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  1. Just a couple hours before the Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary Black Series poll they ran in 2019 ended, Lobot had a strong lead over Dagobah Luke. Luke was announced as the winner after the poll closed.
    2 points
  2. Yeah I remember that same exact picture, from Vision & the Scarlet Witch #6...but he's in the blue suit there. Also, he wore the green during his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants phase. But while I'm sure they'll re-do him in the blue, I wouldn't count on seeing the green and lime green gloves/boots so you might have to paint those on your own.
    2 points
  3. Here here! I think hasbro really deserves praise for this offering. Glad to see everyone happy with the price and now the possibilities are endless for future big characters!
    2 points
  4. Yup well priced pretty much How I would have presumed it be, 84.99 USD, seems about right, hey at least it's technically less then 100 for you Americans, With taxes and stuff Dragon Man came out to like 96 USD, so that means he's like 130 here in Canada, still less then 200, I'm fine with paying that for a Dragon Man, the older figure on ebay is more then that. It seems fairly fine to me to have such a big and MTO figure at that price, like I've mentioned before, things like Hulkbuster and Odin are like 85 bucks here, with taxes and if you added shipping it's roughly almost 100 dollars for those figures. So just remember how much these figures cost in Canada, and we rarely get sales like you americans, so just think about that if you are upset about prices. It could be worse for you.
    2 points
  5. The winner for this months contest was Zombiesnstuff. Thanks to them and everyone who participated. Stay-tuned for details on the next contest starting soon.
    1 point
  6. The main downside of it is that it is probably a touch big on this body. But I think it looks better than the 2023 Target Black Widow. The 2023 Black Widow head fits better, but I just don't like it as well.
    1 point
  7. Actually that is one of the best head sculpts done for that time. And it was gorgeous. Unfortunately it was a little large for the MJ body they were using which I think was the same one used for the Netflix Jessica Jones. If you're looking for a freckless version of it though and don't want to have to paint them off I'm pretty sure there was one included in of of the Black Widow figures. I don't know which one right off hand but I bet either @tarot or @leokearon could tell you pretty quickly. Update: Just checked it out. That would be the Retro Card Black Widow. No freckles but the face is quite shiny. So there's that.
    1 point
  8. Now that you say that, it had to be Marvel Boy from that Bishop book. Which actually wasn't horrid. Not the greatest, but coulda gone somewhere. I am excited for the new team, it sounds pretty cool. Id say we finish this team soon, but pretty funny how long they can keep us so close, lol. This got me thinking, why can't they do a Hammond 2 pack, flame on and human/Android version? Actually a lot of cool 2 packs could come of that concept!
    1 point
  9. I think it is the cloak not covering the shoulders, it's because those shoulders are so diminutive, honestly it doesn't do a ton of figures justice, some work, a ton look like they are slouching down and unsure of themselves, like someone just told them they are bad superheroes and are about to walk off defeated. And yeah, love that you love that awful cringey Moon Knight...I want that figure now, because someone actually asked for it. You Deserve it! That does look a ton better, nice job, I'd probably do this however, 1 I want my Mr. Knight as Mr. Knight, and 2 I don't have the Toybiz Moony anymore. ah well, Bobble head for me. The Funko Legend...
    1 point
  10. I feel like that's nothing new, and I also feel like they genuinely aren't trying to make it that way, there has always been those multipacks that people are bummed out about because it's one great figure they want and one they feel more or less nothing about, but I don't believe it's deliberate, they want you to want both figures, they just didn't hit the mark, I think it's exactly that they just didn't get it right, I don't think there is any conspiracy, they had to spend the tooling money to make the second figure, it's not like they had a box of extras laying around, it benefits the company to make a figure people truly desire. it's certainly boiling down to a case of misjudging the demand for a figure. Honestly the guys who put this line together, they say they know, they think they know, but look into their eyes and tell me you know they know, never forget..."we googled this character"
    1 point
  11. Instead of 3 figures that are essentially the same, why not use his first appearance look?? Far as I can tell , of all the characters they did in this wave, THIS guy is the one who ACTUALLY shows up in Strange Tales. You know, Strange Tales...the whole theme of this wave? Right? Regardless, they should have trotted this one out by now. Their decisions and judgement....lol
    1 point
  12. I hate to tell you guys, but Rogue was downright ugly when she first appeared. I mean a quick google search gave me this. and if they didn't give us this Rogue guess what? people would be asking for it as well. At least this way we get another team complete. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8U0CdBxhyf/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
    1 point
  13. Wow this 2 pack is getting a ton of Dislike, I'm not sure what seems new about Hasbro's methods of releasing things, This 2 pack isn't anything different then Rogue & Pyro, Everyone needed a Pyro and not necessarily a new Rogue, that's just an example, and the price issue, well that's another story all together, also anyone saying this was a 2 pack because Destiny would be a pegwarmer is wild, Destiny is like a top spot holder on lists for wanted X-Men characters pretty much universally amongst Legend collectors, also really I've been seeing for years people asking for Brotherhood Rogue..why the change of heart?, Sure would this pack have been superior with an added Mystique, sure, but would it cost more yes...Prices have gone up, it's just the facts and they are not going to give you more for it, that's inflation, I still always want to remind people how much more expensive Legends are in Canada and other countries, and we rarely get a sale, we don;t have Ollies...Americans are so up in arms about prices and values, I get it, but really it's beating sort of a dead horse, we've been talking about this for years, and want to remind people just because you get a bare bones pack like this, you also get things like recently Strange & Wong & Bats for less then this pack just an example, and on the other side of the spectrum it's a Phoenix with a stand for far too much, it's never always a win, but it's not always a loss. 🧐
    1 point
  14. This is one of the those figures I could probably have been fine without, but then again it's Moon Knight, and I pretty much need all figures Moon Knight, however this one really didn't make me scream with joy, it's just not a whole lot different then what we already have, the gold is a nice touch sure, and the Black inside the cape but, eh, anyways I needed it for the BAF piece and it's Moon Knight, do I wish it was something more unique, like Heroes Reborn Moon Knight, Ultimate or even really just a comic Mr. Knight, I would have loved to see them give us a female Moon Knight, like 2099 or Jessica Spector. This one I hope grows on me once I put it amongst my other Moonys.
    1 point
  15. LOL. So I'm a huge fan of Stephen King. Well most of his stuff anyway. When I actually find time to read. But no spoilers. In the book Finders Keepers the main antagonist is male described as having these prominent pink lips almost like he's wearing a shade of pink lipstick. And while that's not that creepy in itself there are additional descriptors that paint a picture of the character as very creepy in that typical King fashion. But the pink lips are what sticks out to people the most. But the point is no matter who the character is, every time Hasbro does one of these characters like this my mind immediately reverts to that creepy image of the character from that book. I just can't get it out of my head. Maybe that's the primary reason I don't like the print but I honestly feel most people think it is a little much.
    1 point
  16. I don't know what you guys are talking about. The TB one, while good for the time, is nothing compared to this. It was tall and lanky, couldnt stand at all, had a tail that made it impossible to move and took up way too much space and was awkwardly articulated.
    1 point
  17. Well, that makes Friday less stressful I guess. I really want another Rogue. I'm not sure I need Wolverine at all since I passed on everyone but Madeline Pryor the first time. Hasbro really kind of made this positive announcement into something negative by involving Target.
    1 point
  18. I have to agree with both of these statements. Both things need to happen. But while the few Inhumans that have been done are all on outdated models I would say I'd love to see some new characters before they start redoing the older ones. Of course the Blackbolt figure is total trash compred to today's modern figures so im all for an update in due time. Medusa can use an update but it actually isn't that bad. I'm a huge fan of the Scarlet Witch body especially after they shortened the legs and removed the high heels. And most of all no spaghetti legs. The Pizza Spidey body they used for Karnak still holds up IMO and it is accurate to the character and there are still a lot of characters left to do that don't require that super shredded Sunfire model. Maybe an updated Medusa with some bendy hair or alternative sculpts would be great. And maybe a Karnak in his Hermit look with the bandaged hands that came with Iron fist a few years back would be great but I'd love to see them knock out a few other Inhumans before they do that. There really aren't that many TBH and the few good new ones they created during the failed abysmal Mutant Purge are suddenly inexplicably mutants now.
    1 point
  19. Well, just put him in a sitting position on a stand and boom...invisible chair!
    1 point
  20. Thanks for showing that! While it's not perfect, I will probably take the stoic face and put it on there. And yes it isn't the original look, but it does harken to his current comic look, where he runs a "country" for vampires in the ruins of Chernobyl. Not sure how things are gonna shake down from Blood Hunt. And thanks so much for the shout out, and video! That was super cool BlueComet!!!!!
    1 point
  21. Thank you! I switched them at bicep swivel, it only required hairdryer and slight shaving of the shoulder pegs so they fit Spider-woman arms and the paint removal too. Sadly sometimes peg holes tend to be more hallow so you need to fatten up the peg itself, but it can be done with shrink tube or you can use hot glue and cellophane trick to make hole smaller, I think youtube customizer VADToys uses that method often in videos. As for criticism it's not really an opinion of mine, this Warbird has visibly smaller head as you can see on pics and slightly shorter legs (although I gotta admit they are best sculpted Legends legs ever) than the average female ML figure like Namorita, Syrin and Shriek when Carol is supposed to be 5'11 which is bigger than the average female and bigger than Spider-Man who is 5'10. yet the figure we got is somehow smaller than the average female. If she had regular sized head and legs that are bit taller than the Shriek mold this would have been easily 10/10 figure.
    1 point
  22. Yes agreed, And I'm very certain another Quicksilver in blue is likely to come out at some point, and probably re-use this head, Even then I don't think I care enough about Quicksilver to update from the Family Matters pack, sure I wish it was a better head, but he's not that important for me to care, Honestly he's a figure I tend to forget I have.
    1 point
  23. I don't necessarily agree with your criticisms of the figure, but I am amazed you were able to remove butterfly joint arms and then get new ones back in. I have never been able to do that (much to my Classified Doc's eternal regret).
    1 point
  24. Finally got new Warbird, I did give her more muscular arms from retro wave Spider-Woman to make her less tiny and more powerful looking although head is still visibly smaller scale than any other average female from Hasbro.
    1 point
  25. I wouldn't mind Chameleon with the blue suit and black turtleneck as long as it's Fox Logan size at least. The smaller suit model that we've seen most often would be such a buzz kill. I'm sooo hoping for the smoking lounge jacket version though. And goggles, whether they're a separate piece or sculpted onto an alternate head.
    1 point
  26. At this point the clues are so strong I'd be more surprised if it were literally anyone else besides Chameleon. Here comes the big question. Which version are we going to get. Are we getting the uncharacteristically steroidal version to mimic the one from the old Toybiz line or are we getting a suited one on the scrawny wobbly spaghetti legged suited model? My money is on the suited model. Too easy and too inexpensive for Hasbro to pass up. If that's the case maybe the money they save will let them include more than one extra head sculpt. But I won't count on it.
    1 point
  27. At the Marvel Legends Pulse-Con panel Hasbro said that the recent Spider-Man: The Animated Series: Spider-Man & Vulture 2-Pack would be the last VHS set released this year and made it seem at least for Spider-Man that line would be going on hiatus like we saw with the previous year's X-Men VHS sets. However today Hasbro's Dan Yun told folks on X not to worry because they would be doing more Marvel Legends figures based on the Spider-Man: The Animated Series. They also at the end of their Pulse-Con panel teased an accessory for an upcoming figure that appeared to look like some kind of pulled off mask. Possibly of J.J. Jameson. While it's hard to say for sure, this clue struck me as something we might see with a new Chameleon figure and since they have already done a regular comic version, one based on the Animated Series would seem a more logical choice. If that is what Hasbro is teasing, a new Spider-Man: The Animated Series Chameleon figure, then I would imagine it will be a single release on a Spider-Man Retro Cardback. Possibly offered during the next Walmart Collector Con event in October along with the Classic Quicksilver figure they first announced at SDCC. They usually offer more than one Marvel Legends figure during the Collector-Con event and they also like to do Spider-Man: The Animated Series ones during it. At the last Walmart Collector-Con we got that Animated Series Venom figure. This is all speculation of course, but hopefully we will be getting more official details soon. See an image of the original 5" Toy Biz Animated Series Chameleon along with images of the mask teaser from Pulse-Con below.
    1 point
  28. I dont have insider info or anything, but these Walmart ones are usually early. I think the last one was 8 am if that helps.
    1 point
  29. Morlun is one vampire I forgot. I'll make a short video of that headswap with a shoutout to you and marvelousnews
    1 point
  30. These are cool man!!! Never heard of them before this either! Lord, they even make tanks?? Those are literally the Joe MOBAT and Wolverine! I'm all over these man! Thanks for the heads up @toynewman!
    1 point
  31. well I just pre-order it and it's not the price that was originally leaked.
    1 point
  32. Always excited to get some new reveals. I'm eager to see if we will get the rumored Secret Wars wave everyone keeps mentioning. I'd like to see some more of that brown-suited Wolverine we saw at SDCC as well.
    1 point
  33. Wow they surprised me with that price point , I was sure this was gonna be 100 bucks. I'm definitely putting in my order tonight .
    1 point
  34. As someone who bought all of the first 6 waves of Super 7's Ultimate TMNT Line, I can safely say that I expect the quality and value of this Dragon Man to be much better than what Super 7 does. I personally wouldn't have blinked at $100 for this and I already have the original Toy Biz F4 Classics version.
    1 point
  35. Someone tell me why this came out of nowhere? Love the price and it's a pre order love that too. I was about to get pissed if they were wanting the money now knowing I (and a lot of us) are paying for a haslab tonight. Whew disaster averted.
    1 point
  36. Woow!! I was not expecting they would start this pre-order so early in the week!
    1 point
  37. Seeing as this is happening on Friday 13th I would hope we could see maybe a surprise or to from the horror or monster side of the the Marvel Universe.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Congratulations Operator! So stoked for you! Good luck to all this month!
    1 point
  40. Honestly I think if you wait a few months that Hasbro is going to do most of that for you. A "classic" repaint of this has already been mentioned in leaks, and let's be honest, duh - of course that's what they're going to do. It will probably get announced shortly after this one ships.
    1 point
  41. Here here!! Even "hatewatching" or just seeing how bad it is, gives Sony money or views. Neither helps us get them to stop with their misinformed ideas of how to start a movie universe. All it does is encourage more stupidity like this. Sucks, cause I feel how a lot of people felt about the Venom movies. This is one of my favorite actors playing one of my favorite comic characters, but it Will be awful. We must all resist the urge to go see these pieces of trash.
    1 point
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