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About 1987olds442

  • Birthday 02/09/1977

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    United States
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  1. Seems like a no brainer for a deluxe release, and they could add some alternate fist for it as well.
  2. I wanted a bigger comic style Abomination I was never happy with the size of the comic Abomination BAF. So I decided to use my extra Gamerverse Abomination BAF as the base for a better comic style version. I bought a casting of the comic Abomination BAF head and fitted it to the Gamerverse body, and then painted up both the head and body. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. And now I have a bigger and badder looking Abomination.
  3. Thanks 🙂 I thought about going the Gundam marker route as well, I even bought the marker. But I just wasn't feeling it, so I decided to go with washes instead. I'm glad that I did it does have a more natural feel to it. I ended up putting a couple of coats extra with a fine tip brush into the quilted line areas after the first wash for a darker tone, but if you prefer a lighter color you don't have to put that many on it.
  4. After getting the retro carded Shocker I wasn't happy with the paint or lack thereof. The pale mustard yellow wasn't to my liking either. For a solution I applied a Testors mahogany wash to the yellow areas which I used to fill in the quilted lines, and it had the added benefit of tinting the yellow to a more pleasing color. I also applied a black wash to the brown areas of the costume, and I touched up the brown areas that had missing paint.
  5. I just finished up my latest custom of the character Sludge from the Ultraverse. Sludge is one of my favorite characters from the Ultraverse. The base figure is a Marvel Legends Deluxe Toxin with some Hulk hands and feet. I sculpted all of the dripping slime on the the body with epoxy, and sculpted the head for Sludge. The sculpting was a ton of work on this one especially having to do in stages. The paint job was actually pretty fun with all the washes and dry brushing. Overall I'm really happy with how this one turned out.
  6. I only have five there was a limit of only five, and that is what I bought. Each Skrull comes with two heads, so I bought ML Paladin figures to double the amount of Skrulls. 😉
  7. The head started out a an enlarged casting of the toybiz Smart Hulk head from Glassman Customs that I got years ago. I ended up resculpting the hair and the back of the head.
  8. Thank you very much. I was definitely going for the look of Gary Franks artwork.
  9. I started with the knock off 80th Anniversary Hulk, and used the KO Juggernaut belt, waist, upper legs, and knees. The head is a slightly resculpted enlarged casting of the toybiz Smart Hulk head. I modified the diaphragm ball joint socket to make the torso a little taller and add some clearance to the joint. Then a full paint job.
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