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About EliThomas

  • Birthday 08/04/1985

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    United States

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  1. Wow Im so mad right now. Hey Hasbro thanks for using cheap as hell fedex to ship your stuff. They left it out in the wide open and its soaked. WTF am I supposed to do with it now. This is insane. and the worst part is I had to pay 9 dollars to have this terribly slow and stupid shipping. and of course Im not going to get into this with anyone cause theyll pawn it off on the next guy or I know Im sure its just my fault. Hey shout out to ups for leaving your packages somewhere smart and leaving a sorry we missed you note in my mail box. Screwed as always.
  2. Im just kind of bummed about the running change Wrecking Crew thing.
  3. The boxes for these look great and I just spent my 36.16 for Thor off of HTS.
  4. Im pretty excited. I think overall everthing looks pretty good. I dont hate Terrax but I think a better character could have been used for the relaunch.
  5. The face is the only thing I like a little bit better on the MS one. Hah Thor and his damn pancake face.
  6. Yeah I was suprised he even had any of the Fantastic Four line. All of his open figures were so cheap, that really helped out. The only two that were a little more was the Sabretooth and Kitty. It was nice finding Giant man series figures in general.
  7. I got all of this at a toy store doing a 25% off sale. His prices are good to begin with so this was a good buy. Got this all for 280.
  8. Wow this could be really cool. I hope you do good with it.
  9. I wouldnt mind a current set with Moonstone and Man-Thing.
  10. This sounds awesome. Hope came out of left field but Im so happy they are making it and Id assume Rogers will be the current Comander Rogers figure. Ha I know Im one of the only ones but I love the fact that they are doing a movie figure in the line also. I wanted them to keep going with that idea I just wish it would have been Punisher Warzone or Whiplash.
  11. Hah true, I keep forgetting about this years sdcc. Hey Wolverine I know youre a good person to ask, is the Hawkeye from series 7 any different or is it just the bow?
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