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  1. The only reason he has a foot in the door was because his father _________. Fill in the blank.
  2. D'Spayre, Sleepwalker, Mordo and Wong for me. I don't know D'Spayre that well, so that may be a late pass. He looks cool though. I'll buy Defender Strange when he goes for a DEEP discount. I really only want the portal. Happy Collecting!
  3. Honestly....is this new school character? I'm an OT if this was a character that is older....I have no idea who he is. The MCU would be much better off is they used the Beyonder. Easy costume . 80s styled white outfit. No reason to figure out how to dumb down another costume.
  4. Are you _____ing kidding me. I love to customize....but I can only stare at your work and drool with envy.
  5. Are they worth it with to someone with a realistic mind...no....Are they worth it for someone with a nostalgic mind...yes....100%. Every time I fire up my old Ms. Pacman cabinet it brings a tear to my eye and so much joy into my soul. If it makes YOU happy. it's worth it!....nuff said.
  6. I've gotta quit buying every Marvel Legend that comes out. Lady Loki will be the first one axed in my new diet. Nice looking figure but I have no connection to the character.
  7. Um. WOW! I love this figure. Nice expressions for the head. Love how they did the hair. Perfecto. Thanks Hasbro.
  8. Cool looking piece and I wouldn't be surprised to see something like this in the Venom 2 movie. But, and this is a big BUT....It's basically a statue. Looks like there is only 5 POA. Pass.
  9. Quake..........and still no Avalanche. I'm an OT. I don't really know who Quake is but I'm assuming she is a female version of Avalanche with similar powers I'm guessing from the picture. So frustrating.....fans have been asking for Avalanche for over a decade.
  10. Pass on both of these. With the Falcon I want the open chest costume version. Loki is the same thing that I already have with an extra head that looks like the elder Loki from the Disney series.
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