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  1. If these ever hit stores I foresee lots and lots of gold Ultrons clogging the shelves. :(
  2. I found this wave as well. I came close to getting Moon Knight and Iron Man, but eventually just decided to get Wolverine. The claws were bent and the paint job could have been crisper, but I agree with everyone on the nice head sculpt. The windswept hair looks good. I just wish we had a better selection of characters coming this year... There wasn't much for me in this wave. Maestro looked decent, for those interested...
  3. I saw Wave 2 for the first time outside of a comic shop at TRU. I finally got a Gamora at 30% off (Score!). The only figure missing was Ant Man. I was tempted to get Vision and Living Laser, but I have the first Vision and there are some other characters from previous waves that I skipped in the past that I'd rather get online (money is tight). I was still happy to see a new batch put out though.
  4. The Vulture wave never really hit TRU or WM. It was seemingly online-only until they started showing up at Gamestop. Every Gamestop I've been to has had that wave, and many have them on clearance. I'd check there. Thanks for the Gamestop tip - i bought Doc Ock, Vulture, and Shanna there on clearance. Ocks arms are a fun feature although the body is too tall and bland. Shanna is a decent fig. Vulture...will have to glue those stupid wings on Same here! Thanks so much. I bought Doc Ock and Vulture at Gamestop Thursday... I skipped oh Shanna and Thunderstrike, but I badly needed a Dock Ock.
  5. Yes, I loved that cover and had to pick it up. I was only 14 at the time.
  6. That was around the same time I started collecting X-Men as well. I had read the Dark Phoenix saga and loved it, but it wasn't until a few years later that I became obsessed with them... an issue or two later than your issue, to be exact, Feihong... when Peter Henry Gyrich shot Storm and stripped her of her powers.
  7. I know... and I'm wondering if that might bug me later on (not that it isn't a great face).
  8. Forgive my poor photo-editing skills, but I wanted to show a mock-up of an idea I had. I 'm disappointed that we still don't have a Phoenix in her classic green and thought that She-hulk's hair would work well for her. She-hulk didn't turn out as big as I expected her to, and I think her hair could possibly fit the Scar-Jo BW's head? My fear is that both She-hulk and BW's head may look too large on a Dark Phoenix body, but I thought the combination of these three may work:
  9. Totally lucked out this morning at Walmart. My area hardly ever gets things when the other areas do, but I found the one Black Widow on the pegs. I also got a Hawkeye. I generally don't like movie versions, but this Widow has the thigh cuts and arm rotation. The only thing missing is waist articulation and her head doesn't pivot up and down much, but even so, it's such an improvement over the old female buck, and this one is curvy! Here's 2 pics:
  10. Onyx, that Elektra head is beautiful (so's the ex BTW). I'm still surprised we don't have her yet. Maybe next year Hasbro will release one.
  11. Dang. You guys find so much cool stuff... today, I went everywhere and I only saw Thanos and Apocalypse for the FIRST time in the wild (at Target's new endcap), however; since the reveal of the Thanos/Warlock pack at SDCC that has a better paint job, I passed. A couple of months ago I pre-ordered Dr. Strange and Falcon online, but my debit/credit card expired and since then my CVC2 code has changed. When I checked my order, it said it was on hold... but it also had new info saying that anyone who ordered a Dr. Strange would randomly receive either an Astral form or Regular figure. That sorta ticks me off. I went home and ordered a Dr. Strange & Falcon off of ebay. I'm sick of waiting and there aren't many figs I want until the December wave comes out anyway. If I get charged & receive the ones I originally pre-ordered, I'll let everyone know.
  12. Just to let you guys know how bad my area is for action figures, I only just saw a Gladiator and Original Costume Wolverine. I passed on both because I had ordered Gladiator online and didn't want Wolvie. No sign of Cable, Apocalypse, or Cyke. I've never seen Thanos in a store. I also saw the Silver Samurai pack for the first time today and bought it even though I didn't want Wolvie. No sign of the Deadpool/Taskmaster set. Star Wars is just as scarce. My area never received the AOTC wave earlier this year. It was just completely skipped and Vintage Waves 5 & 6 were very hard to find. SO sick of outrageous shipping charges, ebay scalpers, online shops that hike up prices *koffToyWizkoff*, or make you buy a whole case or sell out too fast *koffBBTS&HTS&EEkoff*, and empty stores, pegwarmers, and unfriendly employees at Walmart, Target, & TRU. End Rant. Other than my frustration, Silver Samurai looks good. :)
  13. Some Baronesses were on clearance at TRU. I'd already replaced Classic Storm's feet, so I did the same to Punk Storm. I know it's silly compared to a true custom, but I think little details mean a lot and it adds a little height to her. Sometimes I wish Hasbro would differentiate one female figure from another more:
  14. I found some of the new Captain America figures at Target today. The only one I picked up was the WWII figure. He looks good, but for some reason the left shoulder is frozen and I'm scared to move his arm down for fear of breaking it. It's sorta the same problem I noticed with my Secret Wars Dr. Doom a while back. I considered buying the Cap that comes with a parachute to replace my Secret Wars Cap, but it ended up not being worth the price to me. I also picked up a Skrull Soldier (a fig I liked but had just never gotten around to buying).
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