Kang The Conqueror Video Review And Images


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AshleyWilbanks looks at the Marvel Legends Series Kang The Conqueror from Hasbro.  This figure is available for purchase exclusively from Hasbro Pulse in the United States.

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2 Kangs, Spidey/Vulture, Crystal/Lockjaw and Hulkbuster all shipped from Pulse for me today. 4 of the 7 Blackheart wave figures hit my Pile of Loot at BBTS today also with a 5th expected imminently. It was an expensive day.  I'm most looking forward to the Inhumans but anxious to try out these time chairs also!

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I'm using that handgun as an Adhesive X gun for Baron Zemo!

I like this, but wish it had been separate heads, not faceplates so I could just switch heads with other figures. 

Timechair is cool, but a little perplexed by the "stairs" under the seat. Wish you could slide that part out, or reconfigure the chair a bit.

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I really wish they tried some new shade of green, this figure is almost identical to the old one when it comes to green, more darker and vibrant shade of green would really help this figure pop. Old Ares Wave Kang (which was Hasbro's repaint of old toybiz mold) and Marvel Universe one had really impressive paint jobs with metallic purple.


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As much as I think it's pretty cool Kang got his throne, and It's at least interesting to get some Variant faceplates, I found this to be a really easy pass, I don't need a big chair, I already have a great Kang, I was happy say no to this one, As others have said it probably would have been in Hasbro's best interest to give this a different paint job, darker colors or metallic, just to make it that much more different then the previous figure, which may have enticed more people to make the purchase.

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