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Posts posted by CommanderRogers

  1. lol. Don't you guys know what's going on? It's obvious that the people at Hasbro who decide the case packs are the same people who are scalping ya'll! They run, EE, BBTS, and sell on Amazon and Ebay. They might be screwing up the companies sales, but they are making a bundle for themselves on the side.




    okay, so it's far fetched. But it makes more sense than those case packs being chosen by an intelligent person with no stake in the secondary market. yet somehow it keeps happening. They need to fire someone at Hasbro. Maybe quite a few "someones" actually.

  2. wow. I'm sure there are twenty more pages back that I need to go through, but just seeing the last 4 or 5 was simply amazing. Supertom, you are lucky I do not know where you live. That Agent Venom is absolutely awesome!

    Heck, I'd shut down the entire American government just to get my hands on that baby.

  3. Went on vacation this past weekend for our anniversary and ended up finding Elektra and Mysterio at a Target, then Rhino at another Target 20 miles further. Finally on our way back we actually found Angel at a TRU. And the ironic thing is, I was mid-sentence in a complaint that we had NEVER found anything at that TRU because it's so close to a comic shop and everything is always picked over. My oldest son just laughed about it then started shouting to the rest of the family (who were all over the store by then) that we had Angel finally.


    Also got pretty much the entire 3.75 Black Series for my second oldest. He's decided to keep them MOC.lol I also picked up Darth Maul and Luke in the 6" Black, but he doesn't know it yet. His bday is just over a month away.


    So, while MU sucks around my area, I have still managed to catch up - and all without resorting to feebay or scalperzon! woohoo!

  4. and holy crap that IS an awesome Spiral! wow


    I think I know who your source might be. Friends on facebook too, though mainly so I can gawk at all his awesome stuff. Does he do some fake "MOC" stuff too, with the custom packaging and all? If so, it's probably the same guy I'm thinking about. Only ever broke down and got one thing from him but I've watched lots of them wishing I could get myself to drop some more cash. Most of the time his customs are way better than any actual MU figure. As is the case with this one.

  5. You people never heard of Armadillo? He's actually been in stuff within the last few years too. I think he was even in the Thunderbolts title a little while though as a baddie not joining them. He was never a major player but showed up in a few company wide crossovers I think.


    Anyway, that IS a great job on that custom. I agree that the body works better for him than for Rhino. Did you sculpt that shell and tale yourself?

  6. The LCS in Orlando close to my job has a lot of current Marvel Legends and Toybiz Marvel Legends also. PM me if there are any you are looking for and I can check and see what he is selling them for. If you want something, it will be whatever the LCS cost plus shipping (and maybe a couple bucks for my time and gas). I mainly collect MU figures, so if you got some for trade, we can work something out too.


    Dang! you drive from Lutz to Orlando for work? Hope you got some books on tape or something to pass that time. If so, you'll have a PhD or two with all the "reading" you'll get done on the drive. Hope whatever job you've got is worth all that.

  7. Yes, HTS told me that the variants were NEVER available and it was a mistake to show them on the website. They credited me for my Dani and told me to keep it and donate it to a charity if I didn't need another one.

    Since we don't really buy and wrap presents for our own kids for Christmas but have them pick out stuff for other kids we'll probably just keep the extra Mystique for our girls. Unless they decide they'd rather give that one away too.

    They also told me that "if" I ever see it available again on HTS then I could place my order and call them and remind them and they would ship it for free. The way they said "if" was a little disconcerting to say the least. Kinda like, "if you ever win the lottery, then ...."

  8. http://www.amoktime.com/dec121644.html


    Shows listed as February. Hopefully others will follow suit soon.




    Your favorite Marvel Comics characters are now available to collectors in a newer 6-inch action figure scale! Some of the world's most famous characters are now recreated with new sculpts, and they come with accessories. Figures include Captain America, Hyperion, X-Force Wolverine, Protector, Archangel, and Red She-Hulk.

    Case pack should include:


    2 X X-Force Wolverine

    2 X Captain America

    1 X Hyperion

    1 X Protector

    1 X Red She-Hulk

    1 X Archangel.


    Please note there may be variants. variants cannot be guaranteed.


    Blister card packaging.


    Coming February.



    PLEASE NOTE: All cases will be opened and checked for case pack. All cases will be double boxed for safety.






    PLEASE NOTE: All cases will be opened and checked for case pack. All cases will be double boxed for safety.


    PLEASE NOTE: All cases will be opened and checked for case pack.



    I other words, "if there happens to be a variant in YOUR package, we will take it out and give you two of the regulars so we can sell the variant separately at 4 times the cost"


    Not saying this is the practice at this particular store, just at ALL of these vendors who seem to have the variant ONLY available separately at an exorbitant markup.

  9. 16629539[/url]']

    16629536[/url]' date='Dec 5 2012, 05:27 PM']And hts seems to be removing figures. The newest ML figures it seems.



    nope, just moved them out of the whats new section. just go to the regular marvel section under action figures, and they are all still there. you might be suprised what they still have available.


    You sure? Because I don't see red Deadpool there anymore or that Moonstar. And when I search, he is gone.


    Ahhh. they got pulled because they were showing the wrong fig. They are only shipping the grey DP and the mystique. They had already had a bunch of complaints and returns because they were showing the wrong fig from what people were ordering. Someone messed up when they got initially put up.


    yep, that's what happened to me. Hasbro was nice enough to refund the cost of the figure, let me keep it anyway, and offer free shipping on Dani if she ever shows up again. So, they handled it as well as the could without actually having the figure to replace. Still kinda miffed that I won't be seeing a DM any time soon - if at all.


    And what is up with this site? I finally tear myself off WOW and log in here for the first time in about a week and what do I find at the top? WOW banner taunting me and telling me I should be playing again.lol


    ....which reminds me, I gotta go do ....something. see ya'll in about a week?






    Oh, and before I forget, props to Wolverine2281 for getting me the ML Warbird!!! I've wanted this figure since I first saw a picture of it. Now I have the decision of whether to open a really nice package or just display it proudly in all its pristine glory.....

  10. um, what was there to report? I mean, saying everybody was "tripping" was out of line but nothing to report. It wasn't all THAT bad.

    Or did I incite a worse tirade that got deleted before I saw it? If that's the case, I apologize for escalating things. I was intending to let him know that it wasn't polite, but perhaps I was too strong and just made it worse. Oh well.

    Let's be careful not to scare off the newbs, even if they sometimes come across as know-it-all or something. It'd be nice to expand the customer base and possibly see even more new stuff because it's profitable to Hasbro. If we make people quit then it'll be harder to get Hasbro to make Masterworks and other crap we expect.


    Besides, it's just good to be nice.

  11. Yall are trippen, I have never seen the prices drop on this stuff.


    uh, yes, the people who have been collecting this line since its inception are ALL "tripping" while the newbie "knows" what's going on.


    Especially funny from someone who says they are saving money by getting the case from BBTS so they can get all the variants. BBTS says they will not guarantee any particular case assortment when you get a case, so the only way to guarantee the variants is to actually pay their rather inflated prices for the individual figures.


    If you genuinely have some type of "insider" connection then please feel free to spill; but don't put down the long timers and act like they know nothing compared to you unless you have something concrete to back it up. And I'm not saying that being in this for a long time means all your predictions will be correct either. There are plenty of long timers who rush to judgement and act crazy every time some new piece of "info" bounces around. But you're insulting some people who are usually fairly level headed (eh, with a few exceptions here or there.lol)

  12. What's the deal with the Falcon/Cap 2 pack's Cap paint app? I understand they're trying to create the shading effect, but it looks pretty terrible. Only Nightcrawler should have the shade effect in dark black. It looks like he's all greased up after a long afternoon working on the Cap-mobile in the Cap-garage...



    I thought that was the "Coffee Spill" Captain America....





    even heroes have bad days

  13. I picked up a ML Fantomex for 10 bucks at Target. It had a clearance sticker on it labeled "repackage" even though it was clear to me that it had not been opened at all.


    I think some of the employees mistake the factory tape on the back of Hasbro toy packaging as something that a customer did before returning it



    and yet when some @$$hole repacker really does return stuff they completely miss it. sheesh!

  14. And for a completely different help topic.....


    I am finally getting the last piece of my Pitt BAF and I'm wanting to make a Surtur out of him. I think a tail from one of the "How to Train your Dragon" figures might work for his tail; however, I have absolutely no idea what to use for his head. I need an appropriate Surtur head that will work on something as large as Pitt. Any suggestions?


    And my sculpting experience is minimal, so making my own is not very likely and pretty much at the bottom of my list of choices so far.

  15. Ok need some help im working on a new blade using a new punisher, I like the old head and had an extra blade body and head. Now the ball socket on the head is larger than the joint on the body. Question is what can I do to mount the head onto the body,but still get full mobility. Any help would be greatly appreciated



    Honestly, when I dremel out the heads I intentionally go larger than I need to. I don't really play with my customs or let my kids play with them, but I do like to have LOTS of poseability. So, I go larger and then use a small bit of sticky-putty like you would use to hang posters or something. It's inside so it isn't seen and it will hold the head in any position you want to pose them in. And because the hole is larger, there are far more possible positions than if you make a snug or "perfect" fit anyway.

    So, you could use some greenstuff or other plastic putty; but I would suggest just getting some sticky putty unless it is for playing instead of posing.


    This allows for things like looking up or even cocking the head sideways a little - two positions that aren't generally available with most neck joints.

  16. The problem is with the dipsh!t$ at Hasbro and their idiotic case packs. Sure, there's only one of each of those guys per case. But then there are alternates of some of the others so people end up ordering multiple cases just to get a complete set - then they return the extras that they don't need to a store somewhere.

    I don't know about you guys, but I've noticed stores with essentially the same stock from one visit to the next except a sudden addition of another Constrictor or several Klaws. Now, it's possible that they got a whole new case and sold all except those guys; but logic would dictate that the new ones were actually returns - especially if it's only been one day since my last visit and the computer said there weren't any in back before. I really find it hard to be mad at the people doing this though, since it is aggravating to have characters like Mystique and M Hydra only one per TWO cases which means that characters like Klaw are double the availability and those d@nged Iron Man clones are basically 4 times the availability (and YES, I am tired of seeing a bunch or Iron Man all over Targets - even if he is still selling better than Klaw and Constrictor)

  17. nothing new around here in MU. Stopped by Kmart around 9:30 this am so my youngest son could get the new Cars2 stuff. They only had one new car. Supposedly opened the cases at 9 am and there's nothing there 30 minutes later? The ladies at the service desk said there was only one guy there so far this morning. One guy. cleaned out all but one car. ticks me off. All of you who think scalping is perfectly legit.... yes, tell that to a nine year old who can't get new stuff because some slob hoarded them to make people support his whopper addiction.

    My only consolation was seeing another known scalper showing up as we were leaving. Of course, he might have also been there earlier and came back for something else (like the three Catwoman figures), but I prefer to think that he missed out entirely - even if that's not the likely scenario



    As for Four Horsemen stuff, I prefer the Seventh Kingdom stuff. I got some of the Scarabus figures too, but I love all the animal warriors they did. I wish they would continue. The prototype for the Raven figure was totally awesome, and then I saw another bird type warrior was displayed at a can this past year. Still nothing available from them though.

    Wish they'd stop the stupid "outerspace men" junk and get back to some cool animal people again.

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