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About uberlad

  • Birthday 06/26/1980

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    United States

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  1. Has anyone's 5 below restocked? I'm sad to miss out on the custom potential of some of the characters I didn't see.
  2. I have terrible news for you: they got full cases, but someone has already grabbed the "good" stuff. have you been wiping out an entire retail chain? I have 2 on my way home from work and both only ever had the Antman/Ares. 1 of which is wiped out already and reset with those playmotion things.
  3. I've only seen Ant man and Ares at 5 below so far. They are getting full cases of single characters. Ant man I can kinda understand.....but who's idea was it to pack a character like Ares 12 per case?
  4. AA wave 2 hit 5 below in PA, too. I picked up an extra hawkeye to use on a hawkguy custom.
  5. Sorry to hear that! Hopefully everyone is ok and repairs don't keep you down too long.
  6. That's fantastic stuff! Did you sculpt those scales on? If so, you did a great job! Regardless, you did a great job.
  7. Save up some extra cash. I was pumped when Stan came to the Pittsburgh Comic Con this spring. I went up to the counter and paid $40 bucks to have my picture taken with him. I asked if he was autographing stuff, and they said yes, for $50 more. That would have left me with about 10 bucks to shop with at the con, so I went with the pic only. Some of the proceeds went to charities and I don't begrudge folks for charging what they think is reasonable (It is Stan-freaking-Lee), but I figured I could always get a signature off of ebay instead. Anyway, the moral is save up and be ready!
  8. I'm loving that classic Misty, USAg..I mean lo wan!
  9. I drew them on file folder stickers and colored them with Sharpies.
  10. Superman: Wonderman head, Cyclops body, Daredevil boots, Star Wars Crimson Empire figure cape Batman: Movie Batman head, Bullseye body, Cyclops belt, Star Wars cape Flash: Bullseye head, DD body, Cyclops boots Green Lantern: Han Solo Head, Bullseye body Now maybe the DCU can stand toe to toe with the Marvel Universe But we all know Marvel's cooler in the long run. Other Crossover Potential
  11. Hey folks, I've been picking up extra new sculpt MU bodies so I can undo the injustice that was DCIH. Here's what I've got so far: Superman: Wonderman head, Cyclops body, Daredevil boots, Star Wars Crimson Empire figure cape Batman: Movie Batman head, Bullseye body, Cyclops belt, Star Wars cape Flash: Bullseye head, DD body, Cyclops boots Green Lantern: Han Solo Head, Bullseye body Now maybe the DCU can stand toe to toe with the Marvel Universe But we all know Marvel's cooler in the long run. Other Crossover Potential
  12. Good! Joes are slow movers in my area, so I'm not sure if that gives me a better or worse shot of finding one. I did stumble across a variant Electro today at a Target. I bought one for 15 bucks at a con recently, and kicked myself for it almost immediately thereafter. Today, because it was the hoi polloi Target, it cost me 10.60 after tax. I shouldn't have been so hard on myself earlier.
  13. I haven't heard about the Bridge Direct or whoever is making these. Have they made anything else?
  14. Thanks for the link. I found it interesting. I missed the first McFarlane version in blue, but I've always thought about painting my Hasbro version to the appropriate colors. I have the fearsome foes set, and I'm a fan of that Spidey even moreso, I think. It might just be because that's the version I have.
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