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Everything posted by GERRILLIUS

  1. I personally think the figure is rare, but not b/c it has it is on the international card, but for it being a MOC blade in general. If it were to be a common figure like lets say a Doc Sampson or Kitty Pryde, then not really. I have a IM2 comic Whiplash on an international card - i made a trade for it from a canadian boardmember before they started trickling down in the states. I thought it was cool in general and have it MOC. When i found one in my area, i opened the US carded one instead. It's just interesting to have in my collection. In the end i would consider the international Blade a "placeholder" until i would have a regular version so i can match it to the rest of my collection. btw, i would think that would be "new thread worthy". a new thread would allow for the topic to be revisited later on down the line whereas it might get forgotten dug deep in this one. and i'm sure there are others that will have great opinions on this subject.
  2. I'd say if anything, colossus more rare than constrictor. and speaking of repacks, someone apparently bought DD/BE two pack repacked with the series one versions of both. Gah, I need that Sinister/Gambit pack! But glad your buddies were able to score it. I hope my walmart restocks tomorrow, but chances are since they stocked them last Thurs...they won't get them again til next week. If they don't consider the powerman packs as "stocked" at least. Instead I find this today... bwahahahahahaha!!! those f***ing repackers....bane of the toy collector those guys and the bubble cutters that like cutting the figures out and leave the empty box behind. Colossus maybe BUT why the Constrictor? Aren't constrictors still HTF? I see those WAY too often. I treat them like unwanted variants nowadays. Constrictor warmed pegs since he came out in the revision cases last year. I don't see him as much now, but he pegwarmed.
  3. I recently saw somewhere that someone posted a custom of black widow with x-23's legs. Does anyone recall it...i can't find it anymore. It might be on another site, but if you know what i'm talking about can you link me?
  4. Since there's been some downtime...i present New Mutants, Nate Gray - Namor base body with sculpted hair and pants, cut off the tips of namor's ears and scraped off his crazy eyebrows. Jacket from scarlet spider. a bit shiny, but i think Nate came out well. @grui - we've been thinking the same for nate. can't wait to see what you do for your his head.
  5. Great blindfold!! A must steal. Great job.
  6. How much is it going for at Kroger? I've never seen two packs there before. Singles go for 9.99.
  7. Yeah man. I'm going to do that also. Sneaky sneaky valeria gave one to Uncle Doom, in the current issue of FF. Speaking of Valeria (and Franklin) does anyone know of other figures lines that can be used to make them?
  8. i would have picked it up, but i'm just really looking a moc version of the red daredevil. either way, the one i have on display is the two pack one.
  9. HTX - Walmart only had one of each and twas a special BE/DD two pack (i left it).
  10. I'm not piecing that "rule" together. What's the problem/concern?
  11. Great stuff guys. Props esp. to Moonstar.
  12. random: i saw at one of my targets that GI Joe single figures were going at 10.99 a figure. jees. can't be good.
  13. Avengers set. Intriguing. That was a surprise. How much was that going for?
  14. Wow. I remember always wanting that one bc of the interchangable heads but could never find it. Its interesting bc that character wasny even from the comics. He was created as a villain for the cartoon. As for the value, I think 7.99 is too much. I've seen those old X-Men figures at comic shops and cons for $4-5 each. No one collects them anymore. I do. I'm trying to complete that series. Anyways! That crazy for that to show up there.
  15. And that solves that mystery. To be honest, it really doesn't bother me that much that it is a mismatched apocalypse, but still overall a badass figure. Thanks Hokutonoken29 - WELCOME! to the MN boards. You'll have fun here. Thanks Wolvie - always a great source for Marvel info. And i'm still interested in some old Toy Biz figs - just waiting for when i have a little extra moola to buy.
  16. PM Sent. I've got an extra, GERRILIUS. Let me know if you want it. Heads up guys, I found a Walmart who had clearanced the Avengers line along with the Thor and Cap lines down to $5 each. I was able to walk away with a good handful of them for $5 each. So nice. ;)
  17. I'm barely scratching the surface of the ML world, but i scored this bad boy a little bit ago to compliment my MU collection from evilbay. And i just noticed that my apocalypse BAF has two different colored arms. It just baffles me. Does any one have any reason why? or is he just really like that. And looking closer at it - the left arm and upper torso seem to have a dark blue tone and the rest of him are more light blue. Just curious and any thoughts are welcome. And i scored a madam viper today.
  18. So i picked up a Mod IM at the store that was hanging with the latest rev case and got the one on the right below, with the silver shield logo/revered card art. And nuts it was the one i already had MOC. I guess now i'm looking for the original one (gold shield logo). Aside to that - floodgates have been opened with the apoc/wwh rev cases. Nothing new in my area. Lol, no. More like, "Ugh, there are figures from this line I don't have, oh well." Oh, and heads up MOC completionists, Modular Iron Man has a packaging variant:
  19. Smart man. I wish i didn't start "cherry picking" ML.
  20. almost bought those $5 family dollar "MUs" just for the hell of it. thank goodness FD decided to put a security tag on each and every toy there or else i would have got it. not really into holes through the card. ghettttoooooo.
  21. ha. i was thinking that we were referring the actual figure paint job. But yeah...the card art seems the same just flipped and cropped into more. I think they actually are the same art work. Beyond the flip and crop they also rotated it. Yea, you're right. I didn't do the legwork to verify it, but I was poorly eyeballing it... :)
  22. PM Sent. Found entire wave 2 at target. Madam Masque, FF Spidey, Unmaksed Daken, Thunderball set. Thunderball is one huge assed figure. Bought MM, Unmasked Daken, FF Spidey and Fantomex.
  23. Dang it. I was thinking about this while looking at that rev case whether if it would have any "variants." I guess so. The question is if it's worth it or not at $9+ a pop. Thanks PP. Lol, no. More like, "Ugh, there are figures from this line I don't have, oh well." Oh, and heads up MOC completionists, Modular Iron Man has a packaging variant:
  24. Tru raised their Hasbro 3.75 figures to 9.99 - MU, Thor, Cap, SM. Jees. Wanted to pick up a comic color hydra soldier ...but 9.99 is now my breaking point. also found 2 MU cases of this at a target: 1x World War Hulk 1x Modular Armor Iron Man 1x Spider-Man 2099 1x Spider-Woman 1x Cable 2x First Appearance Wolverine 2x Apocalypse 1x Cyclops 2x Gladiator
  25. Oh. Didn't know that. Makes sense then. I'm sure it's a great figure, i'm enjoying the ones i've got. I'd get bucky cap, but i'm just cherry picking the ones that interest me. To be fair he's the extra in the case. It's actually a great figure!
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