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Posts posted by Neal

  1. On 9/12/2022 at 11:37 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:

    lemme know how it goes getting those wings into venom's back, I could get one in after a ton of trying, the second one was a no go, I even tried the heating with boiled water method, those wings are a real pain, I gave up in the end. I hope it goes better for you


    It was basically a major pain in the ass.  One went in easier than the other, but they were both really tough.  They're in there ... for now.

  2. On 7/12/2022 at 7:37 AM, bashpics99 said:

    target having a  sale on a bunch of upcoming figures. with many marked down to $18 or so.  alas many have the dread 'pre-orders sold out' label but still, if you're interested in some of the current/upcoming waves might be worth checking out.



    Thanks for the tip!  Between Marvel Legends and Black Series, I was able to reorder 17 figures at the cheaper price.

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