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Everything posted by TomXsXeX

  1. I dont really want to look at MU either but in fairness atleast it's Marvel. I know Im guilty for posting about SHS and 90s Biz but atleast they are Marvel products.
  2. Haha I was speaking about getting use to some of the people on here's negitive outlooks on everything.
  3. Shokker you just have to get use to it.
  4. Hahaha those are ridiculous.
  5. I enjoy the green one. The Blue one is a lot more common to new stories.
  6. I really really want the Howard the Duck that came with Silver Surfer. Im sure someone has to have one lying around.
  7. Ahhhh I want a ton of Hellfire Cult figures.
  8. I have Juggs and I wanted T but never got him. Juggs is really fun. His helmut is kinda akward but oh well.
  9. If I found some of the rare ones for very cheap somewhere Im pretty sure that Id get them all. Im not sure if Id sell or not but I probably would sell the extras.
  10. My GF bought me my Deadpool off of ebay for me for Valentines day.
  11. Yeah I forgot about Hawkeye!!!! Id really like to have him. I need Annihilus' head too. Hah Ive had a headless one for a while now.
  12. Thats how I got into collecting these. I was at a really small bad flea market and there was some guy with his kid selling a ton of stuff and I found a bunch of random Legends in the box. I thought that they were worth a lot so I bought them to sell, once I got him I decided I needed a ton more.
  13. Ah Ive always wanted that Spider Hulk. I went to the flea market yesterday and got a XMen series 1 from 91 in the box for $3. Oh and I went to TJ Maxx and I got the Hasbro toy store AoA Sunfire for $6.
  14. Ah that makes more sense to me too now.
  15. I never got Giant Man, Id like to have it. I also dont have Juggs.
  16. I hate to laugh but HAHAHAHA.
  17. I just Toy Biz Namor for 8 dollars on ebay. I made this bid a while ago and I never watched it and I just read the email today that I won. Nice suprise.
  18. Im pretty sure thats not Hasbros thoughts. I believe that Hasbro just thinks everyone will buy 3.75.
  19. Wow, I wish that could have happened to me.
  20. Yeah people are, they are in the 3.75 board.
  21. Yeah well I asked him for that and PMs have been down forever so sorry.
  22. The Cyclops is for sure worth it, it is awesome. Hes perfect. I know some others have said that they didnt like the Wolverine but I do a lot. The costume paint looks really good and he has the best claws of any Wolverine figure so far. His face isnt the best ever but it is still better than the movie ones. Beast and Colossus are just good repaints. Colossus looks real good and Beast looks better darker.
  23. I bought the X-Men two packs for cheap from Walmart today and My gf got me the Rhino and Armor Spiderman SHS in my easter basket.
  24. I hate to say it but I love Walmart.
  25. Doesnt that 7.99 price tag on Ghost Rider make you smile.
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