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Posts posted by Neal

  1. My wife and I discovered a Stretch and Strike Venom at a Walmart tonight! Then we picked up the kids from my parents, went home and discovered that they have lice!!!

    Still debating how I feel about tonight - good one or bad one?


    And for those who have found the SS Venom, mine shows white teeth and "eyes" on the picture of the appendage, but the actual appendage is all black. Is this normal or is there something wrong with the appendage? Frankly I don't like that part of it anyway, but I love the sculpt on the body. And the paint kinda looks mettallic or something - sorta shimmery or something.

    But do all of them have all black attachments or do some/most of them have attachments that are painted the way it shows on the back?


    I picked up this figure last week and the appendage on mine is all black as well.

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