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Everything posted by ransomz

  1. Both Blob and Ronan look quite good. I think I may just be updating those figures in my collection.
  2. Good looking figure. I'm definitely interested in seeing what the rest of the set looks like.
  3. I'm more interested in seeing him play Ross than Indiana at this point
  4. Yes, the set is expensive. Inflation. Price of plastic. Maybe the number is the right price point for the costs of materials. Either way, it feels expensive. One big problem is that consumers, such as myself, are going to want the car and all figures if we are going to shell out that big price point. Because of the nature of the Haslab offerings, it seems doubtful we are going to even get the tier 1 figure at this point. The confidence is gone. They came out of a strong play with the Robby human figure. It wound up backfiring. No one is going to want the car without the bonus figures and that is what is looking likely at this point. People lost confidence in this one, which is shame because the car looks good, as do the figures shown. I wonder if it would have worked out different if Robby had been a regular tier and/or the price point was $299?
  5. I have been on the fence about this one. That car is quite cool, especially with the flame detailing and lights. I bet there is going to be some very cool photography with it. I'd also like to add the Mephisto and Goblin Queen figures to my stash. They both look well done. I won't get all of them without 12K backers though. That's the rub. I'd definitely feel cheated if I received the car without those two bonus figures. We'll have to see.
  6. I wonder if it has to do with the CGI budgets for the movies being higher. She-Hulk's CGI isn't quite up to movie quality and I'd imagine Iron Wars will be even more CGI dependent than She-Hulk.
  7. I did like both movies a lot but I was a bit disappointed with how they handled Cable. I figured there was no way they could do him justice and I was right. While the X-Force insta-deaths were funny, I was also disappointed they were out of it so fast. Still, a enjoyable movie. I liked Domino more than I thought I would. I still wish she had the classic black and white domino look. I mean it's right there in the name.
  8. I'm going to assume when they say red trench coat Wonderman they mean red safari jacket Wonderman.
  9. Oh man, I hope they have him in full costume for at least one extended action scene. And I hope it doesn't look Power Rangers-ish.
  10. I was thinking that adding a human head was the obvious solution. I'm glad they did that.
  11. Monet and Corsair are great news. They've been on my want lists for awhile. Corsair is going to need some friends though. I hope Hasbro's stated interest in team building extends to the Starjammers.
  12. I did think they were giving a very short goal date for the human figure. It seemed a little cocky. I don't think there is any practical reason to give such a short period of time for the Reyes figure. This suggests it was purely a marketing decision, trying to push potential buyers to act quickly. I don't see any harm to Hasbro if they did add the human form figure in when the campaign hits 9,000, even if that's late in the game. It almost seems spiteful not to, unless there really is some added cost reason.
  13. Late adopters seem pretty standard for Has-Lab projects. The car is really cool. I'm pretty confident it will make its numbers. No Robbie though. That was a bit of surprise.
  14. That is one cool looking car, both with the flames and without. I'm looking forward to seeing the stretch goal figures.
  15. I was, in fact, able to score him. Jay posted that it was available and lo, it was. Thanks, Jay.
  16. Looks great to me. I love XCOM. In fact I'm playing WOTC, again, right now. The gameplay is kind of what I was expecting. Looks exciting. Can't wait to play. I think I'm going to pre-order this one.
  17. Well hang on now. What is Mastermind wearing? That looks like a big step up.
  18. It's a small thing, but I hope when the do Wolverine in the MCU he doesn't have the bone claws retcon. I hope his claws are installed in housings in his forearms that he can unsheathe with a mental command.
  19. I'm glad to hear it. I liked the series. There was a lot of interesting stuff in it. They certainly left the door wide open by introducing a third personality there at the end. Oscar Isaacs did a great job creating distinct characters.
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