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Everything posted by Legend

  1. I still do.
  2. Yea Chicagoland has jack! Oh and our postal service sux too!! Just throwing that out there
  3. Not yet but hopefully today
  4. Got Miles in the mail today but his damn arm broke off! Damn you Hasbro! Cool figure tho
  5. PYD I pmed you
  6. Got my She-Hulk and Punisher from Koko and paint apps were flawless! Great sculpt and accessories for Punisher. She Hulk is by far my favorite MU female. I've been waiting for her for a while!
  7. I happen to be at my Walmart today as they were doing the reset. Nothing on the pegs but I did see an entire pallet of boxes. Only thing worth checking out was a fresh case of Avengers 6in. I had Hulk in my hand but decided to pass last second due to this evil glare from the wife. Probably gonna regret it later....
  8. What part of IL are you? I need to get me a she hulk/wolvie pack
  9. Must buy for me!
  10. All these nice comic pack hauls! I'm jealous.
  11. I so want this. Anyone helping out fellow members who can't make it to SDCC?
  12. I really hope Hasbro is reading everyone's response regarding these exclusives. We all want them but come to the realization that we might not ever own them. I hope they do right by us and either release these figures in singles or make the exclusives available through HTS.
  13. I need that Venom!! Nice work!!
  14. Pretty shady but nice find of 3 cases. Walmart has them reasonably priced too. I kinda wish your friend scammed TRU instead. I wouldn't have any issue with that.
  15. Anyone have an extra Extremis Ironman?
  16. Welcome aboard buckethead, I'm in the Chicago area also. No sightings of BT Spidey or Masked Daken in the city.
  17. I had a hunch to check my local Target today and got lucky, kinda. It looked like a fresh case was put out but Madame Hydra was missing. It sux because I needed her but I was able to get Piledriver and FF Spidey. Excited to open these up I rushed home and find this!! Some jerk stole the BAF piece!! Pisses me off and bothers me I didn't notice until I got home.
  18. Thats a pretty sight. I could use that FF Spidey and Madame Hydra
  19. That's sick Dressel!! I need a pair of those legs!
  20. Great tutorial! Very helpful info, thanks for posting!
  21. I gotta say, coming back to the forums, Im impressed to see how everyones skills have improved so much. Also its good to see some new customizers. Keep up the good work everyone! DK - Nice take on Blazing Skull! decepticonmark - Im diggin that Tombstone! Simple and effective. I hope you dont mind but Im going to use your recipe to make one of my own. Dinamite - Nice Firefist! Im also guilty of taking pictures while the paint is still fresh!
  22. I like the extra hands it comes with. Would go perfect with my Sentry custom.
  23. I wouldnt mind filling in for Hasbro lol Seriously though I am confident we will see an Ares release by the end of the year. It's probably going to be on the new Hercules buck. It seems to be a trend, or coincidence, that once a custom figure is put out the official figure follows closely behind. Just like She-Hulk Btw thanks Shayne, whats new bud?
  24. Thanks guys! He's not quite finished yet. Still need to paint up the skull and crossbones and find a belt for him..... cant find a damn belt lol Thanks JD, this is probably the highest compliment I have heard since I consider Vonner to be one of the best! I still have a long way to go before I get to his level. Shortysben - Check your PM buddy
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