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  1. If you have Tuesday MOrning stores, they have MIB figures (K and J if you are lucky) for 2.99.
  2. PP! That is awesome. Dullcoat works magic on figures. Can you link me to what brand you used for Dull coat?
  3. If i saw all those Indiana Jones figures at that price, i would have bought all of them on the spot. Great find jason!
  4. I'm glad i've never see more than one sentinel at one time at my TJmaxx's. Or else i'd pick them all up. These showing up at these stores are like diamonds in the rough.
  5. And this is why Hasbro provides rev cases - to give enjoyment to those who are new to the line and want to catch up. Congraulations on your finds!! Sucks for the us who have been collecting this line for awhilenow, but great for the passionate newer collectors!
  6. Anyone interested... Mystique and Deadpool. PM me. hts did not ship moonstar nor red deadpool.
  7. Those are not from the first IM movie. They are the later waves of the Iron Man 2 line renamed under the Iron Man the Armored Avenger toyline. And they are not old. They have been showing up at Marshall's/TjMaxx here and tehre for the past couple of months now. Great find none the less if you're into IM armors.
  8. Dude...if you have one already then no rush. But if you're on teh fence of getting a sue storm... then as might as well. Cuz the one day you decide to get it...then it'll be gone. Happens to me everytime...that situation happens. : )
  9. Bahhh!!! Last night on the drive to the family's house I stopped at a Walmart in northern indiana. I saw a psyloche and a silver surfer with a few others. It didn't even hit me that this was part of the new wave until reading this post. I'm shocked they got to this area so quickly. I'll stand corrected. More power to ya if you have other local stores that have the wave. where at? I stopped in the Niles, Mi store (right on the Indiana line bascially) and saw the same thing two days ago - except I grabbed Miles Morales from there that day It actually was the Niles store, I grew up there and found the Gigantic battles set clearanced last year on a visit so I always hit them up when I'm heading to South Bend. More power to you if you have other local retailers that have the wave.
  10. Bahhh!!! Last night on the drive to the family's house I stopped at a Walmart in northern indiana. I saw a psyloche and a silver surfer with a few others. It didn't even hit me that this was part of the new wave until reading this post. I'm shocked they got to this area so quickly. I'll stand corrected. More power to ya if you have other local stores that have the wave. where at? I stopped in the Niles, Mi store (right on the Indiana line bascially) and saw the same thing two days ago - except I grabbed Miles Morales from there that day It actually was the Niles store, I grew up there and found the Gigantic battles set clearanced last year on a visit so I always hit them up when I'm heading to South Bend.
  11. Bahhh!!! Last night on the drive to the family's house I stopped at a Walmart in northern indiana. I saw a psyloche and a silver surfer with a few others. It didn't even hit me that this was part of the new wave until reading this post. I'm shocked they got to this area so quickly. Trying to maximize sales for Black Friday. As might as well have product in...ya know. JUst too bad that they are only showing up at walmart.
  12. I found the remnants of a W21 case (Spiderman, SS, Psylocke, IP etc...) and a lonely Jubilee (i assume since the card was all bent and messed up). Jubs was the Only one i picked up.
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