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Jormungand last won the day on July 9

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  • Birthday March 8

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  1. In-hand review already? Lol, they probably got this and reviewed it before we could even order it. Sometimes Hasbro's introductions of new and upcoming figures really confuse me. Ah well, at least I don't have long to wait for my in-hand review, lol.
  2. I understand your point of view, along with everyone else who has sticker shock. But really, we all have experienced the jumps in everyday items like gas and groceries in the past few years. We were in an inflationary period the likes of which we had not seen since 1980. Now many might not remember that, so I sympathize. But the Fed has signaled they are willing to lower interest rates since inflation has eased up a bit - but not gone away - so price increases should ease the latter half of this year.
  3. I couldn't order right a 1 PM so I was a little concerned I would miss out like I did on the Punisher 2 pack a few weeks ago. But I was able to pre-order and like many, I am surprised how soon this is coming out. Well, it will be nice to add to the Royal Family. Other than Thor, Iron Man and Avengers related new figures, they are the ones I have wanted to complete the most. Hopefully since Hasbro has finally developed a Lockjaw; Triton, Maximus, Gorgon and a new Black Bolt on the Vulcan buck will be headed our way sooner rather than later. As far as price point, continued inflation is behind their need to raise the price on this 2 pack... look at what Odin was priced at. I would expect we will see more figures and 2 packs in this price range moving forward.
  4. YES!!! I was really hoping this would be up for pre-order soon. Like others, I have waited years for Lockjaw and Crystal, much less the rest of the Royal Family. This 'should' mean they will be giving us Gorgon, Triton, Maximus, and new Medusa and Black Bolt figures in the near future.
  5. They really did Odin right this time. What a regal figure! Too bad the scale is a little off, but its Odin, so hey, he used the Odin Force to grow a few inches, lol!
  6. Hmm, Shuma Gorath, Mandarin, Adam Warlock, originally green suit Banshee, and ROM are my picks from this list. Not much else I'm excited about. Wish it had some more C list Avengers on it and some more Avengers Villians. But it is just rumor and probably not the complete list of offerings. Warriors Three unite!
  7. No matter the sales model they use, I have been saying for the last several years that hasbro should move towards smaller- large scale figures and price them accordingly, under $100. The example I kept giving was Dragon Man... did they listen to me? Eh, probably not, but it is a good idea. Inflation will continue to give haslab fans sticker shock with the gigantic figures. Plus, there are far more smaller-large scale figures that have the potential to unite legends fans behind a campaign. I for one am very pleased by this announcement. Now I am holding my breath to see what pricetag they put on it.
  8. This two pack I will be ordering this week. Having said that, it does seem like a big missed opportunity to give us a Mystique on a proper buck. I do like the original outfit rogue wore in her first appearance, so its not a total waste in my opinion. Still need Hasbro to make us a decent Mystique though.
  9. My delivery date was moved up to August 20th, but if these are in hand already, I have a feeling it will be even sooner than that.
  10. Lol, I know right? I had no knowledge of Hellverine before this wave was announced, but I ordered him like everyone else just because he looks pretty cool.
  11. I gotta say, the more I look at it and the more I think about it, this is a really fun wave with a bunch of new characters and a great cross section of mutants, magic, demons and devils.
  12. WOW! As I said, I was just hoping for the Odin reveal and anything else would be gravy. Well, the gravy was overflowing this time! Odin is amazing! Just like I always hoped he would be portrayed, in the Big John Buscema style of grandeur. I do believe this is actually based how Walt Simonson drew him during his famous run, but he clearly drew upon Buscema's interpretation as well. As for the height, the scale monger in me feels he should have been made around the same height as the comic Infinity Gauntlet Thanos deluxe figure. Odin is 6'9" and Thanos is 6'7" in the comics. While the deluxe Thanos figure is more than an inch taller than the classic anniversary Thor from a few years back, it still works. Odin however will tower over both of them. Oh well, the design and execution are top notch, so begone scale monger! lol! As for the rest, I am almost stunned by how much we got revealed. Warlord Professor X looks cool. Destiny with FA Rogue from the old Avenger Annual #10 brings back memories. I think many are with me in being a little disappointed we aren't getting a new buck Mystique, but it is gratifying to finally get Destiny and complete my classic Uncanny X-men Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Phoenix Jean in green is a must have for me. The old one was on those toothpick legs. Add the Phoenix display behind her and bam! It's knocked out of the park. Strange Tales Wave? Nothing like I was guessing or expecting, but welcome none the less. New Voodoo? Okay. Dracula? Never made character figures are always welcome on my shelves. Hellverine? Well, did we really expect a baf wave without an obligatory Wolverine figure? Come now folks, we have been at this game far too long for this to be surprising, lol. He actually looks pretty cool and I may just have to keep him for my mystic/netherworlds ML display. Son of Satan? Finally! Yet another classic Defender for my shelf! Very happy about this one and love his trident. Would I prefer the classic SOS costume, always, but just getting the figure is in the win column to me. Lilith? Really, Lilith? This whole wave gives me hope for the future of demons, devils and dark dimension figures overall. She will be a keeper as well. WC Avengers Moon Knight? I like this look and he will be added to the team of course. But again, Hasbro, right idea, wrong buck. Let's get it right next time on the new Vulcan buck please. Blackheart? Well, this just caps off a surprisingly stunning wave in my opinion. Keep 'em coming Hasbro!
  13. That is another thought, there should be at least one more X-men wave this year correct? It's been a loooong time since we had a Holocaust figure - hats off to anyone who's domed helmet still has both little plastic hinges unbroken, lol. Going from my Thanos/Lady Death idea into the Adam Warlock/Gamora two pack idea that was brought up, I have another idea that at least ties into a wave we know we are supposed to be getting. As another astute contributor noted, we are getting a Strange Tales wave in 2024. And although they figured it may be monster type figures - IE Werewolf By Night, etc., I think it may at least include several Adam Warlock related figures. In Jim Starlin's classic Warlock costume, he had a skull broach that held his cape together at the neck. Also, there was a period in the early 70's when Adam's own title stopped and about four issues of Strange Tales were devoted to Adam Warlock stories. These are where both Gamora and Pip the troll were first introduced. Now Gamora's first appearance costume, and for as long as Jim was drawing her, had a belt with little skulls on it. So, perhaps the hint is alluding to the fact we may be getting Adam Warlock and Gamora as part of a Strange Tales wave? At least this theory accounts for a known coming wave and has skull tie-ins. Seeing as we got the surprise Moondragon and Drax 2 Pack last fall (Drax also has a skull cape broach and a skull on his belt), it makes sense they might be completing the Infinity Watch team for us in the near future. Just another random idea.
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