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  1. Could be a custom? Doubt they would keep a prototype in a place which it may break.
  2. Hoping I win. I am also posting on social media, but not on Twitter on the Gram. I am a user of Gab and Parler.
  3. This is what happens when men are under attack, twitter, post joke world and identity politics. I keep my name out of many things. MEN joke around about rape, sex, pedos....it's what we fought for....FREEDOM. James Gunn got eaten by his own, they ideology and the attack of free speech. I dislike Gunn as a person, but his firing was not fair and says a lot of society. People call this an outrage culture, where they literally, want to monetize outrage. This is how the Huff Post and publication like that work. James Gunn got what he deserved, I dislike it, but it will not stop until men say it's enough and tell corporations stop pandering, or a war happens. When war happens, the feminized culture hides and the facts, reason, and masculinity will naturally return and fake outrage will end.
  4. Gambit and Arch. I dislike the Gamestop exclusive. Gamestop over prices everything between 3 and 5 dollars which sucks as a collector. Those prices can make or break a figure. Ronan is to expensive at 30 dollars so I skipped it.
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