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Posts posted by dragonkings

  1. The painted detail is great, hope the quality control is as good across the line as my two were.

    Havent seen detail in this scale like this I think ever, this is some High end paint jobs and detail.

    Forever in my mind shows that Hasbro is really full of crap concerning cost issues V. Quality in the 1/18th scale across the board if a tiny company like this can give this much articulation and detail into a 19.99 IMPORT figure.

    No excuse, just greed, lack of respect of its consumers and no pride of craftsmanship.


    I cant wait for their Injustice 2 figures now.


    HiYa toys, Boss Fight and Mauraders are KILLING it. Just eish some of our beloved 1/18th licenses like Marvel , GI Joe and Star Wars got this level of love anymore. BUT am thinking about that Jabba's Barge, freaking beautiful.

    I can easily see some cameos by Predator, Hacks and many others on that thing

  2. Has anyone seen the final wave out in the wild yet?

    The AOA Magneto wave?


    I got mine from Hasbrotoyshop with the 20% off.


    But have seen them hit retail,


    One of the Local stores near me has the entire wave but they like 14 bucks plus tax


    another retail spot has the wave but at 16-17 plus tax.


    But havent found them at TRU or Target.

    No Walmarts near me.

  3. It was a wasted opportunity but glad to have him, he chills with My World Of Nintendo figures like Samus , StarFox Crew, and Link.

    It sucks because Hasbros Marvel team sucks, ANOTHER 6 inch line from these nobs? No thanks.


    Im Convinced this was GOING to be a line before the Marvel team got to kill it for another 6 inch line and thats why we only Got Megaman and a VERY LAZY repack of Ironman.


    (Now gotta find a Good Sonic figure)

  4. Lol,

    Too bad Hasbro got lazy,


    More of these 2 packs would of been amazing, Redfield, Nemesis, Strider, Dante, Dormammu, They already had most of the MU's made. Imagine these Toybiz retro style 2 packs....


    Another easy money maker they missed out on. I would of loved alot of these Capcom's characters to join my Collection especially with The Nintendo World to be with Megaman and company and GI Joe to team up with Chris and Ryu, Chun Li to fight Nemesis and Cobra etc..



    Found the Bar Code on MUReview's Review of the Figures image section , they had a image of the bottom of the Box in their Photos.




    Hope that helps

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