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Everything posted by PushYouDown

  1. They need to go back to the late 80s/early90s Punisher of having him essentially be a "Mac Bolan" style secret agent/vigilante going after big criminals. Look at the "War Journal" stories. Like him gunning down local street gangs isn't interesting anymore at the least and problematic at the most.
  2. I always say "Kirby is why we like the looks of the characters, Lee is why we still care after 50+ years."
  3. The realities of business and especially the toy business are often lost on toy collectors.
  4. I could be wrong but I think it was hinted or theorized that she was Lorna's half-sister but not Magneto's daughter--they had the same mother but different dads.
  5. ...two things... Pretty Boy is supposed to be like a handsome dude....this dude look like a cartoon thug. They missed a great opportunity to include a "no Punisher" shirt as an accessory. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/332562753738725441/
  6. I'm going to go with another homage to vintage Toy Biz. That AoA Iceman was dark translucent blue.
  7. ....it's weird that dudes who claim to like comics ...seem to not ever understand them. "sjw agend"....::eyeroll:
  8. Kudos to whoever posed Rogue like that. It's an homage to the Toybiz Monster Armor Rogue figure. The figure had Jim Lee-era hair, but was in the AOA costume.
  9. Okay... I've got to ask...I did a search and nothing came up. But... Masters of Evil Goliath is coming? Look on the shelf behind this dude.
  10. I think a Ferigno Hulk seems perfect for a con exclusive. Back when we got the Marvel Universe Spiderman and his Amazing Friends TRU set- I thought they should do more three-packs based on the cartoons. X-men Cartoon - tiger stripe Wolverine, Cyclops with jacket, Jean Grey with pony tail. Incredible Hulk - Hulk with the brownish red pants, Bruce Banner, She-Hulk with pink tattered dress. 60s Spiderman - Spidey without the webbing, Doc Ock in purple (which we eventually got anyway), "Vulture Man" or J Jonah Jameson (could come with a cape and alternate head to turn him into the show's version of Magneto)
  11. ...umm.. isn't that gun just a scaled up one from the GI JOE Retaliation? https://www.yojoe.com/images/resize/w/MAX/imagestore/3718/41358.jpg
  12. #Metoo doesn't necessarily apply to women--- Terry Crewes famously shared his story in relation to it. The original piece made a bizarre connection when they really just meant to say "in the interest of diversity" they're doing a female led Spider-world movie.
  13. ML fans seem to really hate it, so that might bode well for being able to pick it up on the secondary market.
  14. oh yeah that Hasbro survey is fun and they actually reference the 3 3/4 figs in a few questions (probably trying to see if there's still any interest). I think if the scale return it won't be a compatible way--they will be stylized in some form (like the Disney figs) so it would essentially be asking fans to start-over and I'm not at all interested in that.
  15. I saw Vonner at SDCC rocking a Mattel shirt--I had no idea he had ended up there. That's good for him. Regarding Feige....he's not all that distinct but hell, why not? I made a Joss Whedon figure for my MCU shelf back in the day (used the head from the mini-figs that came with the SDCC documentary a few years ago--same with Stan Lee). I do think Taika Watiti and James Gunn (I think he'll be back) should get some figure likeness someday.
  16. Target has a lot of Marvel stuff on clearance. I picked up the last wave Iron Man and Ulik for fodder- 6 bucks each.
  17. Not that I have seen. The stores are packed though and starting to get picked over. I have heard some annoyed customers tell employees that they expected everything to be clearanced by now.
  18. Ultron was made with a modded movie Power Rangers body and the head from the Disney Infinity Ultron head. Drones were made from modded T-RIPs (Endo-skeletons) from Terminator Salvation with modded Iron Man heads.
  19. Hasbro Toy Shop has some good sales right now. I got the Dr. Strange movie two pack for 4.99. (Going to make custom Kaecilius) and got the 6 inch action feature Homecoming Vulture so I have more accurate wings for my 4 inch Vulture. Also decide to get the modern Cap with the split shield for completion's sake. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Marvel-Legends-Doctor-Strange-Doctor-Strange-Astral-Doctor-Strange-2-Pack/222471127363?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649
  20. Hey guys Amazon is blowing out MU figures. The AoA Magneto wave is at about retail, but they have real cheap add-ons. The Enchantress/Skurge set is literally 6 bucks now.
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