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ARES410 last won the day on April 29 2019

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About ARES410

  • Birthday 04/10/1974

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    United States

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    Hip Hop, Comics (books & Stand Up), Video Games, Art, Science and Your Mom

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  1. I'd love to see how he scales when you put that head on a Luke Cage (red tee) body? With the right lower legs, you could make a screen accurate Idris
  2. If you know Hasbro, like I know Hasbro... We can expect to see a F4 boxset with an added Dr. Doom for Marvel's anniversary collection
  3. You pay an annual fee and they give you additional discounts on games/collectibles and a subscription to Game Informer magazine
  4. Get thee to Gamestop, a 3rd party website has $10 off any IN STOCK items, which includes Marvel Legends! Totally scored a Doc Ock for $13
  5. Avalanche Val Cooper G. W. Bridge D Man El Agila (the Eagle) Frog Man Griffin Harpy Impossible Man Jack Flag
  6. Dazzler is $7.95 currently. I just bought two today (Sexier Sharon Carter) don't know what to do with the extra one?
  7. I started a similar topic, just in regards to "Vintage" waves. But, my choices here will be different because who enjoys reruns? Viper - She needs a whole bunch of new! Face, body and weapons would be needed to correct her earlier fig. Daredevil - Butterfly joints ftw! And I wouldn't mind one of those handplant hands, like they just did with Beast. Jigsaw - Pretty sure the only way he's getting released will be via exclusive. Far too traumatizing for the toy aisle
  8. This is right up my alley! Black Mamba & Asp (Avengers Initiative No. 31) Meggan and Capt. Britain (Excalibur No. 1) US Agent & Diamondback (modern looks) Sunspot & Mirage (FA New Mutants) Wolfsbane & Strong Guy (90's X Factor)
  9. I remember back in the 5inch X Men days, you had to buy a certain number of figures to get Senyaka and/or Rogue. I jumped thru all the right hoops, and when the time came... I picked Senyaka. Rogue had a horrible face, and no articulation in her head/ neck. Easy pass! Now, I'm all about price matching... Restart that fodder pile.
  10. When I was on a toy haul earlier, I noticed that certain figures are asking $70+ on the after market?! So with that in mind, wanted to start a discussion about which figures need a re-release due to rarity etc. 90's Rogue - Gotta be able to complete the cartoon team, without taking out a mortgage on your house. 90's Jean Grey - The body they used in the Jubilee BAF wave isn't aging well. Bring the ruckus! 90's Cyclops - I hope you're noticing a trend. BAF or no, nostalgia is gonna compel people to assemble the TV suits. Iceman - Just use the Astral Dr. Strange body, keep his feet and "Icy parts" and he's done. Omega Red - Every line should have one villain. Give him some bendy coils, and no one will cry about buying another Omega. Spy Wolverine - Every X Men line needs a Wolvy (federal law, or something...) instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, give him his Weapon X/S.H.I.E.L.D. suit, with all the extra weapons and everything! Who else needs to be added to the list? Who should be removed? Who makes you list? Comment below.
  11. Such a brilliant way to increase activity on the boards, I hadn't commented in years... And for that I'm sorry Here's hoping the winners are all of us, good luck everyone!
  12. I can do this all day: Wolverine - Tuxedo, with "Patch" head Cyber - long overdue Lady Deathstrike - Reavers need more love Hand ninjas - easy army builder Bloodstream - long overdue Kane (Weapon X) - one of my favorites Maverick - long overdue Pretty Boy - long overdue Mr. Fixit - BAF (tuxedo)
  13. Caliban is the 2nd Horseman of Apocalypse to be released, he's kinda a big deal... In that area. Forge looks bored to be at NYCC Night Thrasher is a welcome surprise Jubilee looks amazing, I'd love to see her in Gen X colors tho. I can understand the need for this look Prof. X is almost as cool as the original Toybiz version, this one can leave his chair tho Both 2 packs look bomb Kinda "Meh" on both Silver Sable and Black Cat. I'd love to finally get a Dodson version
  14. In addition to the eventual widespread rereleases, because we all know they'll be hitting the vintage series. Far too easy; UFOes - All of em! (Ironclad, Vapor, Vector and X Ray) Wizard - Ult. Alliance look Dr. Doom - Alternate maskless head, duh Trapster - modern look Gorgon - modern look Crystal - modern look Hydro Man - Classic
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