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Posts posted by shaneva002
I've givin up on getting A-Bomb and Dagger, Ebay is flooded with them both and retards are still relisting them for stupid prices despite the fact they are over taking Abomination and Cloak in numbers.
I hope those team packs are still coming out I want them Asgardians.
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Yea its kinda retarded too that A-Bomb/Dagger are still going for scalper prices on ebay when they're almost outnumbering Abomination/Cloak there. I bet they'll outnumber them by next week since these cases are hitting shelves now.
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I'm officially jealous.
Yea I feel for everyone who wants these two. Its sad that the fear that these were "true variants" and were going to be scarce back before wave 23 released has skyrocketed the price to retarded levels. Its even sadder now that even though these are releasing now in numbers the prices will prob never go down because they're still being looked at as "Extremely hard to find variants" and hunted to extinction by scalpers.
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Yea It seems like ABomb and Dagger are starting to flood in which lends itself to them not being true variants like MLs. They're already starting to slowly dip on ebay. I'll just wait.
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I'm in Hollywood for the week and hit up multiple Targets and Toysrus's and nothing but Hercs everywhere lol I did pick up a Kurse though.
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Yeah I cannot read it. It's selling for 78 something.
I would buy one, but I've never ordered from that site and I don't want to learn how to order from them. This just means they'll start popping up soon on ebay from Chinese sellers anyway. I'll wait til then.Dont have it yet, but I guy that I work with will get it for me
Crap I think I bought it accidentally? That bill might suck.
Lol I think you bought the last one. I was gonna take the plunge with you and see what happens but the buy button is gone. And ya 78yuan is like $13.
I bet the w24 figs will start popping up on ebay from Chinese sellers next week.
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Dont have it yet, but I guy that I work with will get it for me
I would buy one, but I've never ordered from that site and I don't want to learn how to order from them. This just means they'll start popping up soon on ebay from Chinese sellers anyway. I'll wait til then.
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Ya I guess it really comes down to wither you like the open mouth or gritting teeth version.
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I went to my usual barren walmart and they finally put out wave 1 of the Avengers Assemble figures. I already owned the ones I wanted but I decided to pick up the Hulk since in person the head is already a different shade of green then the body. So I just widen the hole on the W18 Hulk and switched heads and looks good even without any paint.
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SOooooooo.... I had an 'incident' yesterday applying some spray matte clear on a custom. I'm not sure if I didn't shake it well enough or WHAT. but the figure ended up with a white frosting kind of 'slimed' look.
Basically looks like crap, and now I need it off. Anyone know a good way to get that stuff OFF a figure? soap? Acetone? REALLY don't wnat to start from scratch on this thing... but gotta do SOMEthing....
Don't know if this will work but when i'm using testors and mess up I throw the piece into some lighter fluid and it comes off pretty good. Just wash it off with water afterwards lol
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Found an Avengers Assemble loose figure of the Leader from an ebay seller in China. I ordered it and that pretty much closes out my wants for the Assemble sub-line.Looking forward to more real MU releases before the line is done! Where the AvX X-men box at?
Ya That Leader on ebay kept price creeping when he sold several or so. I ordered mine last week I think right when he put up the first batch because mine was like $11 free shipping and now they're going for $19. Anyway Leader will be at my doorstep Friday.
Don't know about the last box sets though. I hope they still release them I really wanted the Asgardians one.
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Got my Abomination in today, love him.
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eBay's kokomo-toys has carded Cloak and Abomination in stock for 16.00 but will accept $15.00 if you offer.
More proof the first rollout is 2 x Cloak and 2 x Abomination. That's a given now.
Man they used to charge cheaper for new figs, that's about $19-$20 with shipping per fig. More proof that these mom and pop stores are going to use the "These are the last waves" to jack the prices up on these last figures.
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I don't like any of these figures enough to pay over retail for... now, if it were Omega Red and I was worried about not finding him in stores, I could drop 20 bucks for him
That's how I felt about Abomination(Especially since hes sharing a variant spot), luckly I could care less about the rest in this wave. All I need now is Omega Red and the Asgardians team pack and the MU line is a wrap for me.
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Ya I was fully prepared to pay $40 for both Leader and Abomination($20 each). But since I got Leader for $14 I decided why not with abomination.
Anyways some seller got his wave 23 cases in and they all got crushed cards so hes selling them loose for about $20 each shipped, go get them guys!
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I talked my abomination down to $24 and only bit on that because I was able to snag a Leader for dirt cheap or I would've waited. If you think these last 2 waves are gonna roll out smooth with no hitch then by all means your more then welcome to wait and try your luck, as for me i'm done with this wave.
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Ya I bought an Abomination from them. I also bought an Avengers Assemble Leader from a hong kong seller.
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Is Ebay messed up for anyone else? Everytime I type something in it comes out as "0 items where found for" and only a half page pops up. I've different stuff and its still the same.
It was crashing for a bit when the $12.00 Abomination and Dagger figures were up. That order was tough to get in! Now that they're sold out it's basically working again.
HaHaHa I wouldn't be surprise if that did happen knowing my luck.
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Is Ebay messed up for anyone else? Everytime I type something in it comes out as "0 items where found for" and only a half page pops up. I've different stuff and its still the same.
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I would buy an abomination off of happy if he still had them but sadly he put those up first and were gone before I knew he had W23 figs.
But no way in hell am I shelling out $50 for Abomination from a U.S. scalper retard I'd rather leave that hole in my collection rather than in my wallet.
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Ya daggers and abombs showing up on ebay but the retards that have them are screwing everyone with the huge price hikes.
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.........He sold his abominations already I was gonna buy one. Sigh I have a feeling him and Omega Red will never make it into my collection......
Dude, if they release a case with 2 Omega Reds, I will hook you up with my second one if you don't find him because I will be casing that.
Well i'll take you up on that Omega Red, now lets hope they release a case with x2 in it.........
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He's put more up.
I'm totally confused as to how Hasbro is doing the case now.
Ya but no more Abomination. He had only 2 which sold out fast. I'm really worried i'm not ever gonna get him now.
3 3/4" sighting and hauls
in Marvel Legends Figure Discussion
Ordered Cloak and A-Bomb/Dagger off ebay last Friday from 2 different sellers both on the opposite side of the country and Cloak will be here today and the A-Bomb/Dagger seller hasn't even shipped yet..........
I ordered Cloak after A-Bomb/Dagger too.